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  1. I've already had problems with dual casting being broken with 1.6, now in 1.7, whenever I click to cast a spell, the hand just twitches and doesnt cast it. Also my left hand weapon in dual wield behaves like a shield, it blocks and i can only use it to shield bash. Does anybody have any solutions to this?
  2. I can see it being possible to create the stats, but I doubt anybody's computer will be fine loading up a few hundred zombies in fallout's engine.
  3. He means THIS mod: http://www.f3underground.com/files/file/136-call-of-dutymw2-mod/ As for downloading the mod, he needs to have 30 non-spam posts, then message all admins for approval (or else it'll just be ignored), then he gets access to the downloads.
  4. Can somebody try replicating the face of Backsteppo's character that he uses in most of his pics? I would but I fail horribly in using the GECK/Character Creation to make a face.
  5. I've been wondering if there was a way so that corpses stay around until about the time you clear the whole area you are in, and stop them from decaying into bones. Anyone know where can I get a clue to try working this?
  6. The picture look alot like a scan, so there can be plenty of factors including higher contrast/hue. And Bethesda does like to use the original vault suit in their screenshots. I just hope they keep SOME stuff hidden, in all previous DLCs, you pretty much seen and know what all the new content is, it sorta spoils the experience.
  7. Just take the bare minimum (about half of what you can carry), it maximizes the amount of new loot you can take back, and you find stuff like stims and ammo there anyway.
  8. A good idea in my opinion is a script to run to check if the player actually has a melee weapon for sandman, and make him/her use it in the animation. It seems alot more "professional" if the player uses a combat knife instead of some knife I prepare food with.
  9. OK, I'm a sniper, with high damage on, and 100 in small guns. I go outside to do the "epic" climax of the MQ. The thing that instantly annoyed me was the friggin artillery, which not only ruined my aim every half a second, but also caused a lag spike every single time it detonated, no matter what computer I use, even one that can run Crysis on max (while being playable). Plus, the fact that the Enclave are landing their troops in an artillery zone that they created is above me. If they want to keep the bridge, why are they straining it with artillery and hi-explosive vertibirds? And if they didn't want to keep it, why not just blow it up instead of landing troops there? It just seems like it's been added as a bad afterthought. Basically, I think the artillery serves no real point, and should be removed, if someone is kind enough to make a mod to do this, or instruct me how, I'd really appreciate it. This has to be the single most laggiest moment in all of fallout, I'm sure some people agree with me on that.
  10. 1) I find it pretty strange how all of the robots are out to kill anything that moves. Even if it's been 200 years, you'd think they're more likely to just fall into pieces instead of going rampant. I think someone should make a mod that makes all the robots friendly, unless you do something wrong (attacking them more then once, going past a place they're guarding etc.) 2) When I went into the National Guard Depot, the protectron weren't hostile, then, I bring a companion along, HE SHOOTS ALL OF THEM UP FOR NO FRIGGIN REASON! Then I had to run away from about 8 of them firing lasers at me. Please, somebody make it so that companions only return fire, or at least make it so the bots dont shoot you for an NPC's mistake.
  11. A few notes on the suit's capabilites just to keep your facts right -The armor supports itself as mentioned in the novels. It's like having any other power armor currently in fallout. -It works rather well when in literally in fire, (the flame grenade and flamethrower in halo 3 were about 5 times hotter then normal fire) -MJOLNIR does have its disadvantages: 1) You can get killed easily if someone rushes you (the damage in halo 3 wasnt even realistic, he can die from that pretty quick anyway) basically, u have to do hit and run tactics to stay alive 2) the reason the armor heals the player is because of "biofoam" which just seals up the wound for a few hours before more medical attention is needed(notice how mc's mission dont seem to last that long before he leaves?) considering how fallout 3 is more longterm, you'll probaly see the effects 3) YOU CANNOT lift a tank, in the game it was allowed for balance, but canon states the master chief only has enough strength to flip over a warthog 4)Weakness to melee (maybe a few slashes from an old chinese sword, but a super mutant with a sledge hammer? unlikely) 5) I doubt this would be implemented, but when the armor is hit with extreme force, it does that weird "frozen" animation you see in H2 and 3, thats the suit's lockdown mode to prevent further damage
  12. Its right here on TESSource, just search it up. One more thing, kinda offtopic :excl: , isnt fileplanet making money off freeware?
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