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  1. I support all dragon-related mods. +1
  2. I think it would be cool to see a mod that delves into Dragonborn/Dragon Shouting Perk Tree that improves recharge time, power, force etc. but also see a perk tree for those who have appeased the Daedric Princes. Maybe have just one large tree encircling all daedric aspects or having individual trees for more in-depth devotion and who knows, maybe finally reach Level 100? Not sure how you would level it up but I'm sure someone can come up with something.
  3. That's an Oblivion mod. ... :mellow: That's what I thought. Lol, this is the Skyrim forum, not the Oblivion forum.
  4. That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
  5. Believe it or not, but warriors and rogues are at a disadvantage when it comes to crowd control; magic-users have access to a variety of ways to eliminate multiple enemies at once but warriors and rogues most of the time can only take one guy out at a time. And after considering the new weapons added by Dawnguard (mostly the crossbow), a revelation dawned on me: "We should be able to make grenades." I thought about it a little and in all the likelihoods for gunpowder to exist in Elder Scrolls, it is possible and given the magical (and sometimes advanced) nature of Elder Scrolls, who is to say the concept of gunpowder wouldn't work in Elder Scrolls? Gunpowder is synthesized by properly mixing sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate (saltpeter) with the sulfur and charcoal acting as fuels while the saltpeter works as an oxidizer. Charcoal (if you don't know yet) is in the game and sulfur and saltpeter can easily be added given the skill of the modding community. Gunpowder would allow less-magical characters to take out multiple opponents at once and a great new weapon to use overall. Gunpowder would be made through alchemy while the bomb casings would be smithed. Using other in-game ingredients, we could create different variations of bombs that have different effects. Substituting saltpeter with fire salts would yield 'sizzling gunpowder' which would be used to create fire bombs which explode and leave a lasting, DOT fire; using frost salts would give you chilling gunpowder which can be used to make frost bombs which deal health and stamina damage while freezing or slowing down victims... you get the picture. What do you say, should we be able to craft hand-held, tossable grenades in Skyrim?
  6. A majority of the Skyrim armor modders are well... let's just leave it at that. That's why there's no male armor mods. Too busy making the women sexual.
  7. Without a doubt, Skyrim nailed some wicked armor designs: Daedric, Nightingale, Ebony, and Steel Plate were dead-on great. But why do I bring this up? Well, because several other armors aren't as visually... appealing. These armors kinda put me off because of that: Dragon, Elven and Glass; other armors can be tolerated but would do better from an improvement. a lot of armors could stand having more fur fighting off the cold, even the ones that I think already look pretty cool. Dragon Armor When I first heard about dragon armor, I was interested to see how cool it was going to look like and how awesome it would be roaming around Skyrim with maximum protection and maximum coolness. But once I saw pictures of dragon armor, I was disappointed on both counts. Seriously, I just can't explain how bad dragon armor looks in the game. Dragonscale is... acceptable at best but the dragonbone armor set is just terrible looking. http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111112022650/elderscrolls/images/c/ca/Dragonarmor.jpg Then there's the fact that dragonbone is weaker than daedric. The Daedra visit Tamriel more often than not; I wouldn't be surprised that somewhere between the daedric princes, conjuration and journeys to Oblivion that someone learned how to craft daedric armor. But this is dragon-armor, we're talking about. Dragons are the children of Akatosh -an extremely powerful god- and even the dremora said, dragons simply were and are. They're eternal, immortal, unchanging and unyielding: they were the masters of all humankind and the only thing that saved humankind was the intervention of a god and turning the dragons' own power against them. Overall, dragons are crazy smart and crazy powerful yet 'their' armor is the second strongest heavy armor sets in the game and is probably one of the ugliest. Dwarven Armor There's only one thing wrong with the dwarven armor set; the helmet -more specifically, the face. Why is it even there? The face integrated into the helmet is not only kinda creepy looking, it clashes with the armor's design with the line down the middle of the helmet and the facelessness (I like helmets and masks that obscure the face) that all the dwarven armors had from the previous Elder Scrolls games. If the helmet looked more like a helmet and less like an armored head, I would look at dwarven armor more often and maybe even use it. http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120216133028/elderscrolls/images/e/ea/Dwemerconcept1.jpg See this armor? This was a concept art for Skyrim and in my opinion, is much better than what we have right now... well, the helmet is at least. The helmet looks more robotic (sources claim that dwarven armor are actually automaton shells), more anonymous and more mysterious; without the face, its harder to relate to the dwarves and that's the way it should be. Besides that, the rest of the suit is very similar to what we got right now and needs no changes. Fur Addition a lot of armors are cool already but the addition of fur to their models would not only make them lore-friendly and immersive but also cooler looking if you do it right. http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111120213838/elderscrolls/images/7/76/Whiterun_Guard.jpghttp://images.wikia.com/elderscrolls/images/f/fe/OrchishArmor_Skyrim.jpg http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111115132107/elderscrolls/images/5/5d/Ebony1.jpg http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120310200730/elderscrolls/images/0/0c/SteelPlateArmorBoth.png Leather Armor Leather Armor, though I don't have much of a problem with it, should be a little bit more full-bodied since Skyrim is so cold. Fallout 3's Leather Armor looks rather fitting for Skyrim; go forth, my Fallout veterans! Attack! On another but similar note, this leather armor actually looks more capable for thieves, and looks more rugged which fits adventurers and both fits people who need to be ready for anything. http://images.wikia.com/fallout/images/3/3c/Leather_armor.png
  8. Mmm... that's true. All Dovahkiins alike like the jingling of gold in their pockets.
  9. I was disappointed when I first saw the Dragon Armor. It's just painful to look at. Daedric is obviously the better choice sadly because of its better stats and visual appearance. There's no point at all crafting dragon armor if you're a heavy armor player; and even then, dragonscale could look better.
  10. Occasionally dragons can instakill somebody (including the dragonborn) by biting him and shaking him around. But on topic, everyone should have the kill-cams. If the main protagonist is going to die, at least make him go out with style.
  11. I don't see you killing many dragons like that.
  12. It would be cool if a kill move you throw your melee weapon toward a enemy, killing him, and running by on your horse and picking up your melee weapon before the body drops.
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