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Posts posted by Ashlander80

  1. Im completely stumped here. Just got a new laptop with Windows, installed Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon, and the Morrowind Overhaul. Had no problems except for some issue with saving over games in the usual directory, but saving and overwriting saves into a virtual directory in My Documents was fine. It would not however, overwrite the autosave save file in the Morrowind directory, which prevented my from leveling up because i would get an error after resting. I thought a simple reinstall might fix the problem.


    Now when i install Morrowind, with or without expansions doesnt matter, I get an error "File "" cannot be found" when its loading to the main menu. When starting a new game it'll sometimes CTD, sometimes run normally, i've reinstalled it about 10 times now and its varied whether it crashed or not each time. Installing or running as administrator has no effect. I cleaned out the registry for anything relating to Morrowind or its expansions, and still no change.


    Also, occasionally nothing will happen the first time running the launcher after an install, which brings up an error when uninstalling because there is a second process going in the background that I have to end manually. And the last couple times i've done an uninstall, everything in the Morrowind folder has been able to be deleted, but it wont let me delete the morrowind folder itself, because it apparently being used, even though there are no processes or programs running that would be using it. Not sure if this issue is related or not.


    Im at my wits end. what the f*** is going on?

  2. I never navmeshed the testcell on the old mod before the crash. And they'll strafe with the bow. Theres one actor with no relationships, and he runs away if you attack sombody else. Also if it was a navmesh problem i would think they'd still attack if you got close enough. But you can just run right up to them after they attack once or twice and they'll just stand there looking at you with their weapon drawn, and occasionally circle around you.


    I just spent like the last week just remaking the weapons and armor. Really dont want to have to restart AGAIN, because of some bug.


    EDIT: You nailed it. It dawned on me that I didn't navmesh the old test cell because it was a modified duplicate of the QAsmoke cell, so i didn't have to. This time i made it from scratch, so i did a quick recast gen, loaded the cell ingame, attacked the closest NPC, and got utterly destroyed. Im guessing the strafing and movement associated with ranged combat just isnt affected by navmesh as much. Thanks for the tip.

  3. I've got 5 or 6 actors put into a test cell with everything else created from my mod. When you start combat with any of them they go into combat mode, attack you once or twice, then just stand there or pace around you.


    Only exception to this is an actor that uses a bow, who will actually attack. But when his weapon is switched to a melee weapon, he does the same as the rest. All actors are set up more or less the same, just different Classes and CombatStyles.


    Aggression is set to aggressive.

    Confidence is to Average/Brave.

    All have relationships to each other set as Ally. No relationships to the player.

    All are in the same faction.

    All vanilla NPCs are unaffected and attack as normal.


    I had the mod set up exactly the same as far as I can tell before my hard drive failed and I was forced to restart, and everything worked as intended. Any ideas what the problem is? I've tried adjusting just about everything there is relating to combat behavior and nothing has helped so far. Is it possible the .esp is just broken or something?


    Huge thanks in advance. Would love to get this sorted out. Have all the weapons/armor and main characters in the mod remade, and this is the only thing keeping me from getting the quest line restarted.

  4. I've been having trouble getting the normal maps to work on the armor addon models (that display on the character), they only show up correctly on the world/inventory models, and on the first person models. ATM the diffuse is still the vanilla texture, just located in a different folder, and the normal is vanilla normal, just roughed up a little, and in the same folder as the diffuse. Diffuse loads fine, normal doesnt load at all. Tried switching back to the vanilla normal, and it doesnt show up right either. It's just a flat surface, no detail. I've re-textured other items in the same mod, and their normals show up just fine. Applied those normals just to see if they would have an effect, and they didnt do anything either. Even went as far as getting nifscope to try some of the fixes using that and still nothing worked. Im sure its gotta be something obvious im skipping over...


    Normal is saved as...


    DXT 5

    Alpha Field: Unchanged

    Height: Average RGB

    Filter Type: 4 sample


    Any other info just ask.

  5. "A Dovahkiin or Dragonborn is a mortal man or woman born with the soul of a Dragon, or what the dragons would call "Dovah Sos" (dragonblood).[1] It enables them to use the dragon's ability to absorb a slain dragon's soul, thereby receiving knowledge of the thu'um rather than having to learn it through practice.[2] The player is Dragonborn in Skyrim."(this is from http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Dragonborn)


    As you see here, the Dragonborns are not immortal,they only have the soul and the blood of the Dragons, not the immortality of one.


    Lok, Thu'um

    Guess that ends that. Thought it might be an interesting debate, to see what people thought. Didn't expect such a definitive response so soon.

  6. In that sense, everyone in the game is probably 'immortal' as when they die their souls go to one place or another

    I remember hearing quite often that the Dragons are (or at least used to be) immortal, but nothing ever went into anymore detail then that. Weather the immortality came from their body, so they couldn't physically die, or from the soul, in which case... i dont know how they would still be considered alive after their physical death.

  7. So i was thinking the other day, and another thread popped this question back into my head. The reasoning behind the Dragonborns abilities is that he has the soul of a dragon. Dragons are immortal, they can die, but their soul remains. Would this not mean the Dragonborn would also be immortal?



  8. You know, a thought just occured to me. We learn in Oblivion that the Nerevarine leaves Morrowind and disappears. We hear nothing after that. The Nerevarine is the embodiment of the people of Morrowind. Here, in Skyrim, we have what may be the reincarnation of Tiber Septim - the embodiment of both Skyrim and the Empire. Given the violent history between the Empire and Morrowind (and Skyrim and the elves for that matter), could Bethesda be setting up a sequel in which the Nerevarine and the Dovahkiin are on opposite sides of a battle for the future of Tamriel, and the player is forced to choose between them, the same way the player chooses between Stormcloaks and Imperials in Skyrim?


    Edit: Now that I'm thinking about it, it suddenly seems suspicious that the power behind the Aldmeri Dominion is kept deliberately vague. In Oblivion we learn two things: the Nerevarine has left Morrowind for parts unknown, and that there is unrest in the Summerset Isles. Could the two be connected? Is the power behind the Aldmeri actually the Nerevarine working to destroy the Empire? Seems plausible, and a good contender for the location and plotline of the next Elder Scrolls game, the Dovahkiin and the Empire VS the Nerevarine and the Aldmeri in the Summerset Isles.

    The Nerevarine goes to Akavir. Its also noted that Tosh Raka of the Ka-Po-Tun has 'plans' for after they defeat the Tsechi (or however its spelt, the snake-folk). Maybe Nerevarine returns with the Ka-Po-Tun to take over Tamriel, which is defended by the Tiber reincarnate, Thalmor gets crushed in the middle? I actually agree with everyone else saying your not Tiber, but i thought it was a cool idea none-the-less.


    Here we find the Dragonborn appearing with a unique skill which everyone keeps saying has not been seen since Tiber Septim.

    Who says that? All of the emperors of the Septim dynasty, right down to Martin, were dragonborn.

    They wern't Dragonborn in the 'i have the soul of a dragon' sense. It was just another term for the Septim line.

  9. Got the human -> dragon transformation to work using this script:



    Scriptname apHumanAllyScript extends Actor  
    Actor Property apDragonForm  Auto  
    bool property apCanTransform Auto
    event oninit()
           apCanTransform = true
    event ondeath(actor apKiller)
           apCanTransform = false
    ; Testing block - uncomment if you don't feel like starting combat every time
    ;event onactivate(objectreference apRef)
    ;       ;turn into a dragon
    ;       apDragonForm.moveto(self)
    ;       apDragonForm.enable()
    ;       disable()
    event oncombatstatechanged(actor apTarget, int apState)
           if apState == 1
    event onupdate()
           if getcombatstate() == 1
                   if getavpercentage("health") <= 0.50 && apCanTransform == true
                           ;turn into a dragon

    Courtesy of Average Porcupine on bethsoft forums.


    No luck getting him to change back though. Ideally he should should change back when combat is over, but i can only get the change-back to work when the player 'activates' him.


    Change-back code from the same guy as above.


    Scriptname apDragonAllyScript extends Actor  
    Actor Property apHumanForm  Auto  
    bool property apIsDead Auto
    event oninit()
           apIsDead = false
    event ondeath(actor apKiller)
           apIsDead = true
    event oncombatstatechanged(actor apTarget, int apState)
           if apState == 0 && apIsDead == false
                   ; combat has ended, return to human form



    Also tried modifying the initial change-into code (that works) to work to do the opposite, no luck with this either.


    Scriptname apDragonAllyBackScript extends Actor  
    Actor Property apHumanForm  Auto  
    bool property apCanTransform Auto
    event oninit()
           apCanTransform = true
    event ondeath(actor apKiller)
           apCanTransform = false
    ; Testing block - uncomment if you don't feel like starting combat every time
    event onactivate(objectreference apRef)
    ;       ;turn into a dragon
    event oncombatstatechanged(actor apTarget, int apState)
           if apState == 0
    event onupdate()
           if getcombatstate() == 1
                   if getavpercentage("health") <= .50 && apCanTransform == true
                           ;turn into a human


  10. As part of the story in a mod me and some other guys are putting together (we consider it more of an unofficial expansion), we're going to need our follower to be able to turn into a dragon. We're going through great lengths to make sure we implement our story into the existing lore seamlessly, just wanted to point out that the dragon shapeshifting is lore friendly, no just random dragon madness for the sake of it.


    However, this is far beyond what any of us are capable of doing. It may not even be possible with the CK for all we know. We're learning a lot of what we need to do as we go. I figured it would have to be some sort of power or shout, but i dont know we would go about actually making it happen, nor what we would do for the animation of him shifting. We havent even attempted to do this yet as we no idea what would be the best way to do it. Any ideas, or help, or if you can just flatout do it for us, would be greatly appreciated. Anyone that contributes will be given due credit when its released.

  11. I made 4 or 5 NPCs, 2 of them are archers. When they go into combat they equip the bow, but the use hand to hand combat.


    The bows Skill is set to 'Archery ' , Equip Type is 'BothHands', Attack Anim is 'None', and the Anim Type is 'Bow'.


    The characters class is set to 'csCWSoldierMissile'. Tried the defaul and a few others as well. Same problem. Also tried vanilla bows from the game and still makes no difference. Any ideas?

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