I thought of an interesting algorithm to determine the total value of loot found in an unlooted container: First, the size of the number (binary) is determined by 16 or even 32 nested IF statements containing radomized true/false selectors. This will result in: Loot size (bits) Chance Minimum gold Maximum gold 1 50% 0 1 2 25% 0 4 3 12.5% 0 8 4 6.25% 0 16 5 3.125% 0 32 7 8 9 10 11 etc,, Second, The empty number places are filled with random bits (again by randomized true/false). A whole number is now formed. Third, the begotten amount is multiplied by the player's level. A second algorithm to determine the actual contents of the container from a given amount is already in the game, I guess. Otherwise we need one of those, too.. That's it! Now the awesomeness of this algorithm is that it turns Skyrim's loot system into an addictive gambling game with an almost unimaginably large jackpot! Half of the containers will, of course, be empty, which is pretty resonable in some ancient ruin, i would say. But if you are very very very lucky. you could some day find a chest full of flawless diamonds worth millions!!