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Posts posted by johnny3tearsuxa

  1. I know NMM isn't working right now, but I haven't even been able to manually download any files for the past three days. well I guess it does kind of download, but it only downloads a little bit of the file I think. It only downloads like 1 KB of every file I click on. Is anyone else having this problem?
  2. The armor I want is actually from a book series, and I would really appreciate it if someone took the time to make it.



    (Not the big black armor)



    I'm a huge fan of this book series and I've always thought this armor would look really cool in Skyrim. These are the only pictures of the armor that I know of, and they are from the book covers. I know it isn't much, and that you will probably have to use your imagination some, but that's fine with me. Thanks.

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