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About Icantstopmoddinghelp

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  1. Je i am having this issue too. Getting back into modding, and it's very annoying to deal with this. But, I assume it's cause the site is having spazz. I hope it's fixed very annoying. Tried this and it worked for the first mod I downloaded but the timeouts began again. Jeez, I just recommend to manually download and add then. It's still spazzing for me too. U_U
  2. Look at my solution to fix it, it fixed my problem. Very easy to do, just gotta enter a API Key into mo2,
  3. Alright, fixed the problem. For any Mo2 users, who is having the same issue, where they're stuff won't download anymore. Go to Settings Then Nexus Then under Connect to Nexus Click on Enter API key manually https://prnt.sc/qjor34 Then there should be a option when you click on it, to take you to the nexus account settings to request a API key, this may take a couple of attempts to work because it was slow for me, to give it a chance. Then the keys should should pop up, and you will see the Mo2, and the key next to it Copy and paste it into the text box, in Mo2, where it says enter APi Key. Then it should connect you. Fixed my issues @BlueGunk (Sorry idk how to tag you) this should fix it.
  4. i am having this issue too. Getting back into modding, and it's very annoying to deal with this. But, I assume it's cause the site is having spazz. I hope it's fixed very annoying.
  5. I really need help basic texturing editing. Alright, so I have been trying to load my cbbe body as a obj into photo shop and it does, then I add a dds texture, but the body simply goes darker. What I think is going wrong is, when I load the CBBE body into another program like mudbox, it tells me http://prntscr.com/lh6pwz that the UV set is incomplete. I do not know how to work with UV's and I think that since it doesn't has any, that's why textures don't load on the body. If I put a texture on it in mudbox the body just goes brown. Can someone help me please! I know, I can get the dds texture in Photoshop, but thought it be easier to load the body then apply the cbbe texture and edit it that way, so I wouldn't make so many mistakes. This is http://prntscr.com/lh6qgi what happens when I load the body then apply the texture after.
  6. I have been trying to move the CBBE physics from this outfit https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31784?tab=description (Lovely mod, but sadly it's only in the CBBE Physics form. to use in my own game, but I am failing badly. In general how would I remove physics from any outfit with it?
  7. Everything is updated to the latest version. I updated Nexus to the newest version github. I have never had profiles or reasons to save. It normally would just work without me having to do that. Weirdly Mod Organizer 2 works, but when I use that. I get super weird lag spikes. I got a good computer too. From what I can gather, Nexus is not installing mods properly, because stuff like Body slide did not have all of it's files installed into it. There is also a weird issue if my texture mods disabling it's self so it must because something is missing. I have done everything you said. I have copied stuff over too, to correct anything. Even with doing this, heck some of my other mods won't install like Looksmenu. Either way I have to copy everything over. My load order is literally emptied too, since I got rid of all of my mods to see what the hell was wrong. Even with a clean install and a couple of mods, it still seems to act super weird.
  8. I have had this super weird bug where every time I close the Nexus Mod Manger some of my mods will disable. Like texture mods most of the time. I think it has something to do with F4SE because my mods will not show up in game even if I keep the Nexus open I have made sure my game is enabled for modding. Also some tools like Bodyslide will not open correctly and it wants me to set up setup.xrc file. I really don't understand what the issue is. But I know F4SE is not working because certain mods like LooksMenu will not work. I have disabled tons of mods. I have reinstalled Fallout 4, the Nexus, and made sure it was running as administer. Also I have made sure the plugins. file is set as not ready only. I really need help because I want to play the game, and I don't know what to do. This started happening at the start of the month, and I am thinking maybe it's the updates Fallout 4 has had, but I don't know.
  9. I have this super bug or issue, which I have never dealt with before. I have some mods that Nexus Mod Manger keeps disabling every time I close the manger and open it back up. It is a bunch of different mods but examples are Nuclear Nude CBBE, and Valkyr face texture. I have reinstalled these two times. I have made sure nexus mod manager is set to run as administrator. I have looked at my documents to see if I did anything wrong when I enabled mods for the first time (everything seemed fine but I will leave a copy of them down below, if anyone is wondering if I made a mistake) I have also verified the cache on steam, and it had 6 files missing and this didn't fix it after it fixed them. I have reinstalled the Nexus Manger too, and it seemed like nothing has worked. Also all of my files for this are on the same drive as fallout 4. I am very confused, and just want to play the game. I really don't know what to do. Fallout4.ini Fallout4Custom.ini Fallout4Prefs.InI
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