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About dragonslayer2k12

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That would have to be an edit to the vanilla leveled lists for ALL npcs including DLCs. Either this idea gets made or someone finally manages to fix the auto fire rate game bug that happens when loading a save from an exterior world cell. Oh and if you have too many and or certain weapon mod installed that causes the bug to happen more often too:-(
When Freedom Calls Quest Mod fix
dragonslayer2k12 replied to bjjones's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
Before you start the game with a new mod you must clean it properly with FO4edit no exceptions. Doesn't matter what the mod author says either always clean it first before starting the game with it and check for mod conflicts too like leveled list conflicts or cell and worldspace conflicts. NEVER just trust a mod author to do every single thing correctly even CC mods have bugs that are later fixed. -
Anyone got and good ideas on what would look good as a armor piece for mods like wasteland energy shields to represent the actual shield emitting technology visually? I mean just some thing either a vest or a belt to just toss into the correct folders and drop it in with FO4edit because the current visual representation in mods like wasteland energy shields is a dam ring... so yeah I'm looking at those cod pieces from commonwealth spartans mod or some kind of harness thing from other mods but it would great if someone already made this and I just need to find it.
Weird scrap world boarder walls
dragonslayer2k12 replied to delmar93's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
You actually don't need to normally start a new game to test things, you can actually bring up the console at the title menu in game and use a coc command to go somewhere in the game world and wait for all the mod startup crap to roll by in the upper left corner of the screen. Don't forget to use god mode command and tdetect command so npcs won't see or interact with you and you can't be killed by falling off something or getting blown up somehow. -
Well I went around slapping in occlusion cubes almost 25% of the cell before trying to create a portal between two cubes lol portals can only be created between roombounds. So if I want to go the occlusion route it would have to be planes only so about FOUR planes around each doorway and get them all just perfectly lined up too. I bet the only way this invisible objects bug gets fixed is if some evil CC mod tries to make a large interior settlement. Hell I would think vault 88 would have done that already though. EDIT Tried some occlusion planes around the big elevator room and ran into some buggy problems and of course when trying to build a chair in the big elevator room from just the other side of the door (where I stopped the occlusion planes around it) the chair is invisible until I step through the door then it works again. So it looks like precombine/previs only for this mod.
I think it is because I am using roombounds and portals that I can't build anything visible in this mod. The main bunker area is where I added the roombounds and portals but the build area or second workshop room where it is just a few pieces and a workshop there are no portals and roombounds, that room works just fine regardless of what I change elsewhere. I tried a simple thing I loaded up the original mod in the CK then loaded the interior cell and loaded another cell from the same mod then saved the the file with the CK and exited. I loaded the saved file with xedit and did a compare to option to see what it changed. Other than screwing up some armor addon bone data and rearranging data on the location entries it doesn't seem to change much other than the navmesh data here and there. So I tried that saved file in game and I can build in there just fine. This tells me the CK by itself is not causing this particular problem for me. Then I tried doing a compare to option again in xedit and I compared the original mod file to the altered file I have been working on with the roombounds and portals in it. I dragged over all the navmesh data from the original mod just to see if it was my navmesh alterations that were causing the problems. Loaded it up in game and still had the same bug can't build visible items in the main bunker area. The only thing left to do is do a compare to again in xedit and toss out all my roombound and portal work to see if it makes a difference and if that fixes the problem then well, that sucks. It would mean I would have to go with previs and precombine option instead of roombounds and portals which means higher load on the fps since everything will still be rendered all at once just a little faster because of precombined. It would also mean no support for material swaps on the precombined meshes although I'm not sure that applies to this mod I will have to check. I was thinking what if it is the roombounds and portals that would suck, I mean surely one of those CC mods have run into this problem by now like neon flats mod maybe I haven't checked it yet. I did check vanilla interior cells the player can build in like homeplate but it doesn't have roombounds or portals and neither does noir penthouse. I suppose I could look at mechanist lair or vault88. If beth did get it to work, how? and why does this problem happen with roombounds and portals? Every search I try for info on roombounds and portals turns up youtube links to creation kit tutorials that don't tell me a dam thing about this problem. Well I found my answer before even trying removal of roombounds I found it here https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6183538-baffled-i-am-haunted-by-invisible-objects-at-internal-settlements/page-1 Seems I'm not the only one trying to figure this out. From reading there it seems that roombounds and portals can work alongside precombines which I didn't think was possible since I read somewhere else earlier that checking the previs option for a cell would disable roombounds and portals. SIGH............ all that work I did on this thing is about to get flushed down the drain and it really sucks. I will have to go with precombines/previs now.
T-60 Armor is now Horse... I know how it sounds.
dragonslayer2k12 replied to Rolora's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Sounds like content from that one CC content that did something with giddyup buttercup stuff. -
Ok that comparing idea helped a lot I actually found a compare to option in xedit so I could just load the file I had been working with and then click compare to and select the original file as read only. I fixed a lot of stuff this way it seems the creation kit really screws up some stuff. For some reason the CK was switching the location around for the main bunker cell but even after fixing that and a bunch of other things the problem is still there, I can't build anything visible in the main bunker. I think it is the navmesh alterations I have made. The original mod did not have the little yellow triangle under the door markers that is the first thing that stands out to me. I could use xedit to toss out ALL alterations I made to the navmesh but there is a section of the navmesh that had to be moved over since I added one extra hall piece to make room for the roombounds so they would not overlap. I could try just deleting and recreating those yellow triangles under the door markers but as far as I know those are actually needed in an interior cell.
I posted a lot over there but the comments section seems to be dead https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42323 I can't remember now if I originally grabbed a version from their discord or from nexus but I did iron out many bugs. The only problem left is I can't actually build anything in the main bunker area. I can activate the workshop and I can try to build stuff but it builds as an invisible item. I navmeshed the place to death already and I finalized the navmesh in all interior cells made by this mod. I added roombounds and portals so the performance loss is gone now. I just can't get the dam workshop in the main bunker to actually build something visible. There are two workshops one is the main bunker area and the other is something called the build area which is another cell that you can go to from the main bunker area. That other cell workshop actually works just fine but not the main bunker area workshop wth... I noticed that the main area did not have an encounter zone selected and of course two of the most important things that are usually checked off for an encounter zone are cell doesn't reset and is a workshop. When I made an encounter zone for it since it seemed to missing one for that cell and applied it in CK I loaded a previous save before entering or going anywhere near the place and tested it. Of course that didn't fix it of course because bethesda:-( I'm guessing it is something to do with the initialization quests but the script is pex not pes so I can't see it in the CK. Has anyone tried to fix this mod yet other than me? EDIT Just checked the original version of the file I downloaded since I made a copy of it before starting work on it and... of course because bethesda I can use the workshop normally in the main bunker area and the build area too but my version still doesn't work right. Now I have to figure out what changed between the original and what I did with it ugh:-(
I remember one incident at finch farm a long time ago in one of my saves it was years ago maybe less than a year after fallout 4 came out, a settlement attack happened and the settlers ran out of the walled settlement I built of course but they all lined up on a dirt cliff somewhere nearby and formed a crouched firing line for a short time. Their crappy pipe pistols were no match for some super mutants that came in from the satellite array nearby but for a short time they just kept down crouched at that dirt cliff and continued firing like they had some kind of sense. I'm sure the AI has changed somehow since then because I have never seen the settlers there do that again over the years since. Now they just go running straight at any hostile trying to pistol whip them with a crappy pipe pistol. I'm searching for mods that change their behavior but can't find any so far. I read somewhere recently that if you build an alarm bell in the settlement it would be activated by any nearby guard npcs and non guard npcs would run towards the alarm and stay out of the fight? Would a guard npc stay at their dam post if I gave them a super duper long range rifle? I usually give the named npcs at finch farm maxed out laser rifles that I confiscate from the forged during that quest to get back their dumb kid from the forged. Ultimately how do I get every guard npc to stay at their dam posts and non guard npcs to stay in the settlement? My only success for this so far has been to use mods that allow me to change the position of enemy spawn markers so I can better position those spawns for my turrets to just turn all attackers into smears on the ground but this doesn't work at a place like finch farm where respawning gunners can trigger the settler aggro. I compensated there by building two missile turrets on top of a vanilla wood/concrete block on top of that broken freeway above the settlement. When that one gunner with the missile launcher respawns and takes shots at the brahmins down below he gets hammered by those two turrets near instantly and if he dies fast enough the other gunners don't investigate it. By the time that happens though, most of the settlers from finch farm are almost to the brahmins and they take forever to walk back into the settlement. I suppose I could use some kind of gate that can be locked during an attack lets say that garage door can be unpowered somehow if the alarm bell is triggered? I was also thinking of some kind of enclave mod that adds settlement parts like force field wall and just use it in front of whatever gate I use and have it power on during an attack somehow so they can't get out.
I looked up the quest for mothership zeta from the older fallout games here https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/This_Galaxy_Ain%27t_Big_Enough... Looks like the player could travel back and forth from there after completing the quest for it although some aliens were still living there even after the quest was over. Maybe this explains why an alien ship crashes in fallout 4? Since the ship had a teleporter it could be used to travel anywhere on earth. Maybe this is where the institute got their teleporter tech from hmm.... anyway I was just thinking what is that useless alien crash site any good for and maybe it could be used to gain access to mothership zeta. Has anyone made a mod for the ship yet? Ship would still be in space maybe still infested with those dam aliens so you have to clean them out before being able to take over the place as a player home or tie some quests into it. What could also happen is that aliens came back and took the ship away but left a small observation station in orbit and some kind of problem occured causing the alien to crash in the commonwealth while trying to escape, maybe a meteor shower smacked the station around pick your plot device there. The station could have a quest that required the player to stop a timed transmission from being sent so moar aliens would not show up with their death rays again. The alien that crashed could have been observing humans to determine when they would be a threat and picked up the institute teleporter usage and decided to report in but had to leave because of the meteor shower or other plot device happening all of a sudden. Yeah actually that sounds easier to create than a giant mothership zeta interior and exterior. So the outpost would be small but it would have a teleporter room and some small hangar for one or two ships. Would be a nice easter egg thing to have a mention of the weapon satellite from the archemedes II mod somehow. Maybe the institute found the satellite in the outpost and deployed it then took an archemedes II device with them back to earth. Heh even better make some kind of simple looking satellite weapons thing and place it far away but still viewable from the outpost to reinforce that easter egg. This outpost teleporter could be used to instant travel around the game after destroying the institute or even before by selecting an already discovered location on pip boy map and the option to teleport there pops up instead of just fast travel. Deployable shield generator could be found here although it would work differently from the older game mechanics. What would you use it for? See this image https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/176750 Who the hell sleeps in a tent in the middle of nowhere just waiting to be a snack for a deathclaw or... worse? Deploy that generator so it can physically keep out npcs and stop any weapons fire or any kind of radiation and bad weather but still let player weapons fire exit the field. You could literally use this thing to hunker down in a fight and just pick off any hostile npcs. Attacking npcs that try to collide with the generator field would be shock damaged and staggered. Of course the generator doesn't run forever it would use a fusion core that could run out if too much damage or physical attacks impacted the shield. Anyway deploy this thing with your camping site mod of choice for peace of mind. The shield created by this generator would be a large bubble with enough space for a campsite mod or tent mod to fit in there and some space for walking around and follower npc movement to work properly so kinda big bubble. An optional cloak addon could instantly get rid of enemy npc searches for the player so if you go camping and deploy this thing with a cloak addon it completely disables nearby hostile npc aggros they can't hear or see you at all while the cloak addon is active. Of course the player and follower npcs are unable to exit the field while it is on because it would normally block physical access from the outside so how would you get back in there yeah... the physical game mechanics would need some work in that area for sure. Maybe the generator automatically turns off if the player exits the field? Follower attack AI is crap I don't know if it could be adjusted to take advantage of something like this. This would also be a great thing to use along with the mobile mechanic mod so you can craft and scrap stuff plus fix PA while inside the field without being told you can't do that while in combat as long as you have that cloak addon installed.
Looking for an empty world.
dragonslayer2k12 replied to Wolfskin75's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
So am I but then I would have to do everything myself all the time:-( -
I forgot about your mod but I think I stopped using it because my potato pc can't handle a lot of script heavy mods. I don't even want to think what kind of smoke would come out of my potato with sim settlements mods installed. I just saw your natick settlement mod and thought, gee that would be a great location for a BoS base.