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Posts posted by wma626

  1. I recently came across the mod known as AlphawolF's Skyrim Witcher Experience or SWE and i immediately downloaded it and started to play then i soon came to the heart shock realization that the mod is half complete at first i thought i must have done something wrong when i installed it (even though I've installed mods countless times before) but no the mod was canceled by AlphawolF but i got my hopes up again it seems the mod has been picked up by Talyn82 but again i was set up for disappointment since he has also canceled any further update on the mod.


    Now for the past week or so i have been editing on their work getting it into a playable condition for myself and personal use only but then i thought hey why not go all out and attempt to fix everything possible and maybe in the future release it out to the public and then i sat there in that half sleepy half intoxicated state and said hey what the hell ill do it ill take the case.


    So you are probably asking where i am up to and if its worth getting your hopes up, and as of now i would say just keep this in the back of your mind that someone is attempting to get it in working order but do not be expecting any release soon currently i am studying and working full time so i don't get that much person time but Im still going to try my hardest in resurrecting this half dead mod.


    I"m not going to lie I'm not the worlds best in the closest modder that can whip out a mod in mere minutes if anything i would say i am confident in my modding skills and my ability to maybe pull this off but for me to do this i am going to need a large list of bugs from both mods SWE and SWEE. I have only encountered some bugs that people where saying so ill list the bugs that i have and if people show real interest towards this mod they can list any bugs that they have experienced and so on until

    1) i have all the problems i need to fix before and release


    2)i will be aware that people genuinely want to see this mod out of the grave and on the red carpet


    so let me first make you aware that i have contacted CD Project Red and received in writing their blessing to use any and all assets from Witcher Enhanced Edition and Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition with the limitation being that I am not under any circumstances allowed to make money directly from this mod (should probably ask them about donation but as of the moment i don't need them).


    List of bugs and issues that i so far have encountered.


    • Job boards are just containers with templates of contracts inside.
    • all armor and equipment needs a huge re-balance (a leather jacket shouldn't be better then a hardened leather jacket and a high level sword like "special forces sword" shouldn't cost less then its lower level equivalent "temeria steel sword"
    • monsters need a re-balance to the players level for example if you run across the bridge at riverwood when you less then lvl 5 on adept difficulty the drowner there will kill you
    • kin slayers Armour hood have Geralts hair flowing down the players shoulders even if you didn't pick geralts hair in the race menu
    • Negotiator sword is invisible ( oh yeah i had to check to make sure i wasn't meant to be like this HA(I only played about a few hours of witcher 1 before my saves got deleted and i didn't go back to it until a few days ago))
    • drowner brains only half textured

    ​Currently these are the bugs I've encountered for the time i stopped playing i started correcting issues i currently have reworked the armor and weapon stats (without enchantments) and i am testing them in a combat arena at different levels to make sure that they are not over or under powered i tried to make them more of less the same as weapons of the vanilla skyrim so the short sword is the equivalent of an iron sword up to the forgotten vran sword which is the equivalent of a dragon bone sword but i think i may still need to revise my own adjustments any input would be greatly appreciated.


    i have started on work on a character model of a reverend of the eternal fire which will be the person you will hand in most quests to (like 3 drowner brains) and also started work on the quests to go along with it, and on that note I'm also trying to remove the need for a container on notices boards so that the contract will be physically on the board like witcher 1 and 2


    that's as much as I'm willing to give away at the moment I've got plenty of other ideas let me say that again i have plenty of other IDEAS but i wish to fix all the problems with this mod before i add possible problems on to of it.


    so if you are interested in this mod i would love to hear about it, got a bug you wish to add tell me about it and what causes it, got an idea for the future tell me about it LET YOU IMAGINATION RUN WILD MY CHILDREN (just don't be as creepy as the children from witcher).


    so that's all this guy has to say in the coming days ill add to this forum with the revised revised revised armor and weapon stats for you to have your say on if there are over or under powered.

    also on a quick note if you wish to help in anyway feel free to message me so we can work together.

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