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About Zerican32

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  1. I was wondering if someone can make a mod that skips the intro when you are playing the warrior male and fighting the chimera and go to character creation instead. I know it is pretty cool but redoing kind of gets old when you want to start a new game. If there already is one can you provide a link? Havent found anything like that yet.
  2. Thanks. I draw and paint and sculpt myself but never have tried to make anything on the computer before and have no idea where to start. I would like to try to make new faces and characters though for the game. Ill see if I can read more into it and see what I need to have to work on this. Who knows, maybe I will become a modder and contribute to nexus.
  3. I agreed with you on this one. I am not even happy with the helmet choices period in the game for powered armor etc. usually leave my soldier without helmets because of it. anything else than helmets looks wired on the heavy looking armor.
  4. I am just wondering and asking from a experienced mod author if it would be hard for modders to make new male and female faces for the soldiers. I know it probably isnt a priority or anything I am just wondering if it is possible or is the system to hard or time consuming to try to make new faces and hair styles? I am not looking for supermodel faces or hairs just more options is all. Is it just easier to work on textures like the last game? Let me know why it is hard or not hard and what would be involved in a project like this.
  5. I am all for new hairstyles not from skyrim, terea or anything else. Just some great talented modders doing what they do best.
  6. I probably would not of paid for the separate dlc, for me I got the expansion pack with ultimate addition which is a really good deal. It was short, not really worth doing unless you want to consider morrigan a friend and want to see her off before she goes away or if you had a relationship with her . To short, pointless to try to be friendly with anyone really. THere is a few neat converstations if you imported your dalish or mage warden. Not really worth it though.
  7. I wanted to add this to my other topic in General Discussion but After reviewing the video before uploading and posting I do not want to spoil anything so I decided to add it here to this forum. I Hope that is ok with the moderators. It was the ending of the video that concerned me with the spoliers. So here is one of my longest videos I hope you enjoy it. Remember to put it on HD my friends.
  8. I started playing dragon age Origins again and decided well dang I might as well make some new videos or improve upon on some. Well I have a few new videos up that I like to share. I hope you enjoy them. Remember to put on HD if you can. Will make the videos more enjoyable. I am currently working on Dalish Sacrifice video and once it is up loaded I will share that as well.
  9. Hi im trying to log in to he skyrim nexmods website. I couldnt find any techinical forums for the site itself so I hope i can post this here since skyrim nexusmods site isnt the one working. It loads very slow and when it does load I get a html view instead the normal view. Picture below If anyone can tell me how to fix this i would be grateful. Or if I could know if the site managers got that be great too.http://i44.tinypic.com/2u60h0y.jpg
  10. I don't bother with followers. they just get in the way.
  11. for gold I just sell firewood, wheat etc . they never not have gold for it. no matter how much you sell they never run out of gold.
  12. I was just wondering if there is a way to pay the talented modders for a mod? There is a lot of good work here and seems they spend a lot of time to make the skyrim game a lot better but can you pay to have a mod made?
  13. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17071 this mod can fix the sex change CTD makes it where instead of starting on male it goes straight to female. But do as ripple says. its for your own good. do that first. I advise you to also disable all mods that isn't used in character creation and enable them after your character is made. be nice to your pc and it will be nice back
  14. I would disable all mods except for the ones you need for Character creator after you finish making your character save exit and add the other mods. one of your character creator mods isn't getting loaded by the time you get to character creator.
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