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Everything posted by Psyrpent

  1. Hi I am looking for a spell to enable me to pick up a live npc.. idk if this is possible but I think it is. I want to pick them up and then tcl fly up into the sky and drop them.. then slow time way down and laugh at them fall.. If anyone knows a mod to pick up or grab an npc please tell me.. :) (ps. I don't know if this is the right page or if I should put this under mods..)
  2. get the torrent.. problem solved .. I bought skyrim for pc and xbox, the pc version was the special edition or whatever so i payed money for the stupid statue so I don't mind not paying for dawnguard. I supported bethesda enough for now. No you didn't Banned -DrGrimm
  3. when I say superweapons I specifically mean an orbital ion cannon and biological weapons, such as diseases that can be infected easily through the population and are potentially fatal.. I'm sick minded I know but what I do in skyrim is massive war scenarios and these things would be very useful for intensive war roleplay. If anyone out there wants to add to this or thinks that this is a possibility please let me know. I would be quite thankful if someone could even make a mod close to this.. I think that the ion cannon would be good if you could look up in the sky and see it above you at all times.. maybe with a cooldown of 3 minutes or so, and just a yellow beam of light shoots to the surface via a tag spell. The force of the blast should be considerably potent, dealing 1000 damage over a 30 foot radius, maybe even setting the ground on fire or having a force push effect, or both. With a biological weapon, i think it would be best if it is a disease that is highly contagious and gets worse over time until it kills the host. I don't know if it is possible to make diseases in the game airborne, or contracted when within radius of an infected person, but if it is then in theory it could be as easy as releasing the toxin in town and skyrim would be devastated over a few weeks.. well mostly everyone. These are just my ideas and if you want to add or suggest doing something different I would love to hear it.. Unfortunately I don't know how to mod or I would just make it myself. I would like to learn someday but I find it difficult to get into and I don't know where to start.. Thanks for reading.
  4. Hey guys, I am looking for a mod that simply gives me a 5% interest gain on my coinpurse every in game day. It needs to be automatically added to the coinpurse as well.. Please someone help me with this small mod, I will be most greatful and my Skyrim experience will be forever more fortunate. Thanks!! :smile:
  5. Hey guys, I was hoping someone out there could help me out with a fallout 3 mod.. I want a mod that gives me compounding interest on my caps. Basically the mod would make my fallout experience more enjoyeable watching my money grow.
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