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About chuckdf

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    United States
  1. You're welcome! I hope that was of some help. I hope you have fun woth Morrowind, it's really a great game.
  2. Hello You'll want install Morrowind, then Tribunal, then Bloodmoon. The load order of the add ons is very specific or it like to crash. As to installing any other mods, there's no set load order that I know of, unless the mod requires it. I would install all the add ons first, then any mods you may want. Some have a dependency on Tribunal or Bloodmoon.
  3. Have you ticked the box in the lower right hand side of the NPC window that says "head" ? If you have and it's still not showing up, you may want to reinstall the CS.
  4. Not a problem at all, glad I could be of some help.
  5. The icon textures are under Textures/Menus50/Stats. You have to unpack your Oblivion Textures BSA to get to them though.
  6. You're problem may be the load order. I believe it goes Morrowind, then Tribunal, then Bloodmoon. I know installing them in the wrong order causes it to crash.
  7. Hello, nice to hear from you again. I'll definetly check out the images as you videos were great work.
  8. Would you of had a Youtube account of the same name by any chance? there was a Perfectlydunce on there a while ago, just curios
  9. Hello and thank you for welcoming me.
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