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Posts posted by TonyT316


    For packages, you will need to dig into this, read them carefully, here is everything you might need.
    For creating a new faction.
    In the Object window in CHARACTER find FACTION, right click in the faction list and create a "NEW FACTION", here is everything you might need to know.
    Hope it helps...


    Thank you very much for your help. Sorry for the late response.

  2. Hello, I just wanted to know what are the right character packages because I am trying to make just Whiterun for now bigger in population. Like for instance I want to make characters in Dragonsreach and the Bannered Mare visit other parts of the town like the market and do other simple things like sleep, eat and wander. I already made an Argonian for Dragonsreach and added him to a faction and gave him some character packages but I think all he does it just walk around and sit. Also another simple question is how do you create a faction. Sorry, I am used to the Oblivion Construction Set and this Creation Kit seems a little more complex and harder for me.


    EDIT: Thank you very much for your help.


    As for new questions I am fine for right now, but I do have a question about the last two sentences. On the last two sentences I do not have the construction set extender and do not know how to download anything without the Vortex instead of manually. Also the last sentence is that how to do it manually instead of using the construction set extender? Thank you very much for your help.

    Downloading manually is as easy as a kid's game, make a little effort. I'm not sure Vortex works well with Oblivion by the way


    I'm sorry but I just think vortex is a lot easier, I am not a specialist in computer so I do not understand unzipping something and have never done it successfully before. Anyways thank you for everything, that is all that I need to know.

  4. Hello, I am sorry but I am still pretty new to quest mods. I was just wondering how do I start a quest where the quest starts when you talk to an NPC after completing one of their previous quests (it is a vanilla NPC and vanilla quest)? Like for instance I mean you have to complete the previous quest to start the dialogue and start this one; then once you talk to the NPC, they will say a different greeting dialogue unique to this quest and it will open a new topic where if you click on it and hear the dialogue it will start the quest. Are there any tutorials online of how to do this or is it easy to tell me the difficult stuff to do? What I know how to do is create a new quest and write dialogue but the "get is" parts and other things like script is kind of hard for me (not setting it, just figuring out what conditions I am supposed to set) . Thank you for your help.

  5. I was wondering if it is more lore friendly if I made a mod about finding and fighting a goblin king or troll king? Also, could you give suggestions on how to come out with a name fitting for either a troll or goblin please? Would me changing a name of a troll/goblin and their stats be enough to make them a unique and believable creature or do I need to do more to differentiate them from the normal creatures in the game? And by troll of course I mean the trolls in the video game, Oblivion.

  6. Or why do people tend to be more a fan of Daedra as compared to Aedra? I personally like the Aedra better and as for the Empire I think it would be sad if a non human dynasty took over. Also why do I seem to find sometimes quite often that people prefer the Thalmor to the Stormcloaks or even to the Empire?


    EDIT: I am not saying that people are wrong for having their favorite factions or for even liking the Thalmor, I just do not see why some people treat it as canon that elves are good and humans plus Tiber Septim are evil instead of fans being able to say that neither side is good nor evil.

  7. EDIT: Sorry, this is a mod that may contain spoilers if you have never played the game. Please be careful and I put the main text far below so you can't see it without scrolling.




























































    I was wanting to know what if someone made a mod which starts with High Chancellor Ocato or an Imperial City Captain of the Guard. This Mod would involve trying to open another Great Gate in Cyrodiil in order to take revenge upon the Daedra and Dremora for the Oblivion Crisis. and it would also add some Argonian NPCs from Black Marsh who have experience on fighting the daedra. It could include Imperial Legion Guard followers as well as Argonian followers. In the Great Gate the main objective is to fight against some top Dremora Lieutenants and end up destroying or punishing them for what they did. The ending of the quest would include eternal punishments for dremora and daedra as justice for what they have done to men, mer and other races such as Argonians and Khajiit. Finally, the quest would include this part of Mehrunes Dagon's Oblivion Plain being colonized by the empire with many guards permanently moving in and assuming guard duties there. It would also include settlements being made and other citizen NPCs moving in and assuming normal lives here. Also, it would include High Chancellor Ocato appointing a count or an elder counsel member for this area to rule over it. What do you think of this idea if someone made a mod like this?

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