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  1. Hello there people, I've been working sometime (in my limited free times) in a mod called Alternative Oblivion Magic System. The objective of the mod is to disable the Spell Buying system of the game, and replace it with a "Specialization" selector, which opens an automatic tree of spells depending on the character's skill levels. The mod is released and working for up to Apprentice skill levels. But before I proceed with higher levels and completing the mod, I must think in the base of the progress in the gameplay. So I need your opinions, you obviously don't have to play the mod to give your opinions. Thanks in advance. ---------------- QUESTIONS ABOUT SPECIALIZATION, CLASSES AND MULTICLASS A1. Specializations should be as they are right now, customizable and open wide for multiclassing of my own character skills. They usually require only one main skill, such as Restoration, and sometimes two, as Heavy Armor (Warpriest). Proceed to higher levels this way! (Default v0.30) A2. Specializations and Classes should be ONE. Proceed with assigning specialization to pre-configured classes in the main Class Selection Menu. This would DISABLE Custom Classes and Multiclasses. But Enhance higher levels of Uniqueness between them. A3. Specializations and Custom Classes should be separate as they are now. But Specializations should have higher prerequisites. For example, the Druid should NOT have Heavy Armor Skill. Some other could be requiring more than one Skill. For example, the Arcane Trickster requiring Illusion. This would separate the Specializations in two Groups. Low Specialization (Basic with high multiclassing options) and High Specializations (With rare prerequisites but less Multiclassing options and deeper uniqueness) A4. Suggest your own! QUESTIONS ABOUT SPELLS AND CHARACTER PROGRESS B1. Spells should stay as they are now, parallel to the character leveling, in a lineal way depending mostly in the main skill (In a Restoration character, most spells unlock as Restoration Levels grow up), with some few special spells depending on other skills. (Default v0.30) B2. Spells should be even more difficult to get, and rarer. With more difficult prerequisites and depending on more than just the main skill. B3. I Would like to have more participation in my spell list. I would like to select my spells from a specifically designed list each X skill level B4. Suggest your own! ------------- Thank you! revolucion09
  2. New version released, including Journeyman spells. Im going to stay in here and improve the current system and the spell lists before moving onto master spells. [NEW] -Added Journeyman level support and Journeyman level multiclassing (read multiclassing section) -Designed a dynamic system that restarts the spell list after updating AOMS versions. (pros: clean spell lists by removing and fixing spells from one version to another. permitting me to update oftenly without ruining the game. cons: 'Spell tomes' spells will be lost. Spells added by other Mods will be lost too) [CHANGED] -Redesigned the psychic, now it is called Illusionists, and includes spells which alter the perception, apart from having the classic dominate and command spells -Added 11 spells, which were missing in previous versions. [FIXED] -Small bugs and typos in the scripts -Overall script cleaning
  3. Great, thank you. And yes, i am willing to learn more about arrays (perhaps through private is better than here). All my programming knowledge is made from Oblivion. Great game for learning about scripting.
  4. Thank you, it is working flawlessly now :-). I will study the block. Thx for the info, you've made my day. Updated my mod to 0.03. Good to know people will be able to continue their characters. Rev
  5. Thank you very much. But I cant still make the script to work. It just freezes when the loop starts (after pressing the Old SaveGame button). New Game button works fine. here is the script I made (by the way, i'd like to know what is the := operation. And if the ar_size returns info about the last array called, or what?) scn RemoveSpellsScript ; Removes all spells from the player that are not powers. OBSE required! array_var spells short index ref cur short doonce short doonce2 short doonce3 short CleanSpells short button float fQuestDelayTime float timer begin gamemode set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001 if GetQuestRunning AOMSInitialize == 0 ; <---- If the mod hasnt been played already if doonce2 == 0 MessageBox "Welcome to Alternative Oblivion Magic System. I Take it this is your first time Playing this mod. Is this an Old Savegame not made with this mod? or Are you playing a New Game?" "New Game" "Old SaveGame" set doonce2 to 1 endif if doonce3 == 0 set button to GetButtonPressed if button == -1 return elseif button == 0 ; <---- New Game Message "Executing Alternative Oblivion Magic System..." StartQuest AOMSInitialize set doonce3 to 1 StopQuest AOMSIAWelcome ; <---- Stops THIS script return elseif button == 1 ; <----- Old SaveGame. Lets Clean Spell List set doonce3 to 1 set CleanSpells to 1 Message "Adapting your Character to be played with Alternative Oblivion Magic System. Please Wait..." endif endif endif if CleanSpells == 1 && timer < 3 set timer to timer + getsecondspassed return elseif CleanSpells == 1 && timer >= 3 if doonce == 0 ; <----- Game is Freezing somewhere here let spells := playerref.getspells while index < ar_size spells let cur := spells[index] if getspelltype cur == 0 ; Change to 'if getspellschool cur == 0' to remove all Alteration spells. Magic School types can be looked up in the OBSE docs. playerref.removespellns cur let index += 1 endif loop let doonce := 1 ; May be better to just stop the quest if you're planning on only using this once. Message "You Character is now ready to play Alternative Oblivion Magic System. Please Save your game now" StartQuest AOMSInitialize set CleanSpells to 2 StopQuest AOMSIAWelcome endif endif end
  6. I guess it is a workaround. Added in my readme to tell people to manually delete their spell list before using my mod, if they are willing to play with their old savegames If anyone comes up with a global script idea please tell me Thx!
  7. Beta 002 is now uploaded! [CHANGED] -The mod is now merged and Non-Modular. DELETE AOMS + XXX . esp Files !!!!!!!!!!!!! -All Characters now start with one spells. Characters which start at level 30 skill get two or three bonus spells. Characters which do not start with level 30 skill. Get them in their way to level 30. [FIXED] -WitchHunter had a bug in its script which caused to not give the player the correct spells -Frost Elementalist had a bug in its script which caused possible spell duplications [NEW] -WarPriest has 6 New spells -Warlock has 4 New Spells -WitchHunter has 1 New Spells
  8. Hello there, I am looking for a way to remove all Spells the player has. The idea would be to delete all Spells that are not Powers. Is it possible? And would it be possible to delete all spells that are from a specific school? I would be really thankful ps. sorry for my typo in the title. I meant 'Script Question' instead of 'Script Quest'
  9. Beta 0.01 is Release. I await your feedback http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31918
  10. ^ Bump Last rolling closed beta is on wheels. Everything up to Novice-Apprentice is Working. A Journal system has been added with information about the classes Full compatibility with Midas-Lame-Supreme. Around 50 specialized spells for each class The base system is finished, bug-free and working. Only lasts adding journeyman and up spells. Cant wait to publish it. I need beta testing so please send a PM if you are interested in helping and suggesting. Currently I need help with classes descriptions, art, journal texts, and lots of testing and suggestions about gameplay! Here some screenshots, the specializations menu shows only classes which the player meets the requirements to be chosen. Also some predefined classes has been added to the list as recommended settings for different specializations http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/5403/oblivion201005242011142.th.jpghttp://img25.imageshack.us/img25/2581/oblivion201005242005585.th.jpg
  11. Bump ^ The mod is on wheels, all submods have been successfully integrated and we are currently testing gameplay. Also Stattis designed a new menu system which shows the Specializations the player can chose from http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/7884/asd2002255.jpg
  12. ^ Bump up! Closed beta 001 started for all Spells level 0-50 (Novice and Apprentice). Anyone who wants to help beta-test is welcome (just pm) Mods compatible and working: Midas Spells of Aurum, Supreme Magicka, Less Annoying Magic Experience (LAME) Spec list updated at first post
  13. ^ Bump up with more news!! 1) System Design totally redesigned to Modular. It was NOT a choice, it was necessary for the mod to work bug free with the 4 Mods active together at the same time (Supreme Magicka, Less Annoying Magic Experience, Midas Magic Spells of Aurum, plus being able to add any other in the future) So yes, now it is modular and you have 4 .esp, being Base, Midas, Supreme and Lame (using original mod as master file) 2) Midas spells as you might think made it into the game, and they add lots of variety to the character. now all classes have been redesigned to be even more different from each other, mostly that no one has the same spells (except the multiclass general spells). For example, the healer now gets more than 30 Spells when reaching 50 points at restoration!! + a bonus of 20 Secret spells to unlock together with other skills (for example, speechcraft, heavy armor or other magic schools). Still I need to wait for midas permission to be able to release the mod (you would still need to download midas mod, and no spells modified, but I need permission as the Spells are being distributed differently from the original mod) 3) I am actually redesigning the Initialize system, to auto-detect when the player finishes the tutorial/gets out of the sewers, to auto-enable it self, and pop up the specialization menu if any Magic skill is set as Major Skill 4) The class list has been modified, Some split, some joined together to be more powerful. It is kinda different from the main post tentative list
  14. ^ Bump Up Lots of changes are being made to the Mod. Classes and spells changed in their composition and organization. LAME and Supreme Magicka spells are being added. Hopefully for the next saturday, all Spells and classes are finished up to Skill Level 50. All classes get between 15 and 30 Spells (This is for Level 0-50 in Major Skills, this means, Novice and Apprentice only) +4 Per Multiclass (for example, a WarPriest with Destruction will get 4 Destruction Spells). Destruction classes such as the fire elementalist wont support Multiclassing (this is because destruction classes are highly overpowered if permitted to multiclass). Another example is the Conjuration School, which has been split down into four classes, the War Mage (summoner of equipment), The Daedric Summoner, The Druid (Summoner of creatures of the wild) And the Necromancer (Requires Destruction Skills). Other new classes have been added, replaced or split up. About administrative stuff, I am still waiting for Midas Spells author to answer my permission (I Think he's not checking the nexus any longer), and a response from the new mod Fearsome Magicka. Also I am thinking about adding a starting set of Equipment for each class, but I am unsure about it.
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