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LE Request: Hear with our ears not with our eyes
Altarath replied to Altarath's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
@camaro . Good idea i don't think about that . I'll try to configure my speakers. -
LE Request: Hear with our ears not with our eyes
Altarath replied to Altarath's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I've been already installed it and i use it. But it doesn't answer to my request . The sound si always much higher when you're facing the source of the sound . In real life the sound is higher when you're about 90 ° from the source because you're dart are in a 90° position from what you can see. Hope to be clear. -
Hello , it's y very first post here. I'm a old player of skyrim modded and a very fan of immersion. I play with Mod Organizer which is far more easier to handle skyrim than nexus manager (very good when i discovered skyrim modding but after several practice MO is much better and safe ) with all of those amazing mod we have the best rig game ever. Thanks . Now my question. About the earing system. I play actually with audio overhaul. Very good mod with climat of tamriel , just mazing immersion. But !! (like Gopher says BUuut ^^) , i'm was frustrated a bit when i can't ear a animal footstep coming behind me just because i don't face him. Another example . I'm front of a brazier i can ear the fire crackling , but when i just turn 90 ° , the sound is muted by an half like if i pt my hand on my ears. So you see what i mean . IS there any mod which give us the feeling of earring with our ears not with our eyes. I hope i was clearly with my explanation, sry fr my bad Eng.
hello guys, i just discovered this awesome mod, then i came here in order to read the topics entirely. Just want to say that modders you have made a great job and i'm sure you will succeed. :dance:
CTDs after configuring my ENBserie.ini file
Altarath replied to Altarath's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Bug fix ! it was cause of 2 quest mod . -
hello one day perhaps since 1 or 2 week ago , i dont remember , i see on the nexus home page a mod called" no more ctd" or something like that . i looked after it in the archive files and in the search for section but nothing. have i dreamed ? oO! overwise is there any mod which could do that. Sorry i know it's not a good question beacause if it was existing everyone should know about it... but i m sure i see a lod like this ...
CTDs after configuring my ENBserie.ini file
Altarath replied to Altarath's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
There is no crash at the morning just when it's 9.30 am Today test1: I make a test in an interior cell. At jorvarskk for example. I wait the time , and after 9.28 am the game crash like before. So can i say that the problem come from a bug in a script wich call the horloge system? test 2: i am restoring the default settings of TESV, without any ENB mod. arf sorry i can't do that . edit: . I tried another test: Test 3 : I played with a a backup one day before the ctd in the game . That new game starting at ~10h 20 pm one day before . i was able to play without any bug ...then ... the night is coming the sun is down behind the mountain, i see the night sky and the stars...and...a few minutes later ...crashing. :cry: i retry a previous save just before the night comes ..watching the hour every minutes to see the crashing time, it was approximaly 8ho5 pm. So i think the game always crashing when it goes from 8h00 pm to ~ am and 9h30 am to ~ pm . test 4: i take a savegame in which i haven't had ctd yet. if you 're rode my previous test this save start before the one i talked in my test 1, my player was at Jorvask. (sorry with my english worlds , i try to be more comprehensive that i can . So that game started at a moment when the sun go down giving a beautiful purple and blue sky color, i love it!my player in whiterun at the outside next behind houses. ( it's just an information for us ) ...i watch the hour: 7.~ pm . according to me it should crash after 8. ~ pm like in test 3. results: it's not crashing... [ i think i can tell that it is not the time of the day when the sky is changing which cause CTDs, perhaps a day and an hour i don't know yet] Test 5: i wait again with this same character always in whiterun ... the night was very dark with my mod, i was cold lol very cool mod hypothermia. ... so i wait and watch the time just to see if when i goes from ~pm to ~ am there were a problem.... results : no crash. [ i can say that it's not a pm to am problem. ] my next test tonight: test 6 i will wait until the morning is coming with this playersave. it should crash at 9h30 am like in the top of this post in the test 1 with my player at jorvarsk... And i will note the date , because perhaps there is a mod which is started at a specific hour. Any idea...? . -
Hello i'm playing the latest version of skyrim V but i don't have Dawnguard yet. My version is ...arf don't sure of it..i shall have to return home later. i thanks you all for those greats works with Enb series improvment. Howaver my problem is that i have crashes to deskop since i made change in my enbserie.ini file. So i install the countervibe ENB serie the one with the wrapperversion. Then i try to arrange at my feelings , so i made a lot of test. I must said that the day before i had ever spend a night to understand each line and what it does in the game with the read me file (the one wich is given in ENB series Project reality files, this mod that i used before). But i have enough no experience to make the good variations, i understand it since my CTDs :mrgreen: . But i think i have an idea of where is the problem: Let me explain what i wanted to do: So i thought my skyrim picture was too darker and i like changing eveything in order to better understanding. after many test and changes i was enjoying in the game the way the sun was shining at early day time, i was at "Forgeciel" a good place to appreciate sun waking up... i wasn't do anything just wait and see, and then near 9h30 the game crash. And i see that the ctd appears at 9h30 am hour in the game everytime (even if i try another save), which is probably the time when the game change between night and day settings.(that's what i thing i'm not sure about this but..) I show you my enbserie ini file, the last before ctd. And in that file i changed some different values , and especially DetectorDefaultDay=true . That's why i think the problem should be there. But i'm not a specialist. [PROXY] EnableProxyLibrary=false InitProxyFunctions=true ProxyLibrary=other_d3d9.dll [GLOBAL] AdditionalConfigFile=userconfig.ini UseEffect=true [FIX] ForceFakeVideocard=false FixGameBugs=true FixParallaxBugs=true ForceSingleCoreCPU=false IgnoreThreadManagement=false IgnoreThreadPriority=false AntiBSOD=false [GAME] SpeedHack=true [MULTIHEAD] ForceVideoAdapterIndex=false VideoAdapterIndex=0 [LIMITER] WaitBusyRenderer=false EnableFPSLimit=false FPSLimit=60.0 [iNPUT] //back KeyReadConfig=8 //shift KeyCombination=16 //f12 KeyUseEffect=123 //home KeyFPSLimit=36 //num / 106 KeyShowFPS=106 //insert KeyScreenshot=45 [ENGINE] ForceAnisotropicFiltering=true MaxAnisotropy=16 SkipShaderOptimization=false [EFFECT] UseOriginalPostProcessing=false UseOriginalObjectsProcessing=false EnableBloom=true EnableAdaptation=true EnableAmbientOcclusion=true EnableDepthOfField=true EnableDetailedShadow=true EnableSunRays=true [bLOOM] Quality=1 AmountDay=0.35 AmountNight=0.25 BlueShiftAmountDay=0.3 BlueShiftAmountNight=1.0 ContrastDay=1.0 ContrastNight=1.0 [CAMERAFX] LenzReflectionIntensityDay=1.0 LenzReflectionIntensityNight=1.0 LenzReflectionPowerDay=2.0 LenzReflectionPowerNight=2.0 [sSAO_SSIL] UseIndirectLighting=true UseComplexIndirectLighting=true SamplingQuality=1 SamplingRange=0.3 FadeFogRangeDay=7.0 FadeFogRangeNight=7.0 SizeScale=0.35 SourceTexturesScale=0.7 FilterQuality=0 AOAmount=0.75 ILAmount=4.0 [NIGHTDAY] DetectorDefaultDay=true DetectorLevelDay=0.65 DetectorLevelNight=0.25 DetectorLevelCurve=2.0 [ADAPTATION] ForceMinMaxValues=true AdaptationSensitivity=0.2 AdaptationTime=0.4 AdaptationMin=0.1 AdaptationMax=100.0 [ENVIRONMENT] DirectLightingIntensityDay=4.0 DirectLightingIntensityNight=0.2 DirectLightingCurveDay=2.5 DirectLightingCurveNight=1.0 DirectLightingDesaturationDay=4.0 DirectLightingDesaturationNight=0.0 SpecularAmountMultiplierDay=1.0 SpecularAmountMultiplierNight=1.0 SpecularPowerMultiplierDay=1.0 SpecularPowerMultiplierNight=1.0 SpecularFromLightDay=2.0 SpecularFromLightNight=0.0 AmbientLightingIntensityDay=4.0 AmbientLightingIntensityNight=0.03 AmbientLightingCurveDay=1.0 AmbientLightingCurveNight=4.0 AmbientLightingDesaturationDay=1.0 AmbientLightingDesaturationNight=0.0 PointLightingIntensityDay=2.0 PointLightingIntensityNight=1.0 PointLightingCurveDay=1.0 PointLightingCurveNight=0.9 PointLightingDesaturationDay=0.0 PointLightingDesaturationNight=0.0 FogColorMultiplierDay=0.6 FogColorMultiplierNight=0.0 FogColorCurveDay=1.0 FogColorCurveNight=0.0 ColorPowDay=1.7 ColorPowNight=1.8 [sKY] Enable=true StarsIntensity=1.0 StarsCurve=1.0 AuroraBorealisIntensity=1.0 AuroraBorealisCurve=1.5 CloudsIntensityDay=2.0 CloudsIntensityNight=0.1 CloudsCurveDay=2.0 CloudsCurveNight=1.7 CloudsDesaturationDay=0.0 CloudsDesaturationNight=0.0 GradientIntensity=1.0 GradientDesaturation=0.5 GradientTopIntensityDay=2.0 GradientTopIntensityNight=0.03 GradientTopCurveDay=1.0 GradientTopCurveNight=1.0 GradientMiddleIntensityDay=3.0 GradientMiddleIntensityNight=0.05 GradientMiddleCurveDay=1.0 GradientMiddleCurveNight=1.0 GradientHorizonIntensityDay=4.0 GradientHorizonIntensityNight=0.08 GradientHorizonCurveDay=1.0 GradientHorizonCurveNight=1.0 SunIntensity=5.0 SunDesaturation=0.0 SunCoronaIntensity=15.0 SunCoronaCurve=1.0 SunCoronaDesaturation=0.0 MoonIntensity=1.0 MoonCurve=2.0 MoonDesaturation=0.0 [OBJECT] SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDay=0.3 SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierNight=0.5 SubSurfaceScatteringPowerDay=1.0 SubSurfaceScatteringPowerNight=1.0 [LIGHTSPRITE] IntensityDay=1.0 IntensityNight=1.0 CurveDay=1.5 CurveNight=1.5 [WINDOWLIGHT] Intensity=10.0 Curve=1.0 [VOLUMETRICFOG] IntensityDay=1.0 IntensityNight=0.7 CurveDay=1.0 CurveNight=2.0 [FIRE] IntensityDay=3.0 IntensityNight=5.0 CurveDay=2.0 CurveNight=2.0 [colorCORRECTION] UsePaletteTexture=true [sHADOW] ShadowCastersFix=false ShadowQualityFix=true DetailedShadowQuality=1 UseBilateralShadowFilter=true UseShadowFilter=true [DEPTHOFFIELD] FadeTime=0.30 [RAYS] SunRaysMultiplier=0.4 Nb: i try an other to back to my previous ENBpreset or another but CTDs steal remain. :x (actually i'm on "Real like mod " steel crash but i will stay with this one to solve my problem.) Thanks for your help...
I make a suggestion... If you do not want to uninstall CH,and it is what I recommend because it changes totally the whole dumping in the game, I suggest you to begin a new player with this mod and to see if the problem is the same if it is you can uninstall it cleanly but I do not know how, if it does not collapse I think it should have solved your problem try then with your precedent backs up of the game.... When I have a crashdeskop and I don't succeed with the good method there, readme files, NMN , etc. I try this way... it could works some times...
It seems that when my player dies, when I return in game has the last automatic backup is corrupted. I can save anymore, autosave,speedsave or hardsave noone works. So... i reload the last backup that i take before. The one which is not corrupted ... ( i test a hardsave ..ok it's works) then i played without killing this Dragon . I take least possible risk by avoiding dying and I pursues my road in the direction of Forthiver to make an automatic backup by entering a house. I entered an inn and yes! ouf the automatic backup has worked well . i can pursues my story but now i make hardsave every time after a sleep. ( in order to have the autosave and a hardsave clean) . Finally my game become a real simulation because i really pay attention with death.
hardsaving doesn't work
Well , my problem return . the game crash after a hard battle with a dragon, i try to save but....back ti deskop :(. Now i am unable to save my game ....
arf...i was playing ...i dead ...the loading screen appears and...crashed !!! :( i restart ...reload the same file , the last which i payed with. ....crashed :( i restart ...load a previous save file which been created while im slept a few minutes before in the game..... loading screen...ok the file load..ouff then i play 5 mins i try to sleep again ...ouf... nothing happened ...(except of a suddenly apparition of a bandit who want to kill me , but my followers protected me during my sleep :) So one thing that i need to test : speedsaving , im afraid that it reload the bug...let's test it :ohdear: :dance: ouf it's work , the speedsaving works properly... hope now it will never happened again...i m don't sure that i could debug it again i dont really understand what happenned with all of this.
!! it works ! i played even if i wasn't resolve the bug because i would test if the auto save would work with a quest finish, i dont know if it's really that quest who solve my bug but , i works , i try to sleep with my Tent , no problem ...i wake up and the file seems to be saved . Next step i will try to make a speedsave ...