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  1. I was just thinking the same thing, after ADA for the umpteenth time asked me if I was going to shower ever.
  2. I love Rex, really, but him growling constantly every time I draw a weapon is literally driving me insane. is there a way to simply blank out his growl noise entirely? thx nevermind. turns out I had the option for "draw when player draws" in the JIP companion mod. turning that off means he only growls when he attacks.
  3. a bit late, but this is how you fix your mounts if you are using the old version of the mod manager: Once you've installed your mods, go in "Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition\Update\Patch\Data\Win32" find and COPY the following files (if you don't find all the 6 files, it's probably because you don't have a DLC that I have, but you can keep going): ip2_mounts_o.sb ip3_mounts_o.sb mounts_sp.sb ip2_mounts_o.toc ip3_mounts_o.toc mounts_sp.toc Then you PASTE them in "Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition\Update\Patch_ModManagerMerge\Data\Win32" this won't work if you are using mods that also mod mounts, but how many of those are there? otherwise, it works just peachy. makes me wonder if I need to do the same thing for the rest of the DLC content.
  4. there is a mod for that, and it works great for version 3.01, but not for the latest patch.
  5. Is there any guide to editing the main Assembly-CSharp.dll file? I hate how so much of the game mechanics is wrapped up in a file that I can't edit easily (not like even editing the unity files was a cakewalk), but I see others have, so I'm assuming someone has posted something, somewhere, that will help. thanks
  6. you want the largest mono behavior file, none of them are exactly 688 in size any more. you'll know you have the right one, because it will list the base stats on dump to text.
  7. the Legendary effects mod (that lets you craft and swap legendaries) created a "diurnal" effect as part of that mod that does EXACTLY what you want. it applies a perk as a magic effect when using a weapon with that specific legendary attached to it. you might take a look at that... although, AFAICT, there are still some issues with it, as while it tries to mimic the "nocturnal" legendary, it also makes the weapon have zero fire rate. I think that's likely just a record oversight instead of a limitation though. I any case, it's proof of concept that you can apply an on-item effect via the perk system. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4042/?
  8. you shouldn't need to wait for the GECK. I have seen in just FOEdit that each weapon has a max range, and that max range is modified by item addons. so... go find an item addon you use with your rifle that affects max range... like say the silencer. then mod it such that it INCREASES max range instead of decreasing it. then you will find out if there is a range cap or not for the game itself. a sniper rifle with maxed out range mods, but with a slencer, is maxed at 185 IIRC. go and change that value to something like 300 (or more likely you will be changing a range multiplier value), then see what happens.
  9. are you using the latest NMM? I believe what it does is make the file read/write for itself, and then reset it back to read only on exit. so, you probably need to reset the attributes manually before using loot. then after using NMM, reset the attributes again, use LOOT again, and then reset it back to read only. ...and don't use the game launcher, just run the direct EXE instead. should work. or, there might be an option within NMM (since Loot is popular) to actually have it look to the LOOT load order tables instead of its default load order tables, in which case you should be good to go.
  10. there is a mod that lets you craft every version of the railroad coat, from MkI to MkV look for the mod that adds new crafting tables.
  11. I'm not sure how much of the Flash UI can be decompiled and edited. I've scanned a couple of them, and it *looks* like there is enough structure left in the compiled versions to edit links easily enough, but I haven't actually tried editing and recompiling to see if it then actually works. there's a thread in the ModTalk forum where there is a group trying to do just that though, might want to check that out.
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