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About Eolath

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  1. No, we have some pretty great mods coming up in the next few months. Enderal, Lordbound, to name a couple.
  2. What disturbs me more than anything is how people apparently see a child follower on the Nexus, and one of the first things they do is mess around in Nifskope in an attempt to remove their clothes. Perhaps it's just me, but removing clothing is the last thing I think of when I see a child. Each to their own, of course, but don't go down the self righteous path and accuse someone else of a horrible misdemeanour that you yourself are, at least in part, responsible for.
  3. Still alive and looking great as ever! It does look a little dark, though, or is that just the lack of an ENB? Feels like an island with that climate should be lighter.
  4. In response to post #31618445. #31618745 is also a reply to the same post. You shouldn't. It'll just add your email to the hackers database if there is indeed a breach. Don't change your email yet until we have confirmation that the breach is fixed.
  5. In response to post #31554230. #31562270 is also a reply to the same post. I share part of your frustration, I realized after reading Dark0ne's post that my account is still tied to one of my ancient email addresses that I last used in 2008 :D Considering the present news that is not necessarily a bad thing.
  6. In response to post #31560095. #31560240 is also a reply to the same post. Of course, in that case it wouldn't be a bad idea to change the password. In general however I'd be more worried about other websites that someone might use the same password on. Just presume they got into our accounts on the Nexus and that they have the capability to continue doing so, even after a password change.
  7. Perhaps it would be a good idea to tell us which mods had a .dll loaded into them yesterday. As for password/email changes, I'll wait until we have more information, any attempt to do that right now would be useless if Nexus is indeed breached.
  8. Sometimes resources just flip to zero some time after you leave a settlement, whether that be water, beds or food. If you return by fast travel or just running back they move back to the intended amount. I have the same issue but Preston's not bugged in my game, in your case the NPC packages are not properly updated, by the way. Normal console commands are not going to fix the issue, perhaps setting a certain quest stage within ''When Freedom Calls'' could but I know far too little about the present stages to help you with that (we have no GECK yet after all, can't exactly look what stage in the quest is supposed to update the NPC packages). Regarding the bedding situation, placing beds in one of your custom made homes (i.e. not in the remade shambled homes) does appear to solve the issue, atleast for me. No fixes for food or water, we'll have to wait for Bethesda with that one.
  9. Good to know your problem's been fixed, just to add my 2c incase you want to upgrade some of your hardware, I also think the CPU is bottle-necking you entirely and (hardly) any of the drops have anything to do with your GPU. I'm running an overclocked 7950 AMD and can usually stay at 60 FPS on a mix of medium (shadows) & ultra settings, except for Diamond City and some surrounding areas, where there's a natural dip (about to be expected). And my GPU is only slightly better than your GeForce 760. Perhaps it would be an idea to measure both your CPU and GPU usage during gameplay? See which one 100%s first.
  10. Decreasing the size of the world space seems like a smart decision. Also, releasing an update once a month regularly is probably better if you want to keep people coming back than staying silent for months and releasing 3-4 at a time :) I understand you're doing this for free, but you guys are putting a damn lot of time in it and a sizeable and attentive audience usually keeps everyone motivated.
  11. Very impressive thus far. If I may recommend something, don't keep extending the mod too much. I understand you went from planning a sole castle to planning a new area, the latter takes substantially more time than the former. A smaller scale mod can be just as good as a large mod if it's well done.
  12. Is the old Credo bugged or something? I can't seem to download it anymore. Author put it to hidden.
  13. I liked your mods for Oblivion. As for suggestions, please don't place your house or castle around Falkreath hold. There are so many house mods located there it's not even funny anymore.
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