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About Highlynx

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    United States

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  1. yeah I have all the proper preferences set. Here is an example of a mod I track not giving me a notification. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/111061 I looked through the drop down and the notification screen and it was not there. my tracked mods tab shows it was updated on the sixth, I just never received a notification for it. This is just one of many.
  2. I have mod updates enabled but when ever a tracked mod updates, I never get the notification.
  3. So I am new to modding but I have a basic understanding of 3D rendering in blender. Though my skills are decent, they are no where near the level of quality as other modders who make armor. While the project I am working on is a bit too ambitious for my skills, I want to try. So here is the problem, I wanted to make some battle mage robes that are very high fantasy, I have a general shape and gave it color but the one thing I cant seem to apply is a glowing flow on parts of the robes. Useing one of my old artwork and the AI art generator to update the design, here is what I am using as concept to turn into armor. The the blue glowing bits and yellow emissions on the pauldrons, torso, gauntlets, and parts of the waist. I have tried watching tutorials but following their steps either applies just a glow, lights up the whole thing, or has no effect at all. The I want the glow to basically subtly move and pulse. Multiple attempts have made me grow frustrated that im thinking of just paying someone to make this but I know that will be costly. So any pointers as to how I could do this would be welcome.
  4. What I have heard is that Address library will also need to be updated. SKSE is back to being functional but many mods will also need to be updated. Im wondering if meh321 is working on an update and when it might be released.
  5. This is by no means going to be the end of skyrim, not by a long shot.
  6. Does anyone have any information on when the next update for address library is? Some perma load order mods I use depend on it and I woner if anyone has heard from meh321
  7. I would love to have the ability of yeet titans
  8. I have been having this problem for a while and I have narrowed it down to looks menu. I am on very hard difficulty. After unchecking mod after mod, Looksmenu seems to be the cause of the problem. When I disabled looksmenu, I was able to reload saves without save and quick save being greyed out. I do get a "mainquest error message" but it does allow me to save. It's not an anti-virus issue as I already tried those solutions. However, I still need looksmenu for some other mods to function. How do I fix this? edit: AAF also seems to be doing the same thing.
  9. I can understand not being able to delete your own mods but I am still confused as to why collections has received such a negative response. It's not like the nexus team is going to lock mods behind a pay wall. Donations are still a thing. The only thing that I have seen that is deserving of the criticism it has gained are mod authors being unable to delete their own stuff while everything else just seems blown out of proportion. If people are that upset, are there any other sites on par with nexus in terms of being able to navigate the site and track down specific kinds of mods?
  10. I just got done playing rigmor of cyridiil and in my opinion, that mod is the most adorable and nail biting mod I have ever played. It's not like other romance mods were your achievements are rewarded with getting in their pants. While this mod does have those fade to black scenes, its not the main attraction. Rigmor of Cyridill has some of the cutest scenes I have ever seen in modding. You even get to start a family. I am looking for a similar mod with the same level of adorable that ROC has. Instead of a follower/spouse just being like "hey your married now, they will wander around your house forever" im looking for one that attempts to make you care. Please let me know if any such mod exists. I am not looking for NSFW mods. It can have that stuff but the cuteness and adorable scenes must have a heavy presence. Make me care, dont make me horny.
  11. I just got done playing rigmor of cyridiil and in my opinion, that mod is the most adorable and nail biting mod I have ever played. It's not like other romance mods were your achievements are rewarded with getting in their pants. While this mod does have those fade to black scenes, its not the main attraction. Rigmor of Cyridill has some of the cutest scenes I have ever seen in modding. You even get to start a family. I am looking for a similar mod with the same level of adorable that ROC has. Instead of a follower/spouse just being like "hey your married now, they will wander around your house forever" im looking for one that attempts to make you care. Please let me know if any such mod exists.
  12. I will try it out. Thanks for the suggestion.
  13. Do to entering bleak falls barrow in every new game and being the first dungeon we all go into first, bleak falls barrow has become the dullest dungeon in skyrim. So I was wondering if there are any mods that remake the layout and adds onto it. I Know every nook and cranny of that dungeon and it needs a change desperately. So if anyone could point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it
  14. Are there any companion mods, voiced ones, that not only react to what you do and the quests you do but also react to DLC stuff as well. I currently only have dawnguard and heartfire. I plan on getting dragonborn soon. So does anyone know of any companion mods that react to DLC
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