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Posts posted by MJS814

  1. Is anyone else having a problem with CK?  I blocked my game from updating but not CK.  A short while ago I tried to go  back into CK having used it just a short while ago and now CK won't launch. Hopefully this is short lived, and I don't have to update my game before I'm ready. 

  2. 1ae0bfb8,


    As I mentioned in my last reply, I don't want to enter a discussion about what constitutes a bug and what does not either. I was sincerely looking for help to fix my problem and to understand the cause. Not start a smear campaign against Vortex or any person trying to help. I have used Vortex without issue since it was first available on the nexusmods and have been impressed with how easy it was to use, and equally impressed with the good support I received from the modding community.


    I have not ruled out user error as the cause either. But the user error isn’t and cannot be selecting the wrong option. It would have to be something that predicated Vortex to prompt for the two options in the first place. For the life of me I do not know what it was that I could've done but based on the questions asked I know what it wasn't.


    In my mind click an option to restore files to their original state in analogous to pressing the undo button to remove an error and make everything better again. At the same time for me ignoring a computer error is tantamount to ignoring the check engine light on a car. Sure, you can ignore it and pretend it's not there but sooner or later it will get you.


    You mentioned twice.

    "All you need to do is select all your disabled mods and enable them, then make sure the corresponding plugins are active. Then deploy everything and load up your game. If mods are missing, you'll get a warning when the game starts. If you get no warning, you should be okay to resume your game. "


    As I mentioned in this post at least twice, I have tried as you suggested even tried that several times before going to this forum and asking for help but that simply does not work. I have no redundant mods and the process becomes cyclic. Where the mod says it enabled but when you go to the plugins you get error flags that say, "Failed to Parse the Plugin" and "Not Deployed". Uninstalling the mods and reinstalling the mods was no help either. I believe this is because rather than revert my mods to their original state, it removed every mod and replaced the mods in D:\Vortex Mods\fallout4\ with "ghost files" (that is my term for files with the same name and extension but basically nothing inside).


    I have not nor had anyone else mentioned that I should format my hard drive, reinstall windows, and I am certain you are not suggesting that either. Although, it was mentioned that I should reinstall my game. It was also mentioned that I should purge vortex and remove hard links. Not entirely sure what that means but I can guess. So, I think we have reached an impasse here. At this point I am okay without knowing the cause to my issue (other than opting to restore my files instead of constantly clicking dismiss this error message) and resorting to some near “draconian” measure to fix the problem. I am looking at this as a good time to step away from gaming for a while.


    Playing a modded Fallout 4 was a blast, I truly enjoyed it!

  3. Thanks, for your reply. No I didn't do either of those things. Yes I chose the wrong reply, but one has to question why that reply would cause Vortex to remove/not restore any files. Rather it sent me on a cyclic loop where no mods could be enabled. I'm not sure that I agree with your definition of what a bug is. So, I will call it an unhappy accident that occurred for no reason and had a question posed that if one ignored it would keep popping up until you chose the bad option.


    Further I am not saying that I may not have caused the issue, but I don't know what I did to do so, and I'm not sure it won't happen again. Not the restore option (I would only make that mistake once) but the constant message popping up every time I start Vortex.


    Again thanks for your reply I do appreciate that you took the time to read my post and respond

  4. Thanks, for our reply, I obviously did not check the forums before replying. Did not even know a forum existed until I had the issue and received no support from Vortex. In my old mind I imagined that restoring files meant put everything back the way it was. Not remove everything which to me is the complete opposite of what I expected... again obviously.



    Again thanks for your reply I do appreciate that you took the time to read my post and respond

  5. Thanks, unfortunately I did not move my game directory, it is in the same place that it has been for over a year. I did not make any changes at all to any directory structure. So cause is still unknown, but effect is quite evident.


    If I understand your suggestion, you are recommending that I essentially start from scratch.


    Reinstall my game and all that entails. Then reinstall all mods (for me that is 178 mods). Load up my game and hope my last save is still good. Then hope this issue does not happen again.


    Please understand my angst is not directed at you, but rather at the situation I find myself in with this mod manager. I had already resigned myself to doing just as you suggest, I really wanted to know the cause, and how to avoid it in the future. As much as I have loved using Vortex for its ease of use and superb handling of the load order for Fallout 4, knowing that I will spend my free time this weekend rebuilding my Fallout 4 game leaves me a bit frustrated and concerned that all will be good when done. Not knowing the cause or hearing from Vortex support at all, I feel I must reconsider my choice of mod manager, should I choose to continue playing the game.


    Thanks again for taking the time to reply to my post.

  6. I am using the current version of Vortex 1.4.16 on a Intel Based I7 7th Generation running windows 10 pro version 21H1 64 Bit OS with X64 Based processor 32 GB memory.


    Vortex is installed on my C: drive and Fallout 4 is installed on my D: Drive


    Today I got a message saying that changes were made to my mods outside of Vortex and it prompted on what I would like to do. Keep the changes, restore the files that Vortex had or dismiss the message. After dismissing the message a few times, I relented and said restore the Vortex files.


    All mods became disabled and any attempt to enable the mods begins the following cycle of "Deploy all mods". Select yes to deploy, no to leave disabled. I select yes to deploy, and then I get the message stating that the mods are redundant. I can dismiss or disable the redundant mods. If I disable the redundant mods it once again disables all mods and the party starts all over again. If I choose to dismiss the warning the flags on all my plugins say, "Failed to Parse the Plugin" and "Not Deployed"


    I sent a bug report using the "Send Feedback" on the dashboard but have not heard anything yet. Under "Your Issues" box I still get the message that says "No reported issues, Lucky You" hmmm I'm not so sure I agree with that but...


    I only have mods for Fallout 4, I have six profiles but only 4 profiles have mods installed. I tested 2 profiles and had the same results. I checked my log file and this is a sample. This sample pretty much repeats itself for every mod. I tried to attach the complete log but I got a message saying "Error You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file."


    Thu, 07 Oct 2021 12:14:50 GMT - warn: failed to link link=F4SE\Plugins\Clipboard\1\PLACEHOLDER, source=Clipboard-276-0.6.20b-ESL.zip-39804-Clipboard-276-0-6-20b-ESL-zip-1597394331, error=ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'D:\Vortex Mods\fallout4\Clipboard-276-0.6.20b-ESL.zip-39804-Clipboard-276-0-6-20b-ESL-zip-1597394331\F4SE\Plugins\Clipboard\1\PLACEHOLDER'
    Thu, 07 Oct 2021 12:14:50 GMT - warn: failed to link link=Clean and Simple - Red Rocket Startup.esp, source=Clean and Simple - Red Rocket Startup-24961-2-8-1600812856, error=ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'D:\Vortex Mods\fallout4\Clean and Simple - Red Rocket Startup-24961-2-8-1600812856\Clean and Simple - Red Rocket Startup.esp'


    I checked and the folders and files exist except all files are 1k and they all appear to end with ".vortex_lnk"


    Please let me know what all of you think and if you need more info.




    As far as I can tell mods downloaded from Bethesda.net and the creation club seem unaffected.

  7. I would PM the author, hopefully they will reply and you won't have to guess why they removed their mod. If they decided to move it somewhere else they will most likely tell you where.

  8. Well I did create an esp using the script to convert a json file to an esp and it didn't work correctly. It only moved the vanilla items to the esp, and created unknown references for any mods. When I load the installed the mod into a semi test game the result was as you might expect. Vanilla items transferred correctly but nothing else. They were some other oddities with the settlement (in this case Red Rocket) but that could be expected. Also loot noted a circular reference in the esp, which I could not visibly find. I am going to try a settlement where I have only 1 or 2 mods installed and see what happens. It could also be that I messed up the Red Rocket Settlement altogether before using transfer settlements.



    The preliminary problem with converting the json file to esp appear to be esl files. The Form ID's appear to change even though no new mods have been added/deleted/reinstalled. It appears that this might happen at the script level. It also appears that it does not affect esm files. This could be because the .esm file I tested load order is before the .esl file. More testing needs to be done to confirm. Note; all creation club files are mostly esl files (for me this is a huge issue).


    Over a year ago I thought I tested with a .esl mod and it worked fine. It was on the previous version of fo4edit so I will rollback to that version and try again.


    Otherwise esp and esm files works as they should. I have tested with 19 mods installed and they all moved over.


    My Red Rocket Settlement was a poor test because it was already messed up :sad:


    Further investigation into recreating previs/precombines requires that the objects reference needs to be removed from the workshop. It was suggested that this could be done by removing the workbench and then adding it back. At what point you have to create previs and precombines is not clear.


    If anyone is interested in step by step instructions on how to create an esp from a json file I will be happy to supply them, but I caution you do not put this in a game that you are currently playing. Use a test to check results first. Should you follow the steps and destroy your current game that you are playing, the fault is yours, not mine.

  9. I messed up my game a little with a mod and spent my free time over the weekend trying to get to place where I could move forward. I have read some interesting articles and posts regarding previs and precombines by snarkywriter, damanding, Trosski and RedRocketTV, which give me hope. Some of it is difficult for me to follow and even a little contradictory, but it gives me hope.


    If you're interested


    Here is a link to damanding's forum on the subject



    Here is a link to snarkywriter article, it really relates to more than just sim settlements.

  10. I have not created an esp in this play thru. The last one I did was over a year ago. I need to have a separate game or profile to test to see if it makes any difference in game performance. Hopefully I will have time over the weekend. I am not sure what Bethesda thought when they started the settlement building. Having played most of the Fallout games I thought it was genius and it added 100's of hours to the game. Not surprisingly the people that are skilled at making mods and, enjoyed playing FO4 made settlement building a 1,000 times better than Bethesda did. Unfortunately the game engine has limitations and Bethesda took a conservative approach, trying to make sure the game worked on several platforms with a minimal of issues. While mods that increase settlement building size and mods that break precombines push the limits of the game engine. When we push to much frame rates drop and if we build more the game crashes. That being said why Bethesda did not think that we would not want clean settlements, fixed roofs, and nice places to live for our settlers is head scratching.

  11. There is a script that you can use that was made by DieFm https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39742 Check it out. I used it only once and it worked fine for me. I did not do enough testing to see if it fixed FPS or screen stuttering because the settlement wasn't big enough and my game was already messed up.


    In order for precombines to work, would I have to make everything static? I almost certain that can be done with PE. Otherwise if items are moved it would break the precombine. Things that move like pumps, turrets, etc. would not be made static? Right now I have built up Red Rocket, Sanctuary and Abernathy so much that the game will frequently crash especially if I am in workshop mode. I have not tried Baka Scrap Heap, but based on the description for that mod I'm not sure that will help. Any thoughts let me know.

  12. I was wondering if anyone has ever


    1.) Created a settlement and used to transfer settlements to create a json file.

    2.) Take the json file and run a script to create an esp.

    3.) Use creation kit to rebuild precombines and previs data.

    4.) Installed the mod in a different version of the game to see if the settlement now requires less draws and triangles thereby making is less performance intensive.


    I have already done steps 1 & 2 long before (like a year ago) and I know how to do step 3. The real question is will this make a difference? Has anyone tried and succeeded or failed?

    If you succeeded are there pitfalls to avoid or anything happen that wasn't expected? If you tried and failed, what do you think the problem may have been?


    Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.



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