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About Vibraphonov

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  1. Beautiful avatar you have - sad, yet beautiful.
  2. Hey Greenn!

    How've you been?

  3. You lucky - I almost completely missed all her adventures last year, so I need some time to bring me up to date.

    Thank you, have a great week too :)

  4. A whole year- wow. Yeah- I took a break for awhile but I stop by every sunday to see what our favorite Julia is doing :P hope to see your creations too- have a great week!
  5. well, that's pretty sad, but it's good that you're still here :)
  6. woohoo :D hope I won't dissapoint you with my new stuff, heh

    great to see you again, it's been a year :D

  7. Stories and screenies from G_TS :D happy dance!
  8. Yeah, a lot of great screenshoters are gone, but there are some new talents coming up... :D
  9. hope I didn't forget how to do screenshots yet >_> by the way, how much did things change here? I don't see nothing new at all, but a lot of new faces, heh
  10. That's great news... I hope to see some new images from you... :D
  11. thank you :D i'm fine too, feeling awesome :) trying to decide if I shoud try to get back in bussiness in Imageshare, didn't post anything there for year :D
  12. Hey Danis!!! Great to hear from you. I'm fine, thanks... How are you, my friend? Great photo btw... :D
  13. Greetings Nico! How are you? :)
  14. Hey Marco, greetings here! How are you? It's been a long time since I did something here >_>
  15. hey Marco, thank you

    merry Christmas =)

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