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Posts posted by endgamecutter

  1. So I thought it would be a fun idea to do a Dark Souls 3 run with random locations and movesets. Unfortunately, the mods don't seem to be compatible with each other. I know it should be possible since someone on the comments was talking about how he ran them both at the same time, but I can only get one working at once. the conflict seems to be in the dinput8.dll that comes with the mod manager. If I randomize items, I need the .dll or it doesn't work. If I want to randomize movesets, I need to remove the .dll. I hope I didn't screw my account when testing that.


    Anyway, does anyone know of a way to get the two working together? I can settle for one if I have to, but it would be awesome to make them both work!


  2. As has probably been noted by some people on the forums by the general frequency of my topics on the matter, I'm trying to get back into Skyrim via SkyRe. As it stands, my character is so far a jack of all trades/spellsword thing (blast people with spells til I'm out of magicka, then bust out a tanto and cut them a lot) but I've been unable to decide which armor type to go with. So far I've been rocking Heavy Armor because I was paranoid walking in about the higher difficulty and wanted the extra defense, plus Daedric weapons being the strongest, but I'm considering changing things up. The slowed movement speed of Heavy armor is really getting on my nerves, since I was running circles around enemies before I got a full set, plus it weighs a ton and makes it harder to gear up any followers I may recruit. And after reading the SkyRe guide and learning what Dreamcloth actually does, the 30% enchant boost is sounding really useful. Plus both Light armor AND Dreamcloth open up the possibility of sneaking.


    I was just wondering if anyone else using the mod could help me make my decision? Although the current strategy has been entirely reliant on destruction and light weaponry, I'm considering dropping destruction in favor of other magic schools since they now offer methods of damaging people. Also notable, I do NOT have any DLCs, because I'm not sure how long this foray back into Skyrim will last, and I don't want to drop $20-40 right out of the gates.

  3. I just restarted my adventures in Skyrim with SkyRe. I went High elf because as a spellsword, I figured the extra magicka would come in handy. It is not worth the sickening yellow skin tone. I don't want to have to start from scratch, but I want to switch races to a nord, or a redguard or something that doesn't look hideous. Is there a way?

  4. Seriously, as much as I hate bumping threads, where can I find the category in the CK you're talking about? So far I've tried searching the file that automatically opens when I open the CK, in which I found nothing, and x-ing the box for the Skyrim.esm which crashes the CK. What am I missing?

  5. Slight problem. I don't appear able to access the CK through steam for some reason. I've confirmed my client is up to date, but the 'tools' section is not under any of the drop down menus. Any idea where it might be hiding?


    EDIT: Nvm, found it


    EDIT2: except now I can't find any of the presets you're talking about. I load the Skyrim.esm, go into actors, then actor, then actor again, then I get male which leads into player1, the selecting of which seems to do nothing. Where did I go astray? the player1 file just seems to be a bunch of blank data, so I'm not really sure where to go from here.

  6. As some of you may have seen previously, I'm trying to construct what is basically a glam rocker in Skyrim. The problem I'm running into right now is the fact that none of the skin tones available to me really fit the image. Probably the most memorable aspect to the character's look is, to put in extravagently, his long, flowing mane of golden blonde hair, which constrasts with his dark skin. The problem here is that all the dark skin tones availble in Skyrim seem to be really faded and dull. Because of this, the look contrasts too much and looks weird and off-putting. I've been looking for a more chocolate looking skin tone, since I've seen that so many times of female characters, but I can't seem to find anything like that for males. I'm currently running the Wintersong Beauty pack, but to no avail. Does anybody have any ideas?


    Thanks in advance.

  7. possibly, although the main issue with that mod is that the endgame armor (which, as a min/maxer, is always a concern) doesn't really fit the look I'm imagining. If I can figure out how the SkyRe dreamcloth system is supposed to work, I could see it working, but I don't understand the concept, nor can I find information on it.


    On another side of the topic though, is there any way to make Redguard skin more...vibrant? Maybe it's just the lighting in Helgen, but unless I go for the absolute brightest skin tone, the character just looks really lifeless. And as we all know, a Glam rocker needs to be the absolute PEAK of fabulous, so that can't fly.

  8. I'm trying to get back into skyrim, hoping to counteract the originally boring combat by adding SkyRe and Apocalypse. Originally I was going to roll a spellsword and work from there, but after a conversation with some friends, I've decided I'm bringing my Demon's Souls/White Knight Chronicles character into this. Why is this strange? Well, let me tell you the story of his conception. Skip the next paragraph if the origin story doesn't concern you.


    It originally started halfway through Demon's Souls, when a closeup of my mage character's face made me realize that my guy looked like FFX's Tidus, but black, so my friends and I took to calling him Black Tidus, or B.Tidus for short. Eventually, B.Tidus cleared Demon's Souls and I went into the next game I had around: White Knight Chronicles. After messing around with the character creator, I wound up with a 6'8" black man with a chin strap, monocle and the most luxurious golden blonde glam rocker hair you've ever seen. You can see where this is going by now. Since WKC is a 'So bad, its good' game in my circle of friends' opinion, we all were around to watch B.Tidus' adventures through the plot. Eventually, we started joking about how B.Tidus was the real hero of the story, and he didn't merely cast spells, his staff was his microphone, and his spells were caused by his amazing singing voice distorting the fabric of reality. The perfect match for the Dovahkin, we all agreed. And so here we are.


    For those who didn't want to read the origin story, I'm basically building a Male Glam Rocker mage. For this, I'm looking or armor that is over the top and flamboyant, but not so much that I'll feel weird seeing it in Skyrim. It would likely look somewhat aristocratic, due to the character's high opinion of himself, and penchant for classiness (he wears a monocle in WKC as a rule, for example). The current idea is to figure out how to add a Dragonscale quality elven/glass set somewhere in the game, or wait until I get Dragonborn for the armor set that comes from there (forget the name). I suppose I might also consider using no armor with armor spells, since apparently theres a way to make them last an eternity in one of the mods I've mentioned using (SkyRe/APocalypse), but I'd prefer to have a proper set of armor.


    Any ideas for this weird idea? If it means anything, He's going to be a redguard with the blondest hair I can find for them. Thanks in advance.

  9. Not sure what card you have, but "fiddling with your graphics settings" is the easiest way, IMO, to get your framerate limited properly. It is easy enough to do if you have a Geforce card, not sure about Radeon, but I imagine it is similar.

    Depending on your monitor, you may need simply to adjust your framerate from 60 to 58, to avoid conflicts with your screen's refresh rate.

    The choppy thing may well be your framerate, although there are a few other causes, like maybe needing to adjust your pre-rendered frames, or possiblyyour mouse speed.

    Or if you have a background process interfering, that can also result in choppy play.

    I assume I set that in the console commands? or is there some text file in the skyrim folder?

  10. Hey, with SkyRe in the state its in right now, I'm looking to get back into Skyrim, but I'm finding things to be a bit choppy. I could try to fiddle with my graphic settings, but that is both extremely tedious due to having to reboot my game constantly to check half the options, and the internet says my computer exceeds the recommended specs to run this game, so I refuse to have to knock everything to ultra low just to get a decent framerate. So I remembered that Oblivion had a number of performance enhancing mods for it, and was wondering if Skyrim had any such things? I've tried looking around, but haven't found much, sorry if I've just been really blind about that.

  11. I've been playing a battlemage, using destruction with one handed when I run out of mana, but destruction has just gotten dull. I've been considering switching my perks out of destruction (I get pretty much the same damage out of my scimitar anyways) and start using the other magic schools instead. my main skills (onehand, destruction, heavy armor, smithing, enchanting, and I guess lockpicking also counts) are all around 50, smithing is at 60 because I wanted arcane blacksmithing. Conjuration and Illusion are unused so far, so they're at 20 and 25 respectively (High elf) and alteration gets some use through candlelight and transmute, so it is at 30. I'm considering dropping destruction and heavy armor for alteration and conjuration/illusion. Could I pull this off, or would I need to restart?


    Also, slightly unrelated, but I sometimes use alchemy to make health potions, is it worth adding perks into alchemy to make the potions worth it, or will it be fine untouched? thanks in advance.

  12. Apparently I'm an anime protagonist. Seems reasonable to me: I suck at stealth, and versatility + durability tends to be my favored class setup. Well, assuming this magic can be destructive, anyways. Ranged magic tends to be my preferred offense. I feel a bit iffy about white being my color though. I mean, I AM a fairly orderly person, try to be good etc. but I tend to get pissed easily which subverts all of that. I guess white/red would be more accurate?
  13. The first time I played I was mainly a destruction based wizard (switching to sword or bow when Out Of Mana) but this time I want to focus more on, well, not having a focus. Obviously I'm going to wind up putting my perk points into the skills I find fun (feel free to make recommendations if you want) but the character is at least going to wind up a hybrid. The topic of this post however, is the stats and which ones I should boost. I'm not too sure how important stamina is for weapon skills, and I don't know how much mana is really going to be necessary, especially sicne high level magic seems to be built around reducing magic costs to nil.


    So it essentially boils down to what sort of stat spread should I be looking for? one point in each per 3 levels? Also, is there really much point in going light over heavy armor? I do intend to sneak attack enemies, but I figure I could just cast muffle or wear cloth boots like I usually did in Oblivion. Also, is there any race particularly suited to the generalist? I'd prefer a human race, since I tend to hate elves (pretentious pricks) and they look hideous in Skyrim, but I could always download that face replacer mod if elves are worth it. Oh, and just a curiosity question, but is it possible to get rid of that wrinkled forehead all the races seem to have? they really bother me, since I'm going for a sort of "brash young jackass" look. Thanks in advance.

  14. I was really looking forward to play a mage in Skyrim, I've been working with destruction and have been filled with one question: Why is it almost completely useless?! I've got it to around rank 30, and I can use all of my mana to at best kill one enemy, usually only getting them to around half health. No, I'm not on master or anything; I'm playing on adept. For fun, I decided to try and use a sword or bow I found on the ground (both skills being at about 15, seeing as I never really use them) and guess what? Things actually died! Just for comparison, I used my lightning magic dual casted on a dragon (since I've read that they have no resistance to shock damage). A single arrow did double the damage I did with my entire mana bar. Is my game glitched? should my destruction level be higher than 31 or so at level 9? Are Falmer just really strong? I'm not saying I want the game to be a cakewalk, but I want to be able to fight basic enemies without having to fall back on my sword or bow, despite them being more efficient.
  15. Okay then, so I guess that means no armor is fine, but it still leaves the issue of what skills to take. Since I don't intend to use all the magic skill sets (I guess we can spread it to Destruction, Restoration, Alteration now), what else would complement a mage build? and for what it's worth, does anyone know of a good male clothing mod that isn't skimpy?
  16. I'm starting up a new character, but as we all know, the nature of Oblivion's leveling system is fairly bothersome. It's not that I don't want to spend as much time properly leveling my skills, but rather that I don't want to have to do any min/maxing. Therefore I ask: what are some leveling mods that you would recommend? I don't have a specific leveling system in mind, partially because I don't really know of any of the leveling mods. So, what do you guys like, and why?
  17. well, I never said FULL mage, just primarily a mage. Seeing as some of the schools of magic wouldn't really get used by me at all (I'd forget to use illusion beyond charm 100pt for 1 second, I'd get tired of having to recast defensive buffs every fight, and mysticism doesn't look like it has much use beyond screwing around and enchanting...except for the fact that I can get better gear from sigil stones or unique items than I would through enchanting my stuff*) So I imagine myself taking some non-magic skills to support myself, which is the main reason I'm confused as to most of the build. If I just wanted pure mage I wouldn't have much trouble, simply taking all the mage specialization skills.


    *although to be fair, midas magic might add some value to the magic schools I've otherwise dismissed as stuff I don't have a use for.

  18. I decided to make a mage type character since I haven't yet, but I can't really decide on the build. I've got something like:


    Spec: Magic

    Attribute: Intelligence, Endurance

    Skill: Destruction, Restoration


    and...can't actually think of anything else. I know there's a bunch of useful stuff in the other spell lists, but a lot of it is stuff I can't really see myself using. Even Restoration is up for debate because of the whole Full heal waiting deal. I considered alchemy, but thats something I use all the time, and it might boost my level higher than my actual combat skills can match. Conjuration is something I'm considering, but I can barely swing a sword when I have allies because they always run in front of me and cause a bunch of friendly fire, so summons would likely do more harm than good. Bound equipment might be interesting though, especially since I intend on downloading Midas Magic, but that would interfere with and enchanted gear I'm using, plus I can just use a glitch to have permanent bound armor that I can unequip at will if I want the gear.


    Sorry about going off subject, I thought I had more of a concrete build in my head when I went into writing this thread. Back at hand, I'm not sure if I should really wear armor as a mage, since it limits mobility, apparently weakens spells and weighs a lot, in addition to, at this point, looking fairly ugly (mods not included) since I've seen it all so many times. A lot of the problems (not the looks though) go away once I get high skills though, and since I doubt I'd remember to refresh a defensive buff every fight my defense would be fairly horrible. Also, good looking clothing is kind of hard to come by.


    TL;DR Is Armor a good idea on a mage? what kind? Whether or not armor is a good idea, whats a good looking mod for mage armor/clothing set that works for a male character? What skills should I actually bother with? Thanks in advance.

  19. yes Sinister, you can rename it through the console. Hell, you can change about anything from the console. I don't recommend consoling yor class name though. I think it resets your skills. You may or may not be too low level to care, but its still something to be aware of.
  20. my longest, either myself (mainly because I was trying to get another copy of goldbrand...or umbra...or whatever the hell I had as a weapon).


    Or this one time at really high level (35ish) against 3 or so bandits, problem was, they snuck up on me after I used up all my fatigue on the previous bandits, so they tripped me repeatedly, I couldn't do anything to stop them. Eventually, since I had escution of chorral (best. shield. EVER) and amulet of maces equiped (training blunt for fun) I managed to kill them with my damage reflect. I didn't use a single health potion, and the funny thing is that I barely noticed any health decrease by the end.

  21. a more varied enviroment. Lets face facts, see one grassy hill you've seen them all, same with the mountains and the rivers. I suppose I might feel this way because of the poor graphics I run this on, but still, maybe some dry grasslands, just to mix things up a little.


    Weapons selection. The same weapons of different materials is kind of boring, to be honest. Maybe hen I find that daedric waraxe of blizzards, it can have some kind of insignia on the blade, signifying its enchantment. Maybe in stores you can pay a small sum to alter your weapon's appearance, like turn your iron longsword into a katana...or just make the blade overcompensatingly large, I don't know. Also, polearms, crossbows and throwing weapons would be cool to have. And probably rename the blunt skill, axes aren't blunt unless its broken or being used in a torture execution.


    Variety in spells. I can't help but hate the magic system in vanilla oblivion. You give your fireball a damage value and either ranged blast touch blast or affect self blast. Maybe add some new modes of spell, like waves (hit everything in a line) or bursts (centred on caster), and make telekinesis do something other than fail to renovate your home.


    More epic in melee combat. I suppose I mean deadly reflex without the gore. I mean, melee combat is a system of hold one mouse button or mash the other, depending on what your opponent is doing/is. Has anyone else wanted to just jump on the ogres back and try to kill it from behind while it tries to throw you off, for example? how epic would that be? Or maybe since you have a dagger in one hand and the other empty, you can use your free hand to grab a guy's arm, taking his weapon or shield out of the fight.



    Yes these are all/mostly asking far too much, but still, I can dream, right?

  22. its a mod quest. To be perfectly fair, that puzzle is completely broken. Since your "paces" are effected by your speed and height (i think), you have no knowledge of just how much speed this applies for, or how much leg length if that matters. What I did was back up my save, torture the guy to get a map marker, memorize it, then reload to do it whichever way I wanted. Cheating, but probably one of the few ways to make it actually work.
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