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  1. The Nexus sorting is killing new cool mods? Who cares?! Let's better speak about the "lamb houses and where is a better place to place them"! Hm... Can I change the topic title?
  2. fraquar, Yeah! People got what they wanted! Vilja? Hm, I wouldn't try before your post, but with 10% - probably she is not so bad. If she is -> I won't endorse after download and try - > %quality get lower. I will never dig through hundreds of pages with mods, but 5-10 pages I can handle (especially with smart categorization). Of Course, my proposition is not perfect and you still will miss cool mods with 5-6%, but that will definitely free you from digging garbage with <=2%. And most important, the picture on the first page will be changing every day and will always contain "worth to read description" mods.
  3. Yes, it's true if you know what to search, but what if you don't know? Like in my case with "CC's HQ Mines": everything was fine with a mines for me, but when I installed those one, I've instantly fall in love with those mod. Recently analogical situation happened for me with "You Hunger SE" mod (10% quality by the way), wich actually gives sence to all "needs" mods. Why did't I see those before? Because it's very diffucult to find good quality works in the tons of garbage and Nexus sorting options only makes things even harder. If I vere one of those authors, I woulds say "F*ck this all modding s#*&#33;! I'll never spend any minute for a free mod developement".
  4. fraquar, bad example: 1) it's only 6.3% 2) it has over 10k endorsements I want some mechanism that will give to the good (not necessary new) unknown mods chance to be noticed. Believe me, there are plenty of those. The thing is, most of players don't bothering with searching and digging for a hidden gems. They just look at the "top 100 endorsed" and happy with that. Some players watch youtube reviewers or event read forum and reddit, but not many (not enough to change the situation). Besides, youtubers often not bothering with digging nor actually playing mods either. This situation makes new mods invisible (even if they are high-quality).
  5. I don't care about lack of description (if there are few words about the mod at least). I don't care about screenshots and videos. The only thing I want to see - %quality. If I would see a mod with 500 unic downloads and 100 endorses, I would think twice before skipping it.
  6. I haven't played Skyrim since 2014, but returned after SSE released in 2017. And what I see after 3 years past? The same "top 100". I can't believe that no new cool mods released for the last 3 years. Obviously, those "mods of month" and "top hot mods trending" mechanics not suit for such situation, and also they just don't work well.I want to see %endorsed from unic downloads - simple as that.
  7. Yes, but it doesn't mean it can't be better. Disagree with that. The site positioning itself as "modding community", so it could try harder, and new talented modders be more motivated for posting they work. Current situation for Skyrim is opposite - it's demotivating (as the topic says). I'm trying to alert about the problem and even suggested simple, but yet effective (imho ofcourse) way of improving the situation.
  8. New mods not always small. Besides, there are a lot of old underestimated mods.
  9. Don't know how current situation in F4 affects new mods, but as for Skyrim - it's critical. Thousands of garbage mods and hundreds of underestimated, so not many players bothering to look for those. This leads to:
  10. I'm not telling that "%endorsed" is the only way. I'm saying that there is a problem for new moders and new mods. I think "%endorsed" is only one way of improving the situation with minimum efforts.
  11. I don't look in the "most recent" section, but a lot of players do. It's enough for setting trend in the "%endorsed" section, which I would gladly browsed regularry.
  12. It won't stay that long. Also it's easy to add customizable "endorsements threshold" (10, 50, 500, 5000 ect) for such case.
  13. Yes, any download counted for "total downloads", but "unic downloads" - only one by player. Let's pretend that I'm simple gamer: I don't want to post/search here on the forum, I don't want to contact (and even watch) with those youtubers, I don't want fame and glory for a certain mod, but I do want simple additional option (not replacement) to find some underestimated works (because I'm sick already of "top 100 endorsed" for the last five years).
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