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About alex3271

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  1. The bipedal robot from robocop https://www.google.com/search?q=robocop+robot+enemy&newwindow=1&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjQ28OEneDLAhVlqqYKHV4yBekQ_AUIBygB&biw=1440&bih=797#newwindow=1&tbm=isch&q=robocop+ed+209
  2. I don't LoL but that's a nice shield. It won't be allowed though due to copy rights. and the picture, I think is a fan art. Although... that would be a good model to practice the spline modeling hmmmm Problem is that is hard to tell what's on the back
  3. I'm still waiting for a path that will allow non rigid items. That's the only thing that will really make things act like fabric
  4. I think there a hat that exist. . . . female I think... (off topic, the photo is probably edit, something about the bottle hahahaha :whistling: )
  5. there is already this mod armor, hair, face, weapon and all. Google it hahahaha :whistling:
  6. Did you just change the dds files or did you change the nif. check if you put the textures in the right directory
  7. PIGS??? yah why aren't there any pigs. Ive played games with the same lore as skyrim and they had pigs even if they were just background
  8. there's already a mod like this I have one I just forgot where I got it
  9. I love to see that chained weapon sadly skyrim doesnt support non rigid items. even clothes looks like its made of cardboard
  10. yah Im very new to making meshes and I havent figured out how to retain the sharp edge when I export to obj.
  11. :dance: The DA weapon pack hasn't been deleted from nexus so I guess its possible for someone to do it. Perhaps he can make it http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19263
  12. actually I had two textures for the blade a very rusty one and a shinny but had all the battle scars. I like the rusty one better since I like how the blood looked. I dont like perfect looking items, :whistling:
  13. the nearest to that would be . . . I think its called skycraft (skyrim minecraft)
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