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About rdaredbs

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  1. I know this is a very old thread, but how do you know how many pixels the map takes in the pip boy? i.e. my map is 1024x1024 pixles i changed the x and y coordinates to 1024 1024 and now i get a box with a line through it... do i need to skrink the map image size?
  2. hello, ive been working on creating my own worldspace for almost a year now, and have gotten nowhere. used this tut. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/517230-tutorial-converting-a-dem-to-a-heightmap/page-1?hl= importing map geck it is amazing, though i would never get it completed. first question ive been trying to get answered is what exactly is a quad? is it the area of (0_0) or is it the whole of 32x? every tut ive read uses cell, block, and quad as interchangeable. the area i wish to import in real life is about 2,000 acres+ ive tried importing as just four cells(?) as well as the whole kit and caboodle. my blocks have been anywhere from ~400 to over 1400. im just really at a loss, everytime i go to generate, my PC crashes, ive let the machine go for over 3 days at a time and come back to nothing done. ive imported it correctly following the ^^tut^^ to the letter, even tried tesawyn, which was a total failure multiple times. any help would be great, i have no problem with buildings, with new textures, got all that down, any help would be great. thanks!
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