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About trumex

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  1. ok got the stimpak thing working, how i got it to work i dont know, but now it does. i was trying not to make it something the end user wouldn't have to do, but would come with the mod. Thanks for all the help my man i couldnt have done it without you.
  2. Alright got it, although i still cant stim them while they are down everything else works, like being a settler and everything. so i am not sure whats up with that. but beyond that one issue it works great, literally no issues. Edit: figured it out, it didnt add it when i auto filled the CompanionActorScript so i had to go in and add it to the "keywordsToAddWhileCurrentCompanion" Edit2: added it to the CompanionActionScript like i said and it still wont work so no idea whats up with that. guess they just wont be stimmable.
  3. so macCreadys stage 80 only has "FollowersScript.GetScript().SetCompanion(Alias_MacCready.GetActorReference())" so i copied that to my companions (i made a new blank slate one just for testing purposes) and changed it to match my comp alias and its getting a "undefined" error, i made sure there werent spelling errors this time, so i have no idea what is undefined this time. Update: finally got it figured out, had to click properties and auto fill the alias, didnt know that so putting it here incase anyone ever uses this. now i just need to figure out of to make them set the stage.
  4. for what it does its great, was easy to do, thought i wouldnt be bothered by not stiming or having their weapon out, but no it bothers me greatly. so now i get to do this the long way.
  5. its saying that they dont have the keyword so i checked again in the CK and its still saying they are filled in "PlayerCanStimpak (000AD52A)"
  6. Though it's perfect for a first time companion mod, a commandable NPC is very limited. Unfortunately, they can't: - board Vertibirds: requres extending the vertibird handler (called VFT) quest - become Settlers: requires the WorkshopNPCScript - be romanced: since it's handled by the FollowersScript Of course it's possible to add all features to them, but that requires a much longer script.. if you have a better guide at making followers please link it. this s#*! has me running around in circle when i feel like there is a easier way to do this.
  7. yeah i got all that, putting together add when hiring and remove when firing isnt hard. however i did miss-spell stimpak (but on on the remove not of the add, so how i managed that i dont know) so i appreciate you making sure i knew where to put it, if there was more of that care i wouldnt been in this mess in the first place. also yeah thats the one, every other one i watched seemed like just a more cut down version with even less features. well let me test out this and see if it works and ill update accordingly Update: everything is filled in nicely and there were no errors on save, still cant stimpak them and they wont pull out weapons. if you have a better way of making companions ill gladly take it as this way is so scuffed
  8. i followed seddons video thats always posted here so i dont think it counts as a vanilla companions. also i have no idea where companionactorscript is, ive seen it posted a few times and couldnt find it, so i just figured it means the scripts tabs of the companion quest
  9. I already know the tags are "TeammateReadyWeapon_DO" and "playerCanStimpack" as those are posted everywhere, the issue is that no one ever says where to put them and even though every time some post the commands there are people asking where its never answered. do i put them in the quest scripts tab? whats the syntax? does it reference anything? who knows not me though.
  10. i was wondering if someone could make me a retexture of the ncr salvaged power armor to have the same color scheme as the out cast power armor
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