Hi everyone. I've been looking for info about this particular issue but I've found very few posts, and none of them really helped me. One of them is even in this forum. The problem I'm having is that if I jump on top of a house (you know, by climbing, with a good acrobatics skill) and shoot the guards, sooner or later, one of them pops up right in my face, even if the place has no doors to get to the roof. There's a house Bravil, next to one of the gates, that has an external stair. If you take it, and jump to the house next to it, you'll land in a little balcony that has no other way of accessing it. There, in that particular place, a guard spawned next to me and started kicking my ass. Another time, I was in the forest, fighting a wolf, and I said to myself "Haha! Who has evolved? I'm gonna jump on top of this rock and kill the bastard!" Nope. Chuck Testa. The stupid wolf teleported right next to me. I had to run like a little girl -.- I'm low level, and I've been only playing for 10 hours, more or less. I AM using mods, and the unofficial patches. I'm also using the latest version of the game. If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it. I'll post a list of the mods I use if it's necessary. Thanks!