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  1. Thanks, I've downloaded Geck and it was really easy to make a .esp without radiation in that area. I thought it would have been harder but i guess not :)
  2. Is there a way to remove radiation in a specific area in the console or do I need Geck? I tryed just using disable on all the radiation barrels but i guess those are just for show.
  3. anyone get an issue like this. Its also effecting mud crabs and rats, nothing else so far.
  4. Mechs would be pretty cool, i would rather be down with the smaller, "suits" you could get into. such as the one from district 9. @3rdtryguy While it seems like it would be cool and stuff, the reality is that battlemechs are not the right direction. In combat you want simple and effective weapons, and less moving parts. And the fact that weapon technology is virtually always ahead of armor technology it would be a waste of resources when you find out that your multi billion dollar battlemech can be destroyed by the same $20k anti-tank rocket that could destroy a multi million dollar tank. I think it would be more worth it to make much smaller armored suits at 4 or so meters tall.
  5. Ok i just got done installing quite alot of mods after breaking Oblivion back out, probly like 25-30 mods I just got done installing. My problem lies with the skeletons and ghosts or skeleton faction idk what they are considered. They dont attack me unless i attack first. Most of my other mods are body mods, better cities and stuff that dont have to do with AI and stuff. The only one i did install like that was the complete FCOM convergence with OOO, MMM, and Frans. Everything else seems to be working fine. Bandits attack me and stuff still. While I like running through a dungeon and mowing everything undead its kind of immersion breaking. So any help would be very much appreciated.
  6. Bump I know some others want this too /jedi mind trick ;)
  7. Once its converted it could also have the crouch cloak added to it just like a ghost in starcraft. Then we would just need someone to make a C-10 canister rifle. :D
  8. This would be awesome, I do know that someone made the female ghost armor from starcraft: Ghost but its for Oblivion. If anyone knows how to convert or see if the author could do it. Here is the link http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28938
  9. Yea VTMB was such an incredible game, and im most certain that it was made on the source engine. In fact i remember it coming out just before HL2 did.
  10. I gotcha on the mod part. While my spelling is a bit off when I'm up for 24+ hours, I do still know that cuz is short for Because. Like it or not ;)
  11. You know if you search around there is actual game changing mods that turn food from being HP to actual food, and you suffer penalties if u don't eat, drink and sleep. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2761 (that is FO3 Wanderers Edition) makes the game more fun and exiting. Like making you get real exited over finding stimpacks cuz they are so freaking rare. This mod does require other mods to use correctly if you choose to.
  12. Also like in some of the previous movies, some are in stasis on earth still. I wouldn't be surprised that a nuclear war would wake them.
  13. I really like this idea, I've played FPS games for a long time but none really do this in favor of trying to just make the game fun. (or less of a micromanagement POV) Anyways maybe we could see if we could have a separate mod to be attached to CALIBR, which probably would be the easiest method. And I really like realistic feeling of some of the mods. Like for instance I have the weighted ammo mod. Instead of making it were we can only carry a certain amount of ammo, just have the mags have weight too. I don't know about any of you but I've held a bag of magazines for a rifle even 10 mags of 15-20 bullets of 5.56 gets heavy quick. Maybe we could even get someone to do a magazine filling animation. Where u fill it up yourself, would be nice. Even make another script were you have 2 reload buttons. One would be your default quick load R (or w/e your default is) were u just drop your mag and get a new one. Then a second button T or something, were you put away the empty or partial clip instead of dropping it but takes a second or 2 longer. And lastly another separate button to go through empty or partial mags to refill them. Anyhow just some ideas! Edit: Hmm... after some thinking about this mod. It would have some difficulties. Not only would you have to do scripting and stuff to redo how ammo works, wouldn't the mags themselves say how much max ammo guns could use? For instance you can have different sized mags like 10,15,20,30 or drums of 100 or w/e. For energy weapons it switches to a battery level indicator, much like a weapons durability meter, and they can be recharged. Maybe carry a portable charger unit that can recharge energy weapon batteries with fusion batteries or something. Anyhow just some MOAR ideas! lol
  14. yea I understand, anyhow there is even more designed armor. I think these are specs and designs for some type of art contest called Dominance War. Dunno if this is gonna turn into some type of game itself. Kinda like Cyborgs vs Demons. Some of these would be fitting of fallout atmosphere. Most of it is in Russia (i think) any how check these 2 out. Machine Cyborg *nudity warning* Butterfly Both look very raider like.
  15. I found this on Deviant art a month or 2 ago. Just thought about if I had a suit of this in fallout 3. :biggrin: It also seems to appear that they must have their legs chopped off under the knee. Anyhow here is the link to the main pic on deviantart, but there is alot more pics through the link in the artists comment. Only problem is if u could get permission to use it. http://slipgatecentral.deviantart.com/art/...-shot-123119244
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