I really like this idea, I've played FPS games for a long time but none really do this in favor of trying to just make the game fun. (or less of a micromanagement POV) Anyways maybe we could see if we could have a separate mod to be attached to CALIBR, which probably would be the easiest method. And I really like realistic feeling of some of the mods. Like for instance I have the weighted ammo mod. Instead of making it were we can only carry a certain amount of ammo, just have the mags have weight too. I don't know about any of you but I've held a bag of magazines for a rifle even 10 mags of 15-20 bullets of 5.56 gets heavy quick. Maybe we could even get someone to do a magazine filling animation. Where u fill it up yourself, would be nice. Even make another script were you have 2 reload buttons. One would be your default quick load R (or w/e your default is) were u just drop your mag and get a new one. Then a second button T or something, were you put away the empty or partial clip instead of dropping it but takes a second or 2 longer. And lastly another separate button to go through empty or partial mags to refill them. Anyhow just some ideas! Edit: Hmm... after some thinking about this mod. It would have some difficulties. Not only would you have to do scripting and stuff to redo how ammo works, wouldn't the mags themselves say how much max ammo guns could use? For instance you can have different sized mags like 10,15,20,30 or drums of 100 or w/e. For energy weapons it switches to a battery level indicator, much like a weapons durability meter, and they can be recharged. Maybe carry a portable charger unit that can recharge energy weapon batteries with fusion batteries or something. Anyhow just some MOAR ideas! lol