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  1. In response to post #37233185. #37233780, #37234860, #37235730, #37236685 are all replies on the same post. I just used the bethesda.net to enable my mods took like a minute to make an account, just your basic username and password shiz, then while in game there's a mods section in the main menu now and you just enable your mods from there, or of course if you don't want to use bethesda.net you can just add an asterisk to your mods in your plugins file. there just giving console players a way to enable mods and a place to download mods, it's not really for pc players and i don't see how it would effect nexusmods.
  2. maybe you could make it where you can favorite the mods and when you equip them it adds it to the weapon in hand
  3. nobody is saying anything but oh well, ive been thinking and i think a simple way to do this is to just use brass knuckles, the player turns with the camera like i want em to and it looks nice when they put their hands down by their sides, problem is their hands aren't always down, so is it possible for someone to make a mod where your hands are always down while using brass knuckles?
  4. Ive been trying to play in 3rd person but couldn't figure out why i just couldn't like it, but i think if the character would always look towards where the camera is aiming like when a weapon is drawn it would fix my problem, i'm pretty sure that's how they had the previous games too, i hope something like this wouldn't be too complicated
  5. I think it would be great to have 1st person aiming for 3rd person, like metal gear solid
  6. I tried the setstage and it scanned again clearly but didnt find any new ones, and it goes deeper than animations and textures, almost all my mods are just disabled, but my data isnt grayed out and there all checked and i rechecked them all out of insanity and the game acts like the mods are supposed to be in the game like i can see mod masks and weapons in my inventory and equip them but they dont show up and removing chest armor will crash the game and going in my moded house will crash the game anything modded crashed the game except a handful, im just gana try to see if i downgrade it will fix it because i dont want to reinstall 100+ mods :( and this really makes no sense because yeah skyui doesnt touch any of this stuff, i did notice in the interface the translations folder was completely wiped and some mods use this with mcm which is probably the only reason some weren't showing but the rest is just way over my head
  7. I just updated my skyui and several of my mods didnt show up in the mcm, i had to reinstall them to get them to work and show up again, so i started playing again and then i realized that all my textures and animations were set back to vanilla, did i do something wrong?
  8. Im pretty sure Realistic water, realistic lighting and climates of tamriel is the problem, your computer may be strong enough to handle it most the time but if you get near a city you get the exterior lighting and pure weather together which i guess is putting your cpu on edge, but most problems in Windhelm because you get all three mods lighting, water and weather
  9. you should also keep your laptop plugged in while playing, if unplugged it will automaticly try to save power even if you set the settings to performance which will lag almost any game
  10. Did anyone answer this guy's question? I have the same question. What's more, even if I try to "add Mod from File" through NMM, .esp for some reason is not a viable option. Even if I set it to show all files and click on Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp anyways the operation is incomplete and says it can't be added. Also: I can't archive using winrar because I run windows 8. I have 8zip instead which doesn't have such an option. I cant really help with NMM because i do everything manually, but when you archive a file its just compressing it in a zipped folder, he said use winrar because thats what most people use but 7zip and 8zip and other zip type programs do the same, if you have 8zip you just right click the file and in the mouse menu somewhere it should say 8-zip with an arrow with options to archive the file.
  11. Sounds like you have the wrong mesh or either your swords from the other mod isn't supported, have you used any vanilla swords to see if they go on your back?
  12. ENB and high def textures with infinite and freezing loading screen Sounds like your Cpu cant handle
  13. Do you still get this problem with a new character? i had a similar problem to this and it only effected one of my saves, i was constantly drunk and the only way to fix it was to drink more then i was able to be sober again so it was like i had to reset the drunk state, so what im saying is it might be possible that if you let your player get tired hungry and thirsty to the point that you actually have a reason to be slowed down like that it could possibly fix it, i guess thats worth a try
  14. The immersive beds mod can cause this
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