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Everything posted by ericspace1

  1. I'm hoping to avoid having any of the assets in my mod only to mod the already existing ones. That way I can share it with anyone who is looking for a similar mod. I did a bit more playing around and I was able to use xEdit to create a new esp with the vanilla cells to restore the vanilla assets deleted by the mod, and then I went into the creation kit and deleted the objects added to the cells. Then I was able to disable the quest by removing the script that gave you the quest as soon as you exited character creation, and unchecking the box in the quest properties that has the quest run on startup. So that's the first half of the mod done, hopefully I did it in a way that isn't too detrimental to save games.
  2. Hey guys I'm trying to make a mod that removes the quest associated with the Alternative Armors series of mods on the creation club, and instead incorporates them into the world in a similar fashion to the other armor sets in the vanilla game. However I'm having trouble with the former. I don't know the proper way of removing or disabling a quest from the game/mod and how to save the changes as its own esp. I also don't know how I would go about reverting the edited cells back to vanilla other than manually deleting the new objects and placing back the vanilla ones. I'm not having really any trouble with hiding the various pieces of the armor around the world but I will have to mess around with leveled lists which I don't have any experience with so if anyone has some pointers on that aspect; that would be appreciated as well. Nevertheless the main roadblock for me is removing the quest and reverting the cells back to vanilla. Any information is appreciated, Thank you
  3. A dragon decided to attack right as I entered Winterhold and probably screwed up their AI, but this fixed it. Thank you.
  4. Hey sorry for not getting back to you I've been pretty busy. I found a mod called Scroll Speed that I've been using as a workaround. Thank you for your reply all the same.
  5. Hey I'm new to modding and I'm wondering how I would go about making a mod that allows me to press a button on my keyboard to toggle on and off an encumbrance effect on my character. And i need it so that the "you are over encumbered" notification doesn't appear when i press the button, but still appears when you are carrying too much. but yeah that's all. If you are wondering why I need to make this mod, it is simply a work around to this extremely annoying issue where your character doesn't have a transition animation when changing direction when walking, but at the same time when you are forced to walk the direction your character walks changes ever so smoothly. I'll post a link to my video, notice the difference between me walking normally, and being forced to walk when I pick up the dragon bones. https://youtu.be/PltDcPevND4 my idea is by making this mod i can circumvent using the game's walk button, and have a walk button that uses the encumbrance effect to achieve the smooth directional transitions i'm looking for. I've never made a mod before so I'm at square one, but I'm hoping this mod will be simple enough for me to make it. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  6. I'm new to modding and I'm trying to make a script that will make the player encumbered when pressing the walk button, but I have absolutely no clue where to start. Could someone point me in the right direction?
  7. I'm new to modding, and I've been working on a simple mod that adds a small roof that can be used for making watchtowers. I've managed so far to create the model, and have it able to be selected in the workshop. The remaining tasks I have to do is to get it to actually be placeable, and then have it be able to snap to a shack foundation. I am stuck however. I'm at a loss as to why I am not able to place it, and I have no clue how to have it snap to the shack foundation. Here is a screenshot of what I have in game. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/109606451615645419/2EF3A8ED71C432BC1911FD260FDC856807E8D473/
  8. Hi, I'm new to modding and I'm trying to make a fix for those walking transitions and I am completely lost and have no clue how to approach fixing it. I know it can be fixed because this only occurs when you are forcing your character to walk. Here is a video that should explain what I am trying to fix. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PltDcPevND4 I desperately want to fix this because its so immersion breaking and I want to finally put an end to it. So if anyone can guide me through making a fix for this I would be really grateful.
  9. It's the transitions between the directions, and i know the game is capable of doing it because when you are over encumbered the transitions between the directions is nice and smooth. Here's an example http://youtu.be/PltDcPevND4
  10. So I got the creation kit, anyone know where I can edit the movement for my character?
  11. I am requesting a fix for the choppy or snappy walking transition animations for those who like to use a keyboard. Here's a video on what I'm talking about. http://youtu.be/PltDcPevND4
  12. So, I've gotten so fed up with the snappy 3rd person walking transition for people who aren't using a controller and and not being able to find a mod to fix it that I decided to fix it myself, but the only problem is I have no clue how to go about this. I've never modded before, and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. I would also like the mention that when walking while over encumbered the transitions are nice and smooth, I was hoping to just try to take what ever it allowing those smooth transitions while over encumbered and apply them to the normal walking animations.
  13. I also agree, I don't like having to use a controller to fix this!
  14. This has annoyed me for the longest time, the fact that there is no first person great sword idle animation really bugs me, I was hoping that the non existent idle animations for the great sword could be replaced by some other two handed weapon idle animation so that the great swords don't stick out like a sore thumb. I will thank in advance anyone who can link me a fix or creates one. PS. if you want to see if for yourself just stand still with a great sword and watch your character hold it still like he or she in zero gravity.
  15. This is my first post so sorry if I do something wrong. So this has bugged me for a while now, the fact that the movement in Skyrim is so jerky, and had broken the immersion for me quite a few times. I was hoping someone could make a mod to make the movement better and less jerky. I would like it to fix the issues I list below -Have it so when your walking there is a brief moment between walking and standing still where your slowing down, so It's not just stop and go -Have it so when your in third person, you don't just teleport to another direction, for instance when i'm walking and i'm pressing the "W" key and then press the "D" key and he teleports facing north east -And any other improvements you like :D If someone could do that for me or tell me about a mod that does something like this please tell me. Thank you.
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