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Nexus Mods Profile

About t1000n1

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    Fallout 4
  1. I can't find a single mod that retextures the vanilla weapons, armors and shields to higher res ones. I am hoping someone does this if it is possible. Maybe it's not, maybe that's why no one has done it .
  2. Try putting your Shadows on Ultra, changing the resolutions to 4096, and in SkryimPref.ini put fShadowLODStartFade=600.0000 or up to 1000.0000. I see no weird shadows. Also, don't know if it's also because I use Nvidia.
  3. Same thing happened to me when I put Ugrids 7. Went back to 5 and smooth sailing.
  4. Not sure if this was suggested before, but I seen no search function for topics. I think a really good idea would be when you come from the mod download part of a site and go to the forums or vice versa, that you don't have to log in again. Maybe it's a security issue that I am unaware of but for not it seems like a really convenient idea to me.
  5. I will pick answer number two and yes, that's my final answer. Yes that was your final answer. Goodbye User banned for piracy. -DrGrimm
  6. lol omg I LOVE it. You sir, should seriously consider making a Skyrim Movie with in game footage of course : )
  7. Unplug the modem and turn off computer???? I don't know but if I did hit the download button I would do that without thinking if there would be any consequences...wich I'm assuming there aren't.
  8. So, you wrote all that for me to just say "lol the game was developed from 2006". Wich it ...you know....was. Also, they prob couldn't get as much sales if they made the super elite only computers be able to run it. No I did not read your whole post because the very first thing I saw was cry about graphics. Edit: Maybe I would have read your post if you didn't give me the impression that you werent' really saying " I don't care about anyone else but my eye candy, so what if you are unable to run the Skyrim that I want" There are your HD 4k - 8k Super Duper High res mods for that. Me, I just am glad I can play. I guess a lot of people aren't happy and don't know what the hell they have and / or how lucky they are. Double Edit" Oh and FXAA PPI is a lot better than Realistic Lighting (in my opinion). But because it is my opinion, I am not going to make a thread about it to complain. Some people s kids I tell you spoiled as hell these days. Triple Edit" To the people who complain "and how realistic is it that blah blah blah blah complaints" In real life if you help an old woman across the street you think people in your town / city are goingto automatically get a Tweet about it and go "oh my, that guy/girl is such a sweet heart" No, the NPCs not knowing who the hell you are is more realistic, I dont' remember reading a tabloid in Skyrim that lets them know that in one cave you saved some random NPC.....sheesh.
  9. It was there for me. Not saying you are, but....maybe Bethesda/Steam made it so you can't see /download it unless you have Skyrim installed through steam or a retail copy of it?
  10. You don't need that since Skyrim is now 4GB enabled by default. So what you are doing is running a mod to tell Skyrim what it already should/is doing now. It's like telling your kid to go wash the car when they are already washing it.
  11. It is still up on Fileplanet. 2.0 (the latest that was on here). I downloaded it just in case something happens and I need it again and he brings that one offline lol.
  12. That happens to me too whenever I use adblock to block any ads on the nexus sites. just unblock and it should work again. I dunno how to make all the background images reappear though. That's on their end I think. I actually have Nexus on the whitelist. It's just today that this is affecting me : ) I can click on stuff to download and all now. It just looks like that picture someone posted now.
  13. Nothing is even loading up for me. I just see the initial pictures and wording, but there are no place holders or borders. Clicking on a part that says the file version of mods for example, does absolutely nothing.
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