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Everything posted by dynodude2002

  1. I get this every once in a while when gaming with a modlist half the size of yours. Generally if you type in a console teleport you can fix it. That is usually how I fix my issue at least... Depending on where you are just make sure that you loading an area outside of the current cell. Example - if you are crashing in WR my fav spot to travel to is Kynesgrove so just type in coc kynesgrove into the console. Doing this has always fixed the errors or CTD that I have experienced when trying to fast travel. Hope this helps you out!
  2. If anyone is still having issues entering their new homes even after disabling/uninstalling certain mods (like myself). Go to the drafting table and remove the workbench in the Entry hall of your home. Once I did this I could enter my houses with out a CTD with all my mods still installed. :thumbsup:
  3. What Luc said above is correct - you can't actually 'use' the logs though it does come up with "Press E to use". It just displays a number; or should anyway. Just make sure you have all the other components to create the item on your char at the time (minus the logs).
  4. I can't even enter the house I just built outside of Falk. No issues with Breezehome that I've found or anything else. Maybe it depends which area you started your house?
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