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Status Updates posted by Sarrene

  1. Thank You Ranger... Merry Christmas to you and your family! I hope you have had a good one..

    Merry Christmas and Merry Yule to everyone!

  2. So much work! Nice thing is.. we are really starting to move along! I cannot wait to have a wee bit of free time to get back in chat and visit with you all! Hopefully I will time soon!
  3. For those that were wondering about this audio that Lateral and I were talking about check out a few samples. Mind you they are WIP's and Jesse has not remastered them yet: http://darkrelic.com/media-gallery/darkrelic/dark-relic-audio
  4. Hehe, yah, we have a great team, and I am proud to have Jesse as part of our staff. He does a GREAT job. And just think.. these are still WIP's, not even remastered yet.
  5. Hello there Btooka! Nice to see you....

    Lateralizm: I hope that means the audio was okay?

  6. Not disappeared.. Been on mostly early mornings now that it has become hot again.
  7. It is Monday! back to work again :) Hope everyone has a great week!
  8. I had a great birthday! My American college football team won! Woohoo! Great birthday present! Go Blue! (University of Michigan).

    Okay.. back to work again :) It never ends!

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