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Posts posted by lstfresh

  1. There is already a method to go about "updating" your old mods to work with the legendary patch using TES5Edit. Assuming you already have the old Unofficial Skyrim patches loaded, just load the mods you want to 'update' unto TES5Edit and change the required master files to the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary patch.

  2. Having played Immersive Creatures, Monster Mod Reborn, and the original Monster Mod through many playthroughs, I've gotten bored by the lack of adrenaline I once had upon coming across the creatures of these mods in my adventures. The monsters are no longer surprising to me, and mods like the ones mentioned only seem to add more creatures and required disk space as the main 'meat' of their updates. While I am looking for mods that give my game a dark-fantasy vibe, dogtown's Monster Mod presents creature models that, in my opinionated observations, break immersion too much for me to take combat seriously. Immersive Creatures had that spark of variety in the first several playthroughs, but after a while the encounters become stale and adds no new element to the game's encounter mechanics.


    I would like to see a monster pack whose creatures respond to the follow events:




    Rather than just having corpses disappear into thin air, why not entertain a little backstory to their removal? So when you either (1) kill a humanoid/mammal or (2) come across a fresh corpse, there is a chance a creature will spawn nearby who will rush at the scene to devour the dead corpses. If it senses you within the vicinity of the corpse(s), the scavenger will try to ambush you with the intention of killing you. A flight or fight situation, you can either fend off the fast creature or run away; if you choose to run away, it will chase you for only a short time before running back to the source of death to clean up the corpses in the given area and ultimately disappear (that is, if you are fast enough to out-run it). If you decide to fight it, prepare for many cheap and deadly swipes as it is a very agile and relentless creature. Excluding cities, these creatures will make their appearance in forests, roads, snowlands, small towns and abandoned areas.


    I think this event adds an additional element of fear and surprise when in combat, since you have a sense of uneasiness even after killing your foe.


    For the models in question, I would models that make use of the existing models in the vanilla game. Here are several concept pictures that I hope will assist in the creation of the models.


    1. A draugr-falmer hybrid: I think the body of the falmer and facial model of the draugr would make great candidates for the creature for this event. For animations I can imagine heavy use of falmer, draugr, werewolf(the feeding animation), and possibly gargoyle resources.


    A savage posture.



    Glowing eyes that pierce at you! An ear-splitting scream!



    Blinding speed!


    Notable references: The girl ghost from The Grudge movies.


    2. Small and feral aerial creature: apart from dragons, there aren't really any other threats in the sky. The alternative to the first beast could be a small bat-like creature that really tests the timing and dexterity of your aim. Another agile and aggressive monster, it will attack you by flying within a small radius around you. It can perhaps shoot projectiles of venemous spit. The easiest class to deal with this would probably be mages, as they can just spray-and-pray their spells at it while it flies swiftly around you. This creature can be practice for archers in shooting at fast moving targets, and, for swordsmen, practice the timing of their strikes.


    I do not have a particular model in mind but I think this image resonates well:




    Rain Storms


    Perhaps during storms certain creatures have a chance of spawning around you. Here are a few references I think will suit well for this event:




    The black shuck of English folklore, according to some references, is said to be a vicious bringer of omens, in which witnesses experience events of lightning, thunder, darkness, and hailing upon setting eyes on the beast. Wolf and hell-hound models will prove useful in this.




    Perhaps an aquatic-humanoid like this scary looking naiad can roam about on rainy days?


    Similar approaches can be made to snow storms, dust storms, etc.




    I can't think of any models, but creatures that use illusion and alteration mechanics would fit well into this scenario.

  3. Upon searching, I also thought the same thing. There isn't much of a foundation behind the sword ind terms of action play because of it's lack of active incorporation in the Middle-Earth system. This is also why the concept art is close to being puke because of the lacking distinctiveness. I just wanted to see if anybody could generate a better background of it.

  4. I do not know if a mod with my request exists, but this is a follower system that only activates when the player is in combat.


    This mechanic only limits the player to a maximum of three followers (they will player dynamic roles in combat)


    The hotkey Commands for each follower can be assigned by a row of numbers on the numberpad (Follower 1 has 1-3, Follower 2 has 4-6, Follower 3 has 7-9)


    The 0 key addresses all three allies


    Before Combat Function


    Before heading into combat, you are able to recruit a maximum of three followers, and assign each one a unique class from a list (for the sake of brevity I will only address one class in-depth):

    • Healer- As name states, this follower will serve primarily as a healer. Non-magic Healers need to keep a good supply of health regen and/or stamina potions to replenish the team during combat. Magic Healers need to keep a good amount of MP potions to self-sustain healing,warding, and paralysis spells. Since offensive tactics are not the priorities of the healer, they will be weak in attacks. Before combat, you can give them simple commands like "go and fill up your stock priest" and you give them some septims for them to stock up. They will go away for a short while (to add immersion effect) and return with their support supplies restocked.

    Healer in Combat: During combat, using hotkeys, you can call out the healer to heal, which the healer will focus on aiding teammates based on lowest HP. Non-magic healers will run up and hand you some HP pots and move on to the next. Magic healers will use healing spells. You can also request the healer to shield for a member- Non-magic healers will use a shield and cover you from the battle, eating arrows and deflecting blows. Magic healers will use the ward spell to guard you from enemy spells. And so on.



    the 0 key will set priorities for the followers during combat. You can order one (or all of them) to focus on enemy archers/mages first to quickly gain the upperhand of the battle, or have your illusionist/rogue ally sneak behind the bulk of the enemy and ambush. You can yell at your team to spread out/scatter in which they will seek cover and fight off the enemy defensively.


    Let's say you and your team are facing a draugr group and a dragon? Order your ranged attack to focus on the dragon while you and the rest fight out the zombies (assuming you are a close-combat character).



    The intention I am trying to get across is the make both the player and followers rely equally and heavily on each other rather than the followers leeching off the player for help.



    Okay, I am considering pursuing this potential project on my, I just need one question: can mods be created on a laptop? Of course it depends on what system I have but I just want to know the relative comparisons between modding on a laptop and modding on a pc.

    yes they can. depending on your system though, because if you cannot run Skyrim on it than it could be a pain to do.


    Okay, it runs skyrim very well though with some progressive heating issues (as expected from a laptop). How would you say is the feasibility of the racial recognition of an npc?

  6. And besides, if there is an arrangement that is questionable when using LOOT, you can set specific load order directions that LOOT will remember the next time you use LOOT's organization functionality.


    So if you want to make LOOT as reliable as possible, I suggest going through each of your mods' load order instructions and set LOOT to remember them. That way, you wont have a suspicious load order and will have the most updated master lists.

  7. And if you want to integrate lore into character interaction, there is a method that I think will be acceptable while also giving off some nostalgia: For example, you encounter a orc patrol (an indication that there is a orsimer stronghold nearby) and the head scout stops you with a forced- voiced- dialogue "You there..." or "Hey" (any available generic script) and then from there the rest of the conversation is all in text. The only issue I guess with this is to make the language and text immersive and interesting enough to maintain the player's reading attention span.

  8. hey when you double post make sure to report it to the moderators


    so you want it set up like in oblivion and morrowind where your race drastically changed how people treated you.


    hey, thats racist...and i loved it. different possibilities for different races whould be not only immersive but also interesting to play.

    1. Very Sorry for my negligence. 2. I guess that basically sums it, though with a few more enhancements similar to Immersive Patrols and the Wearing Faction Armor Causes Aggression. Covering this issue should revive some of the aspects that made TES games worth revisiting because of the endless and random possibilities. 3. Unfortunately, that is it at its basis. However, it brings more realism and immersion to the gameplay. I was reading through J.R.R. Tolkein's "Unfinished Tales" and I guess that got me thinking at how much impactful character relationships can be on the overall plot.

  9. Edit: Switch info of posts with like title names. First/oldest version has the intended info.


    It seems that my internet was lagging and posted twice, so I will edit this repeat something worth a glimpse of pardon.
    In terms of dialogue, it is there a mod that changes the text of the Dragonborn to something more appropriate to its time era? For instance, the dialogue tone of the Dragonborn towards a Jarl is perhaps too casual/rude in my opinion. Expanding on this, pehaps dialogue tone and structure should be dependent on the race the Dragonborn chose.
  10. Changes: Switched info of the posts with similar title names.



    I would like someone to consider on a NPC mod that focuses on the gameplay consequences of racial identity. Not on stats and skills, but more focus on AI behavior towards a race. I was reading up on lore(and a few books by J. Tolkein :D) and realized that in order for a game/lore-based novel to have a prolonging "wow" factor, there must be a dynamical direction for a player/character to take while also being open to possibilities.
    Since Skyrim is under major political instability, it would make sense that neighboring kingdoms(both enemy and independent) would want to involved in Skyrim's affairs in hopes of gaining and establishing some sort of benefit/gain.
    There are only two mods that,when used together, sort of achieve these parameters ( Immersive Patrols and Wearing Faction Armor Causes Aggession) but only on a small and limited scale.
    I propose to expand on this concept by including the allies of the Aldmeri Dominion and those of the Empire.
    For instance, Towards the west of Skyrim there should be a increase number of Orsimer strongholds (since High Rock is on the west of Skyrim) and Breton people with their respective patrols. Whenever you are nearing an Orsimer stronghold, be aware of a Orc patrol nearby.
    Since the Thalmor largely(if not all) comprise of High Elves, they are fine, however I think that Bosmer and Khajit races should be frequent appearances since they are diplomatically united under the Aldmeri Dominion. Bosmers, as skilled hunters and marksman, can be integrated as scouts for Thalmor regions/patrols/camps while the Khajits can serve as spies and watchman because of their keen eyes and prowess.
    I will not expand on this concept in its entirety for fear it will be a tl;dr.
    Another important aspect that should greatly enhance density is by integrating racial relationships among diplomatic factions. For example, while High Elves are inconsiderate towards many of the other races, they should be somewhat familiar and comfortable around Bosmer and Khajit beings because of the diplomatic alliance between their nations. While this is the case on paper, I wish this to be actually implemented in gameplay.
    Using the racial relation mechanic, the Dragonborn be MORE cautious of what race he/she wants to pursue depending on what type of initial relationships he/she wants. Of course, later in the gameplay the Dragonborn can either increase racial relationships by doing quests from a racial representative (vanilla has some quests that marginally enhance/neutralize racial relationships of some races) or worsen racial relationships by killing/doing some hostile-negative action towards a racial representative (a racial rep. is a being of a particular race that the Dragonborn wants to impact).
    So, for example, a orc patrol will either let you pass or act hostile towards your presence depending on what race you chose.
    Thank so very much for your time. Please share with me your input on this.
  11. I got through watching many gameplays of the game "Forest," and after countless observations of the enemies there, I was wondering where or not Skyrim has scripts that alter NPC awareness.


    The idea is this:


    If you encounter a gang or bandits, and you end up having the upperhand, the very last enemy (or a few of them) retreat. However, you realize that the stragglers from before came back to hunt you down with reinforcements to have vengeance on their fallen mates.


    This could also apply to war factions, in which the losing side will retreat to recover in which there can be a probability in which the enemy's reinforcements will surprise the Dragon with an ambush.


    The enemy's reinforcements can also be hired/disguised assassins who will walk amongst the crowd and will attack the Dragonborn on sight.


    What do you guys think?

  12. The purpose of this idea is to create some constant interactability between the Dragonborn and his/her factions.I think this idea will be even more interesting if two different faction pleas arrive in which the Dragonborn must decide which one of the factions holds more priority/importance.(Example, receiving messages from both The Companions and the Dark Brotherhood and under a time constraint you have to quickly decide which one to help and which one to put down). Instances like this do place some dynamics within the Dragonborn's gameplay decisions and tests the Dragonborn's commitments.

  13. Alrighty, here is part 2. For those who are new to this topic, I highly suggest that you refer to part one for my rationale behind doing this:


    Part 1:http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1844205-conceptsmods-that-i-think-will-fix-skyrims-density-issue-part-1/



    Idea 3: Making Small Factions Active in Late Game Phase

    • While playing Skyrim, embarking on faction quests was perhaps one of the most essential and engaging decisions I immediately took advantage of. However, in the late game phase I felt little to no more involvement with my affiliations. Yes, you have the side quests from the (SPOILERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR) Night Mother after completing the Dark Brotherhood Storyline but the task becomes very dogmatic and, honestly, I am either too lazy or too busy to bother stopping by. So here's how this concept will make late game players involved with their factions:
    • Because many of us are attracted to factions based on their action-packed quests, this concept will focus on that. While you are exploring or traveling along the roads of skyrim( or settling business within a town or city) a courier will run up to your to give you a letter/message. Depending on what factions you are a part of (excluding the war factions such as the Imperials and Stormcloaks) the message should be from one of them. From the message you find out that the headquarters/sanctuary of your faction has been attacked/raided by a rival faction and that you must return to assist in the fight.
    • The quest should be optional in that you can either ignore the plea or run back and help your company. There is only a short time for you to answer though and when time runs out, you will later receive another message from a courier stating the consequence of your disregard(your faction might've lost some resources like luxury or an important artifact, or lost a generic follower, or have some wounded, or the faction was able to hold off the attack but leaves you with grudges or concerns about your absence depending on the nature of the faction).
    • There should be two quest notifications altogether per event: 1. Deciding whether or not to respond to the message under a time limit. 2. Ignoring message= mission failed; responding the message= tells you to help your friends fend off the rival enemies.
    • The message is considered answered when you arrive at the scene on time.
    • There can be an option from a certain npc within the faction in which you can tell him/her to either clean up the mess(dead rival bodies) or you can pay him/her to recover the damages made (If you are the head leader of your faction, you will be forced to pay through either gold or a certain amount of valuable resources).
    • The amount of rivals at the scene should be configurable
    • The amount of payment can also be configurable
    • After fending off the enemies, the quest should be considered complete
    • There should be a configurable probability in which the quest occurs
    • Another thing to consider; After you and your company fend off the enemy, a unique npc will force chat with you to consider initiating a retaliation skirmish against the attackers. If you decide to launch a skirmish, another quest notification should appear stating the location your faction and the respective enemy will face off. You will meet your faction members, who should be generic faction npcs, so if you want a unique npc like Aela then simply make her your follower. On the opposite side you should find enemies of the faction(who are also generic) that attacked your faction. The amount of npcs should be configurable to a maximum or 14-16 because it is a small fight... not a war. After/late in the battle the enemy will either: not give up thus you killing them all, or retreat for vengeance in which you have a limited time to hunt them down until they disappear, or be in a forced dialogue with a enemy captain/leader where the captain will submit to their defeat and ask for a truce. Here's the thing though: regardless of whether or not you hold peace with them or not, there is an algorithm that randomly generates names or chooses a random name from a category(Roman faction names, viking tribes, etc.) for the enemy faction so that the mod can be used repeatedly. The option to initiate a skirmish should be on a probability upon launching the game. The reward could be a random amount of gold and riches depending on how rich the enemy faction is (which should be randomized also). The equips and weapons can be randomized for the enemy to where they can either have a variety of equips or have the same type of equips.


    I did not include war factions because there are already mods that address war faction inactivity. I will come will Part 3 shortly. Sorry for the long post... pretty sure its a tl;dr.

  14. Alright modders and players still alive in this era, after spending 100s and 100s of hours playing skyrim, I wish to put some reflection into my experience so far. With over 120 mods focused on immersion and gameplay enhancement/difficulty, I still have to say that there are things that are lacking that makes skyrim seem so artificial despite the many modifications. I went through Bethesda's Skyrim Mod Jam, and am surprised that by 2014 some of these ideas still haven't been covered (or so I thought). The following are just suggestions of my own opinion so don't get offended at my remarks and claims (please).


    Like the title says, regardless of the amount of mods I shove into my data folder, Skyrim still lacks density. I believe that if this issue is addressed even at the slightest amount, the Skyrim experience will become exponentially organic and fresh with each play-through.


    Idea 1: Thieves and Violent Drunks during the Nightlife in Towns/Cities

    • I don't know if there are mods that address this, but the atmosphere of the towns/cities during the day are not that much different in the night. I mean yes, there is the occasional 2-vampire ambush but that is not in the slightest impressive or really threatening. My suggestion, a suggestion that addresses density, should be to have a mod that randomly generates thieves and violent drunks under a configurable probability in sensible but also random locations within a town/city. So a maximum of two thieves should randomly spawn in dark places and walkways waiting to rob a civilian or even the Dragonborn. However, they should act spontaneous so that the scene does not look sketchy. A thief could even walk normally amongst civilians and then suddenly attack/loot a random civilian(or the Dragonborn) once out of a guard/mercenary's vision. The armor should be random and compatible with other armor mods as a way to disguise themselves from the Dragonborn. They should be weak defensively but strong offensively. A quest could even be produced from this: if a thief assaults a civilian, the civilian will cry for help in which the Dragonborn (who at the scene will find the respective civilian accompanied by a guard or two) responds to cry and can either help capture/kill(where at low health the thief will submit and you can either escort the thief to a guard or kill the thief but face the probability of facing a murder fine depending on the heart of the guard) the thief and report back to the civilian.
    • As for the drunks, there should be a configurable spawn probabilty of spawning 1-4 drunks in or near an inn or foods store/winery. Upon contact, the Dragonborn should be forced into dialogue with the drunk(or the drunk leader of the drunk group) where every dialogue choice will either calm down the drunk or set him off in a violent brawl/fight. The weapons for the drunk(s) should be either a knife or bare fists(unless the drunk(s) is(are) warriors/fighters). If the Dragonborn ends up fighting the drunk (the the drunken group) he/she can lower the drunk's health until they end up submitting or run to a nearby guard for assistance(the guard can tell you to either help him kill the drunk or capture the drunk). If you end up killing the drunk, criminal charges can be applied towards your character. If through your initial dialogue that the drunk calms down, you can be rewarded with a wine or two.
    • Note that on the task of capturing victims, once the quest is completed, the victims should disappear and the guards resume back to their patroling duties. The civilian should resume to his/her original AI path.

    Idea 2: Outside Entertainment Depending on City/Town Atmosphere

    • This one should slightly easier to accomplish than the first idea. Basically, during a sunny day, a town/city (based on its reputation) will be visited, based on a configurable probability, by a musical performer/band who will play lore music and/or celtic tunes for the pre-existing children of the respective town/city. Skyrim kids are like drones in that all they do is run around with jerky remarks. Yes many will find this idea unattractive because it has no significance to Skyrim's action-life but it certainly makes the atmosphere more organic and natural. Children should not be added but rather existing children should be attracted to the npc through a detection radius. The process should be natural; not attracting children like a magnet thus making a large node of fps destruction. on conditional weather/events the performer should not appear. On days that the performer does appear, the performer should only play for a few skyrim hours and then leave. When the performer opens the city gates he/she should de-spawn. In towns, the performer should de-spawn after a short distance from the town's opening. The children should resume back to their AI pathways after the performer starts to leave. If for some reason you kill the performer, the performer should have a random amount of gold depending on the size of his audience but also face criminal charges of the respective town/city.
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