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About SpiderKoloPL

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  1. Hello! Here is simple idea for ruin: What about making some sort of underwater structure wich would be traveled throgh only if you have enouth potions for underwater adventures, or are Argonian race? Ruin specificly for Argonian so they have more usage from their underwater breathing, but also some alchemist who can manage enouth underwater breathing potions to explore said dungeon? Alternativly for enchanters who can just make item to breath underwater and be done with... For theme of ruins themself - the best option would propably be Dwemer themed ruins, because of option to make puzzles (considering there would be not a whole lot options for enemies wich would be any fair underwater...). As a reward there could maybe be something related to water, or just bigger treasures. Perhaps shout wich would work only in closed area and fill entire dungeon with water? So you could for example reach specific places, as well as force enemies to swim and therefore not be able to attack you? Third word would additionaly give you water breathing for the duration of shout, and if you have mod wich allow you to fight underwater - give you an advanage in battle? If we are making shout - why not make three ruins in that case? Each ruin containing one of the words for shout. That would be obviously a lot of work, but it would be interesting to have this kind of option. Obviously if shout is too much - artefact or something like that would be cool too. Especialy apreciated if mod was made for Oldrim wihout any DLC. Thanks for reading and have a nice day. :smile:
  2. Simple idea: whenever you use potion (or finish that soup you had in your pocket) mid-battle, you CAN use one potion (or food), but then you would need to wait centrain time to drink another potion (eat another food) or finish fight. All of this just so you would not be able to outheal enemies damage when super injured with just... cabbages. CABBAGES!. Obviously not a lot of us are holding such amount of food unless playing with survival mods, however a lot of us are holding desant amount of potions for those hard moments. You use sheer amount of small potions (so you gain more space in eq) and sudently you can take another harder hit or two! While game never was realistic, this make game a bit unbalanced. No surprice not modded Restoration magic can be easly outclassed by Alchemy in centrain situations. Sure - with modded ones it depends, but the point stay the same - instant healing most of the time is better than delayed one - even if delayed by just choosing spell and casting it. It's also just more reliable. Altho Restoration give you free healing in terms of money - you buy spell once and you can use it as often as you want wihout spending money, potions give you free healing in terms of time spend. There are already mods wich makes drinking potions takes time, and sure - thats a good way of balancing potions, but what if I DON'T want to watch animation of drinking potion just to heal that 25 points of health, and instead aply one potion imediately as last resort? Before we find full healing potion it will takes some time in game, and before that spaming small potions seems as effective as one full healing one. Cooldown would make Alchemy a bit less OP (because of blocking spam healing option), while allowing you to using potions in truly key moments in battle (when use regeneration potion? At the start before taking damage so I can then use another potion mid-battle?). It also rewards players for preparing for battle earlier (since outside battle there would be no cooldown for potion, you can drink plenty of buffs before battle). Lastly - obviously it would be nice if you could have settings wich descripe how long cooldown is, or how much potions you could use before activation of cooldown (or maybe there would be no cooldown, but instead you have just limited uses of potions while fighting? setting for that would be nice as well). Thanks for reading such long post. :smile:
  3. What about others using restoration spells on you? There are mods wich allows your followers to use spells you teach them on you under centrain conditions, so it would make sense if they would be able to heal you before said invulnevability ends. What about healing based on said regeneration boost? Argonian race ability is such example of that, also there are some regeneration potions too... They also should be usable based on cooldown?
  4. I was thinking... what if player could somehow join Blades? You know... they heard about warrior/mage/whatever killing dragons, but obviously we couldn't absorb souls... SO they decide we could be vital part of their group. Optionaly we could make Dragonborn life easier by sparing him some armor, weapons, potions, and he would perhaps teach us some shouts for our help (like, you know, greybeards can give you their interpretation of their shouts when we are Dragonborn). Maybe learning those shouts wouldn't be instant like for him, but he would help us better understand those shouts and after a while we would use learned throgh him shouts. Maybe we could be able to propose him what shouts and items he/she should use on his/her travels if we are member of Blades (like a good friend). We could let him know about shout locations and mark them on his map (just give dialogue that we are giving those locations to him). WHAT IF there is more than one Dragonborn. Maybe there would be option that we are ALSO a Dragonborn, but not as talented as the other guy. Maybe we are the main Dragonborn but then the other one would not be as talented as we (in that case mod would just add another guy who just so happens to be Dragonborn as well, maybe when WE are Dragonborn we could teach other people we choose shouts we would like them to use (Imagine Lidia Fusing us from clif as revenge for all that times we did that to her, or more likely - actually helping us with pushing enemies out of our way). If we are Dragonborn, what if the other guy was Evil Dragonborn we would need to fight with, but he would be esencial so he is constantly putting challenge for us (or be like rival, none of us would be able to kill eachother, it would be more of a rival battle from time to time, he would level with us), after each fight loser gives one of his Dragonsouls to winner, for example. What if WE are evil and we have option to kill the other Dragonborn, so either WE kill Alduin themself or just let him eat the world? What if we join Alduin? Maybe we don't need to be Dragonborn nescessary to kill other Dragonborn, just need to join Alduin? Perhaps there is someone else who will stop him from eating world anyway, but we don't know about it untill someone actually do this? All of this would be interesting to try out as alternative storyline, but I know it would also take hell a lot of time to program too. And there is also question "what about people who don't own DLC's?", do we need both DLC, or just Dragonborn because it affects story about being Dragonborn directly. Or maybe option to not need DLC at all so all people would play this mod? Soo many questions...
  5. I like idea for this mod! Sadly can't make it myself, so all you get from me is suporting post... There is one issue tho: if you are at say 5% of health, you could just then use full healing potion and never die in that instance. Perhaps penalty for healing potions would fix it, so you need to either find cover, finish fight or use healing spells to leave from range of "death". That would make it not overpowered then.
  6. So I had idea for simple cheat mod, wich makes time stop whenever you craft items, making it easier to craft as many things as you want while using potions. As alternative you could make it so whenever you craft something, X amount of seconds pass by so potions wouldn't give you infinite amount of craftings, but rather Y amount of boosted crafts you can perform. It could be anything from 0 seconds (so one potion gives you infinite potencial crafts) to any amount of seconds you feel like would take to craft potion/armor/weapon/enchanting. Whenever I'm crafting something I always fear that whenever I use potion I will always waste some of that precious time on finding enchantments I wanted to put on weapons, or to find exact ingredient/components for my desired potion/weapon/armor piece (this one you COULD fix by not holding all ingredients in your equipment, sure, but you can't do that with enchanting, because once you learn effect, you can't just get rid of it or temporary hide it so you can perform quicker actions). Thats why I think this mod idea could make it much less stressful. While yeah, it would make it much easier, sure, but only if you let it to never vanish. You could balance all potions based on crafting by limiting uses you get from it, maybe even make it so for specific crafting types it takes more seconds than for other types (it would make sense if it takes more time for you to craft say dagger than simple potion by mixing two or more ingredients). Taking seconds from boosting effects would be good for another reason: it would work with mods wich extend time for crafting potions. I'm curently using mod wich extend times for effects of crafting potions to five minutes. While this makes it much less stresfull, now you can try to fit as many boosted crafts as possible now in five minutes. I would be very thankfull to modder who takes this specific request. Hopefully this is possible to do.
  7. I'm not sure about first and second point of post, But for third point Archery Overhaul introduces four spells wich aply for one shot specific type of damage (Fire, Ice, Electric and Magic damage). On top of that you have rings wich makes every arrow you shoot have aplied effect. You could choose bow of your liking and set Smart Cast mod wich allow you to cast any spell in any condition you like. Also while holding bow (can be any bow or specific bow). Damage of those arrows are as strong as good enchanting skill you have. That means you could just seek for desing of bow you like and use set-up I just mentioned to have your bow shooting magic arrows wihout directly enchanting that bow. From Immersive Weapons I really like Gem Bows - they are really costly, but they look really good and kinda in arcane style. Then again - you could just enchant that bow for even more damage if you feel like.
  8. Sorry for necro this threat, but I was seeking other mods for Rune (character from Thieves Guild) and instead found this... AND I LOVE IDEA! The only problem is the fact that then other runes would be much weaker compared to this one, but opens so many new build options. I wonder how it would work with perks boosting specificaly runes (besides vanila +range buff)? Like Ordinator - introduce actually Stealth Mage archetype with Silent Magic from illusion and damage boosts while sneaking. That makes all spells wich require two hands uncastable on runes, but I guess thats a part of balance. Also... How about Runes... of Dragon Shouts? (here placing spoiler, as it turns out to be very long part of post) I hope someone make that mod, as it opens up SO MANY ideas for builds around runes.
  9. So... I was thinking about character, who uses some kind of weapon not for fighting, but for healing allies. To do such a thing, we would need either: - Set Weapon to 0 damage (If it's a bow - also prepare arrows with 0 damage) and prepare enchantment wich will heal target you hit with that weapon - Set Weapon to negative damage wich maybe would heal stuff you hit with it (this I'm not sure if it's possible, never tried do it myself) In first case there is no way to buff enchantment, unless you write a perk wich will make your character make better use of all enchantments by level of enchantment? I guess? Ordinator introduce perk wich makes your character have bigger benefit from all enchantments and are stronger for him/her by 10% (only for him/her and already placed enchantments too, if you found ring wich give 60 health, everyone you give ring to will get 60 health but you (with that perk) 66 health because of that buff). That same mod also introduce several perks wich becomes better as you gain experience. In second case you actually get stronger heal if you are better at archery, as all buffs for damage now will multiply on negative base number - that means even smaller number, and even more heal. If that make sense... You could also then buff weapon with restoration enchantment/enchantments. While I don't know if Skyrim suports negative values for weapons, first idea can be already made using SkyTweak and Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim mods. First mod allow you to set basicaly every aspect of game - from damage you deal (wich you can set even to 0) to gained experience, how dificulty levels work, you can also set resistances you have and set amount of perks, stats, dragon souls your character have... basicaly every aspect of the game. Also small cheats like how much plants you get from harvesting, how many enchantments you can place on item... Second mod basicaly give multiple interesting enchantments, including one wich heals target. I really liked idea for enchantment, because you could sudently create healer wihout any magica investment... non-mage healer. Archer who don't care for kills but more care for his companions, or maybe heavy roleplay character who have a bunch of followers, you pretend they are some sort of robots and you "repair" them using mace... Why not... The problem was the fact that even with that enchantment you still deal damage... It doesn't need to be big damage, but as long as you damage something, it can become aggresive towards you. Even followers can turn hostile. That problem desapear once you set both right enchantment on your weapon AND set damage you deal on all weapons to 0%... Well... that creates another problem... Maybe you want to heal allies only sometimes and other times you wanted just use other weapon to deal actual damage? The only way to make that work is to swich back and forth from passive healer settings, to normal settings. You also need to somehow train your battle skills for stuff like rapid attacks, so you heal even more in shorter time as you aply enchantment more often. Also because that healing enchantment is a part of Restoration magic (I mean - destruction based enchantments are buffed by destruction school, so this is buffed by restoration school), and because you don't get extra experience from just healing targets that way, to make this enchantment stronger you basicaly need to grind both Restoration and Enchanting to make miracle set of healing warriors. So... I wanted in general ability to negate all damage choosen weapon deal, so you can then put healing enchantments on it while not making NPC new enemies, or as alternative set of weapons wich would be dedicated for healing only (all have 0 damage or negative damage) - the best would be in both enchanted and not enchanted versions. Thanks for reading such long post. Have a good day/night.
  10. Actually... Yeah. I mean I just Discovered it as well, but I would definitly like to try it myself. I still remember when playing as Dummer (first character, 78 or 79 lvl, it was long time before decide to start modding really). I was making actually all guilds in vanilla (no DLC, and right now nothing has been changed in this aspect EXPECT now I play with mods) and I was concerned Bethesta didn't make a quest for Rune. Imagine traveling with him across Skyrim, with his stone, so we togheder discover about his past? What if one location (perhaps Lunar Forge? It's another often forgoten place really with soo much potencial) unlocks in him completly new powers, maybe he gain some magic abilities in Illusion and specificaly could be able to set rune traps? Imagine follower who don't directly help in battle, but instead prepare traps before battle, wich can hurt only enemies. Maybe who fight in sneak mode from far away using bow IF he must (is he actually skilled in it? I don't even know...). It would be interesting if we are playing silent thief/assasin, with actual usefull follower with such unique mechanics. Yeah... I can just dream about it yet again... I mean follower part, cause story seems to be perfectly possible if we create one. EDIT: I said buff illusion, then added runes - Illusion would allow him to somehow make US invisible maybe? Or make enemies pacified so we would care about just one-two stronger enemies wich resisted pacifying spell. He is not assasin, so it would make perfect sense if he would make enemies don't care if we are around while stealing goodies. :)
  11. I could gladly make myself a character who would create a new faction (with propably lame name, something with "dragon" or something...). There are already mods for armies of followers (Extensible Follower Framework seems like fantastic mod for commanding army. Not for personal, small team as it isn't that immersive, but advanced commands would be great addition for soldiers). I think there should be also some sort of perk in Retoric wich would allow you to create your own faction (maybe take over one of wild places in Skyrim, wich normaly are place where enemies spawn). Maybe some sort of builder tree wich allow you to BUILD structures into game? Okay, I had a lot of imagination where we are talking about this kind of stuff, but there are soo much thinks you can do in it. Maybe expand it even in multiple mods too if one would not be enouth? I'm all into this idea, sadly I can't make mods either...
  12. I kinda like idea for modification. Imagine Thief with Enchanting skill who could kill other NPCs using pickpocketing cursed rings/items. I would also see some enchantent items with both positive and negative effects (positive effect would be stronger than on other items from start, but also grants slight disadvantage on other aspects, those curses would happen more rare on late game, while still finding strong enchantments). One of builds I had in mind was thief, who uses "False Gold" enchanted ring/necklace, to make NPC generate gold, then take gold using pickpocketing, and then take ring/necklace back to kill NPC. Enchantment is in Wintermyst mod, wich was supose to give for player temporary gold, wich you would need to pay back for unequiping it. If you don't pay gold back (lack of gold and such) - you would just simply die. Author said that enchantment WORKS on followers, so I assumed it could work also on other NPCs, but I didn't tested that yet... I'm playing now completly other build. I could one day cheat just so I could check if that enchantment really would work... Killing people by taking from them gold made out of their souls? Sounds like nice buisnes idea. What about making a spell, wich opens npc inventory (if it's not a follower, you would be in pickpocketing mode), wich would make it easier for you to spread curses? That would be nice addition not only for curses, but also for pickpocketing in general (altho that would take away any danger if you have perk for silent spells from illusion AND if you get caught you are out of range and NPC might as well not notice...).
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