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Status Updates posted by Vibraphonov

  1. You lucky - I almost completely missed all her adventures last year, so I need some time to bring me up to date.

    Thank you, have a great week too :)

  2. well, that's pretty sad, but it's good that you're still here :)
  3. woohoo :D hope I won't dissapoint you with my new stuff, heh

    great to see you again, it's been a year :D

  4. hope I didn't forget how to do screenshots yet >_> by the way, how much did things change here? I don't see nothing new at all, but a lot of new faces, heh
  5. thank you :D i'm fine too, feeling awesome :) trying to decide if I shoud try to get back in bussiness in Imageshare, didn't post anything there for year :D
  6. Greetings Nico! How are you? :)
  7. Hey Marco, greetings here! How are you? It's been a long time since I did something here >_>
  8. hey Marco, thank you

    merry Christmas =)

  9. Hi Amnis, thank you, everything is alright

    Hope you're alright too =)

  10. Hey Surenas, what's up:) Hope you're alright, Happy Easter ^_^
  11. Heh, sure, finally I can use it at 100% again.

    Happy Easter! :)

  12. And hey, I've just made some new shots, woohoo! Going to upload it soon, hope you'll find time to look at them! :)
  13. And about friendlist, I was going to add you when I'm back, but you did it first, heh :)
  14. Hi Amnis, I'm fine, thank you :) I've got some free time now because of my nose-operation (it was broken 17-18 years ago and now I decided to get it repaired), so I decided to do some new stuff and check tesnexus. :)

    Hope everything is alright with you too. I saw all your last artwork, that's impressive, as always! Going to rate&comment it in near time!

  15. Hi Bowsong! Everything is fine, thank you, and even better then earlier since I repaired my broken long-time ago nose :)

    Hope you're alright too!

  16. Thank you, maybe I'll be able to take some shots further, so who knows?
  17. Thank you Amnis, it's honor for me to get such words from such a great artist like you!

    Unfortunately, I think I'm going to finish with screenshooting for some time, maybe for month or two - must start to prepare for my exams :(

    And thank you for sharing your great shots of Julia, they're one of my favourites things here on Nexus :)

  18. Hey Bowsong, thank you! I wish you happy new year too! Yay, a brand new year, a lot of time for a lot of cool deeds!:)

    Hope I will find some time to make some new screens, I didn't launch OB for about a month:)

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