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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. Keep all your mods installed, run script merger again and delete the current merged script for "r4player.ws", then merge it again and look at & around line 380 in the merged script (ie the bottom window pane) and you'll likely find a logic conflict like a line doubled up or something.
  2. Am I the only one that finds it slightly disheartening that the a good chunk of the "hot mods" are womens clothing? Just now logging into nexus, the front page hot mods has 4 out of the 5 as skimpy womens clothing. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that all the "latest images" are of women characters in said clothing. It makes one wonder what that's telling Bethesda what direction they should go for TES VI. :ohdear:
  3. Lol, I tend to write books :D, but this just happened yesterday when I was playing and figured I'd share... I own Honeyside in Riften, and am also thane so I had Iona staying there as well. It's a bit cramped upstairs, and anytime I needed to cook something (using a hunger mod so it's necessary) she's using the cooking pot. I try to get some cooking done while she stands there right over my should "What can I do for you my thane?" How about getting the oblivion off my back!?! If I need to get in one of the containers, she's standing in front of it. Planning on getting some sleep, she sits on the chair by my bed like a creeper. Basically, she was really getting on my nerves. So later I'm in the basement doing a little alchemy, and I decided to go check out her room since I haven't yet - but then again, neither has she! She never even goes in the basement, much less to the one room that is all hers. Well, being the curious type *ahem* I decide to look in her stuff, when I find several "flawless" gems in her nightstand next to the bed. *I* store some gems in the nightstand next to my bed upstairs. I rush upstairs, check my stash, and to be honest I'm not sure if any were missing but at that point it was a good enough excuse. I pulled out my dagger, crept up behind her while she sat at the kitchen table(yeah, now sit down when I'm not trying to use the kitchen :down: ) and in a seamless single move, slit her throat. Then I drug her corpse down to her room that she never would spend time in, and put her in the bed she never slept in... well, now she is. I made sure to close the door to her room as I left, I wouldn't want to invade her privacy or anything. :rolleyes: The next morning, I woke up, smiled because she wasn't sitting there on the chair next to my bed, and headed out of Riften all the way to Solitude on a... ummm.. business contract. I went the way of Whiterun as I had to stop at Breezehome for some supplies I had stored. Go up to my bedroom where I store my valuables and... "Honor to you, my thane." :facepalm: No, gtfo out right now. I told her I needed her to follow me.. right to her bedroom, of course that she never uses either. I ordered her to go in there, then closed the door. I get about three steps back to my room *creeeeeeak* “I am sworn to protect you.” :wallbash: ... I'm trying here, I'm trying really hard. I order her back to her room, close the door, and then lock it! (used a console command to lock it.) Get back to my room, just about to the dresser *creeeeeeeeaak* :mad:, I spun around so fast and ran out of the room with two daggers drawn so quick that she barely made it out of her room, hitting her with such a fury so hard her lifeless body flew back into her room. Again, I placed her corpse on her bed and closed her door. At last, some peace and quiet while I try to make things happen other than sitting around the house and eating 10lbs of bread all day. :dance:
  4. Whats odd is that it makes no mention of talking to Maul and getting the "Become a full member of the Thieves Guild."
  5. This. I've finished the Thieves Guild quest line, gotten to guild leader etc, etc. I never talked to Maul (believe I spoke to him on the Riften docks) until recently, when I already have 12 of the 24 stones. During my convo with him is when I seen that new objective pop up on the screen, and checked my journal right away to see it under the "No Stone Unturned" quest log. I just chuckled, apparently being guild leader isn't a "full member" which makes sense since the one guy in the flagon cistern always gives me "What do you want? You've already caused enough trouble around here!" line when I enter there. Umm yeah, it seems like I'm the only guild member that actually leaves the guild house and single-handedly spread our influence around Skyrim. :wallbash: :biggrin:
  6. Vanilla water? Is that like snow? :D I had some odd spots with water before I started with the mods. Using the same one thesapien posted above and haven't looked back.
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