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A few Things: * First, thanks for all your work on this so far! * Does the script keep track of the mod upgrades to the goggles/suits when it equips the other versions? * I would like for the zipped/unzipped to be as intuitive/logical as possible: zipped in rain/night/storms and unzipped during the day/good weather. I don't know if brightness would make it zipped indoors since most interiors are pretty dark. * I think having goggles down when weapon is drawn and during very low visibility (like night with no lights or rad storm) is intuitive/logical too. If you could give night vision effect as well (during rad storm/night). I have attached a new esp file (rename .txt to .esp) that I plan to upload (new file paths, included materials, new armor set, new breastplate armor). If you could add the script to it, that would be great. Thanks again!
Hello, I have just learned how to create an animated outfit (preview animation below) with NiControllerSquence in Nifscope (similar to how doors are animated with open/close animations), but it doesn't show in the CK in the preview window. I'm wondering if I'm using the right flag #s in NifScope. Conversely, when I add BSSkin::Instance with NiNode bones to each of the outfit shapes it shows in the CK but the animation no longer works. If you have any insight on how to fix this, please reply. Attached is the nif file with textures folder. Thanks, -r00stafarian
Hi there, I suggest opening and editing your outfit in NifScope. First get existing armor nif from game by unpacking meshes.bsa from game folder. Next, open nif armor into NifScope and edit the material paths to your invisible material: right click Name right of txt and select "Edit String Index" and type in your material path. For the other shapes, just double left click near txt of the Name and enter number of the material path you just created. Then, select neck area and right-click > Block > Insert > NiA...> NiAlphaProperty. Edit the block details of the NiAlpha property to 4844 for Flags and 128 for Threshold. Then, Select neck shape again and find BS Properties in Block data and enter number of the NiAlphaProperty your created. Finally, save your nif to a unique name so you later add it to an armor addon in the CK. Sorry about being a little bit technical. If you want to know the basics of creating armor/outfits try following this tutorial. -r00stafarian
Yes it's possible. But you haven't provided textures so model is just invisible in ck so I cannot mess with it. Also problem probably will be that after animation is played mesh returns to start position. can you add two more states for it? One on forehead and other for over eyes. they will be called after animation call to make sure glasses stay at corrent place. The textures are located on my mods page (main file here including all the armors and goggles meshes/textures). I can provide a separate download link just for the goggles textures if the main file is too big. Also, I have made the animations in CLAMP mode (think not continuous) and are the same way doors are animated in game.
I just learned how to do animations in Fallout using Nifscope. I wonder if this can be used instead of two different nif files? There are two animation sequences: "OnForehead" (animates visor going on forehead) and "OverEyes" (animates visor going over eyes). The gif above shows the animations back to back. You can download the nif here to play with. (removed the head mesh)
Yeah I wish! :sweat: Unfortunately (for me), due to the nature of the glowing parts' color being hard-coded in the nifs, they require separate meshes not a single one. Although, I'm working on reducing that in half (currently there are 2*2*2=8: Zipped/Unzipped, Glow/PulsingGlow, Red/Blue) so that the red/blue versions are one nif and made into different outfits from different material swaps to create different armors/armor addons in the CK. Although, I don't think that matters to you coding-wise, since they are still treated the same as different armor pieces in the CK. As discussed earlier, I like the idea of invisible suit armor pieces (4 for: red/blue glow/pulsing glow) that stays equipped with all the modifications made to it and have different visual armor addons/pieces (zipped vs unzipped) being equipped on a different biped slots than main invisible armor via script.
Hmm. I just assumed that with Skyrim follower mods changing/equipping outfits based on certain circumstances that it could also be done in Fallout 4. I'm pretty sure you can animate nifs (like rotate) since the Pipboy nif has animations plus the gattling gun has animations as well based on different triggers. I have separate meshes/nifs for both zipped and unzipped suits as well as headband on top of head and over eyes currently. It would be cool to see the goggles move as the rotate down (like they're motorized) as soon as gun is drawn not just flipping/equipping between two meshes/nifs: over eyes and on top of head. We'll see what stonefisher comes up with.
Hello, I'm the author of Courser Ghost-Spectre X-92 Mashup - Standalone and I would like to add a few more things to it: 1. I would like to add scripts to it where the googles are on forehead when weapon isn't drawn and googles over eyes when weapon is drawn (maybe animate the nif to rotate on X-axis about 45deg). 2. Also, I wondering if it is possible to add scripts where the main suit outfit is zipped at night and open during the day (separate nif files). If anyone reading this has any experience/advice on this topic please let me know! (I'm kinda new at modding and I have little/no experience with scripts, although I do know how to code C++/Java/Python) Thanks in advance! -r00stafarian
Hello, I'm the author of Courser Ghost-Spectre X-92 Mashup - Standalone and I would like to add a few more things to it: 1. I would like to add scripts to it where the googles are on forehead when weapon isn't drawn and googles over eyes when weapon is drawn (maybe animate the nif to rotate on X-axis about 45deg). 2. Also, I wondering if it is possible to add scripts where the main suit outfit is zipped at night and open during the day (separate nif files). If anyone reading this has any experience/advice on this topic please let me know! (I'm kinda new at modding and I have little/no experience with scripts, although I do know how to code C++/Java/Python) Thanks in advance! -r00stafarian