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About tomanytomorrows

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  1. Is there a mod to shut up Allies and bot traders? I have seen two on the mod site, but one only shuts up Sofia's Nightmare and the other one Annoying Voice Line Remover Pack I am not sure who the characters are.
  2. Not possible, humans will always find away to kill other humans. There can be no world peace as long as humans exist.
  3. Thank you, I greatly appreciate the work done to show me how. Thank you again.
  4. First time using the creation kit. How do you mange all the windows in the creation kit, for example side by side? Is there an search for creation kit? How do I find Coastal Cottage, I can not see it in the list? Trying to fix the Coastal Cottage garage as first creation kit project.
  5. Is this after the update or did it happen before the update?
  6. I use the old an old version of Homemaker, not buying the DLCs , and every time I try use Homemaker, Fences, Military Barriers and Platforms it crashes. Sometimes on entry of the menu but most of the time it is when trying to use Platforms that it crashes. I get lucky sometimes and can place three platforms, it can be fun reloading three times but after that annoying. I not ask how to fix the problem, but only why that one menu would crash and the rest of Homemaker works fine. Curious.
  7. I am working on Country Crossing and the fences go ever direction. Is there any mod that forces fence to be straight? Currently the only way to do this is to make a fence then put in a corner and then start from corner and so on. Makes the fence costly and ugly, zig zagging sucks.
  8. Wall Pass-Through Power Conduits not showing in menu. The menu shows a place holder (?) to show the pass-through conduits, but other wise nothing. What did I do wrong. The files are in D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\meshes\SetDressing\Power, could the problem be that they should be in SetDressing and not power?
  9. I searched the mods for Far Harbour and there was only about six. Does any one know if some has done a mod to fix the house at the National Park Visitor's Centre? No broken windows and remove the windows on the one side that bandits like to crawl through and some of the broken walls in the interior. Not a clean build though. :) Thank you.
  10. Thank you at least it is out there. :)
  11. Has any one been able to rebuild the ranger cabin so it is not a wreck and I can place the building in a settlement? I know there or mods that change the ranger cabin to a settlement but that is not what I am looking for.
  12. Rats, still have not figured the rug glitch out. Trying to add a floor to the warehouse in Egret Tours Marina but the rug or the pillar glitch does not work. I have all so tried to replace a wall section, no joy. From what I understand you do not have to use "E", select all, is that correct? Second I used three rugs, first closest to me, next one on top of the first and the last rug on top of the second then the wall section on top of the third rug. The problem is the rugs are selected when I choose select the first but the wall does not get selected. Are rugs to thin or what? I use a PC.
  13. Thank you. I have built repeatedly every where and this is the first try at this spot. :) What mod is that, thank you?
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