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Posts posted by ElynnaAmell

  1. No idea how complicated it would be to execute this (I'm guessing very), but it'd be great if someone could put together a mod that allows you to have your whole party mounted together (possibly on different mounts?), instead of disappearing and having the controlled character as the only one mounted.

  2. With the currency I think this was just one of the things that the team was required to simplify, ie dumbing it down.

    The headcanon that's floating around with this is that since the Inquisitor is leading a massive organization he's dealing in much larger amounts of money than the Warden or Hawke would have ever seen. Alternately, the more comical headcanon is that Corypheus is trying to destabilize Orlais and Ferelden by flooding the local economies with gold.

    Regardless, a return to the original currency would be great!

  3. Just a request for some lore-friendly armor to replace the Mercenary Armor that all races/classes start out with (as well as in the cutscenes relating to the Conclave for the sake of continuity). Personally I'd prefer something with low stats to match the original starter armor, rather than simply swapping in the higher tier/level armor. So a Dalish inquisitor gets Dalish armor, the dwarf inquisitor gets Carta armor, maybe a better color for the Qunari inquisitor as the mercenary coat still works for them, and something a bit more high-end for the human inquisitor as s/he's from a wealthy noble family and (unless they're a mage) is representing the family's interests at the conclave...

    I know on the Dragon Age subreddit there was some interest in this on one of the posts.

    If anyone is willing to do this I also have a request for low-stat Templar armor as a replacement as well, though clearly that's not as universally applicable as the above suggestions. Just trying to satisfy my headcanon of my Trevelyan inquisitor who was a templar before the Conclave. :blush:

  4. Hi,

    I just wanted to request (what I hope is) a relatively tiny change to the coloring of the Dragonbone version of Templar armor, as this is an area that the Armor Tinter won't alter.

    Can anyone make the Sword of Mercy a deeper red? As it is, it's an orangey-red color, which just isn't quite as bold as I'd like it to be. If someone could just alter the area of the Sword to be a deeper red (ie crimson, blood red, etc. I have Highever Weave as the cloth I'm attempting to better match, if that's helpful).

    Thanks! :-)

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