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Posts posted by yumiifmb

  1. In Origins, there's a switch in POV during the battle in Denerim where we switch from the Warden to a companion that was previously chosen. Anyone knows how to make that happen/has a tutorial to share on the subject? I'm guessing it'd have to be scripted with plot triggers, but beyond that I'm not sure of anything.

  2. I'm actually still just in the creation process and haven't exported anything yet. I'm just wondering if say I add a transition door, can it lead from and to my area then a room created with level? Should I just stick with areas? Should I create everything with levels? The link you've sent is frankly a bit confusing on these points and seems to be about adding an area to an already existing campaign.

  3. I have an idea in mind to use rooms that'll look like the Circle of Magi in Ferelden, and using that specific area seems like the best way to go. Is there a difference between that vs building your own room/outdoor area in Level?


    Can I still link both somehow? Let's say I use a pre-loaded area (let's say the circle), then create an extra room/area using Level, can I still maybe add a transition door or trigger and thus player can navigate between both?

  4. Of course I'm aware of sites like DAToolset.net or Beyond Ferelden and the various videos on YouTube which provide with helpful tutorials.


    My issue is that the toolset wiki is incomplete, through the years some tutorials have also disappeared (the bioware forums are down for instance and some other links just lead nowhere), and everything script related is only very loosely explained on the wiki.


    Are there any tutorials out there there which are comprehensive and step-by-step on how to create a full extra compaign? For instance I already understand how to export a new campaign to the game, create an NPC and add audio, create a new area, create a single quest etc, but I have no idea how to add a string of quests or the like.


    Anyone knows of one such thorough tutorial, please? Thank you.





  5. I'm a bit late and you probably got it sorted, but it occurred to me you might have the GOG version.

    They edited the registry to stop Origin from overwriting the game.

    If you have the GOG version, edit the registry

    HKLM/SOFTWARE/(Wow6432Node*)/BioWare/Dragon Age

    rename value 'Path_' to 'Path'


    After you install the toolset you can change it back and the tooset will still work.

    If you aren't using the GOG version, then I don't know what's causing it.


    Assuming I'm a noob, how exactly do you edit the registry?

  6. I know that we already have two mods which let us "romance" Loghain, and they're quite nice, but ultimately what they add is one kiss scene and one love scene.


    Would anyone be interested in expending on the Loghain romance by creating stand-alone cutscenes? I keep thinking of tinimaus' Alistair cutscenes which are unbelievably amazing.


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