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Everything posted by mbradshaw

  1. I have figured it out there were two things. 1) file header version needs to be 0.950000 not 1. 2) esl number needs to be from 800 and up.
  2. The Fallout4.esm is the master for my hydraclaw mod. I tried running fallout4vr with no other mods except hydraclaw which then produced crashes. I ran fallout4vr with NO mods and game works fine. But if I enable the Hyrdaclaw then a crash. I made the Hydraclaw mod and I don't know what I am doing wrong. :( This mod works just fine in regular fallout 4 mod.
  3. My Hydraclaw mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/47778 Modlist Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KjAhJ3RAqUxp5TYivW7fjSC_XVEuAafiJmHfCVnb2VI/edit I used wabbajack to install the Fallout VR Essential Overhaul Mod list. I added my hydraclaw mod to the list and f4se vr crashes before bringing up main menu. The screen will be black for a bit then disappear. I have tried finding logs but I am not seeing anything about what caused the startup crash. I disable my hydraclaw mod and then the game loads and plays just fine. I went into f04edit and there are no conflicts that I can see. I've also used the auto clean option on the mod. I do not know what is causing the explosion. I am going to try and see if I can use Vortex to just try the hydraclaw mod by itself. I ended up just having vanilla fallout4.exm and fallout4_VR.esm and then my hydraclaw.esp flagged as esl. The game would crash. I then removed my hydraclaw and game worked fine. Which means something in my hydraclaw.esp causes fallout 4 vr to crash. Where can I find logs to fix this? Anyone have any ideas?
  4. Yeah I still haven't figured it out yet. I wanted my Hydraclaw to zerg tunnel, but that is interesting sniping a scorpion same time it hits you. :/
  5. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ctmN8J6HXgTTFS_pt782rvWdl1M-wDEQBQ3qB7oSqCQ/edit?usp=sharing My compiled comparison list What do you think?
  6. I will look at the actions. Not sure where that would be assigned. I did find a custom creature mode that has burrowing spiders: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16241 They used the rad scorpion as a base for that mod though. I will compare using xedit Bloodworms, molerats, rad scorpions, and rad spiders and see if I can see commonalities. Thanks for the help so far! :D
  7. I have extracted and decompiled with champollion the scripts. I looked at the tunnelingracefx.psc looks like it just triggers the dirt as they enter or exit. Not seeing a way to add to races. Description says: "adds fx for tunneling actors by magic fx on race" Hmmmm
  8. I didn't think of scripts would be the way! I kept searching for everything I could through xedit and geck. Thanks I will start there and see what I can find out:)
  9. I am making a custom deathclaw called hydraclaw. I want it to be able to burrow, but I don't see in GECK a setting that states enable burrow or tunnel. I have looked at rad scorpions Nd mole rats, but don't see anything obvious. I see that both have tunnel entrance and tunnel exit animations. There are sounds for burrowing. There is a keyword that disables tunneling. Any insights or suggestions will be appreciated! Thanks
  10. Thanks for the reply I will try to ask them about the idea and see what they say. I believe this will be cool if possible. ^_^
  11. Hi I am making a starcraft space marine power armor http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24304/? Ammonhra is working on space marine right now, and soon hopefully it can get in game with the new changes. I am also making a Protoss power armor. I am just doing the modeling and uv mapping and some texturing of the models. However, I thought it would be cool to fight zerg creatures in game with the power armors. So I was wondering if anyone has added new unique creatures with custom animations to fallout 4? And if so anyone willing to help get a hydralisk in game if I make it?
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