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About josh900

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Crusader kings 2
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For the complete story you should read the books first honestly, but if you're just going with the games then go ahead and play the second one before going into the third game, as it does set up what's happening in 3 and is also a good game in it's own way. You can also import your saves from 2 and that'll have an impact on the world and your starting equipment if I remember correctly.
Fantasy Life: Unlimited Discussion and information thread
josh900 replied to josh900's topic in RP Announcements
This post will be used to keep track of all accepted and active characters as well as for keeping track of zone, enemy, guilds and areas of interest information. So basically consider this the Codex of the RP just to make things easier on ourselves so we don't have to go through pages after pages of post just to find something important. -
Fantasy Life: Unlimited Discussion and information thread
josh900 posted a topic in RP Announcements
Fantasy Life: Unlimited is a brand new RP set in a first of it's kind, virtual reality MMO that spans across a hundred different zones, each one with a different setting from the next, ranging from typical swords and sorcery fantasy, to high tech, space exploration era sci-fi worlds. All of which are loosely tied together with a plot of an encroaching darkness that only the players can defeat. The game's leveling system is rather simple, the more you do something, the better you become at it, whether it's swinging a certain type of weapon, or crafting a certain type of object. The class system is also simple, there isn't one. When first creating a character you are given a choice of basic equipment and you simply go from there enjoying the fact that no equipment type blocks you off from certain skills. Want to be a wizard that wears full plate armor? Go right ahead, there's no reasons not to save for the usual RPG armor conventions. You know what those are, big and heavy slow you down, small and fast keeps you light on your feet. In the RP itself it'll all be simply enough really so don't worry too much about the numbers game if you don't want to. Furthermore I would like it if instead of this requiring one person to set the scenes and plotlines, I think everyone would agree that it would be best if everyone involved got a say in the RP, so if you have any ideas for plotlines or zone types, please share them here, this RP is going to cover a lot of different situations and settings so the more ideas that pour in, the better it'll be. The rules will be the usual sort, Those of you that have been in an RP on these forums will know then by now. For that that don't they are easy enough to follow. 1) Have fun. If you are finding yourself always irritated or unhappy...then why are you here. Figure out the issue or go do something else. 2) Never forget the line between RP In Character and Out of Character and don't cross it. It is easy, especially when you have particularly intense RP, to take things personally. Don't....99% of the time it isn't all about you. 3) Start with a well made character. Have a decent background and personality to make your RP more fun and easier. Your character doesn't have to be set in stone. But having a solidly made character is important or your RP may peter out. Have your character have likes/dislikes, goals, dreams, an arch-enemy....this will help you flesh them out even more and bring them to life. 4) Relationship RP should be the ICING not the CAKE! Make it a side-quest if you will...not the main one. 5) You have to give a little to get a little. We all have RP storylines in which we want others to engage. That is what makes it fun, right? But if you find a friend knee-deep in a RP of their own, don't come in and hijack the RP for yourself or refuse to participate because its not all about YOU. Have fun and throw your lot in with them! Trust me, when your time comes around, people will remember that you play well with others. 6) Don't be a MaryJane! Don't decide that you are going to be a half-dragon or the long-lost illegitimate son of the King of Whoville. It doesn't work, it probably isn't in the lore anywhere, and it will lead only to your RP downfall. Eventually your “special” character will begin to dominate everyone else and their RP. No one will want to play with you...so make your character special in other ways. 7) No godmoding!! Remember, you only control YOUR character and not others. When you RP, do not take over the actions of other Rpers. For example: Jon casts a frostbolt at Matt knocking him back into the wall and breaking his arms. Instead try: Jon cast a frostbolt hoping to hit Matt and knocking him out of the way. This allows the other player to take action. You can have decided before hand how this will go out. You can roll to see what actions happen or how bad an injury is. 8 )Soap Opera-ing. Many of us have wanted to play our character as crazy, a total badass or having an illness or amnesia. Those can all be valid and fun stories. The doom is in taking it too far or too long. These kind of stories ultimately leave little RP options for those around you. Always have movement and a goal in your RP...otherwise it goes nowhere. 9) Be willing to RP with anyone, anytime. Just because you are in a guild or Rping with a friend doesn't mean you can't include others. Walk-Up RP can lead to great things...or simply pass the time for a bit. If others don't RP EXACTLY like you...no sweat. Perhaps they are new and need some gentle guidance. So be open to everything! 10) Communication is the key. Always establish your RP boundaries when you are Rping with someone long-term. If you don't like swearing...or a particular kind of violence...or if you will take anything coming down the pike! Let others know. It avoids awkward and unpleasant conversations later. These next are mostly just polite suggestions but they'll make everyone's lives easier if they're followed. :Try and keep things civil OOC, I know that I can be considered guilty of not following this myself, so I know first hand how quickly downhill things can go if this isn't followed. If someone or something has gotten you too angry to stay pleasant, try and get someone who's in a nicer mood than you are to explain the situation. :While sometimes it's fun to play a character that may not mesh well with others, it's usually a good idea to avoid purposefully making someone who isn't going to get along well with a group. It's makes your experience much better and gives you many more RPing opportunities besides having the character sit in a corner by themselves and brood. :If you have an idea, Please share it. I know I'm repeating myself here but I'd rather this RP not be reliant on just one person in order to advance the story, everyone should get a fair, and equal opportunity to add to this. This setting opens up a wealth of possibilities too vast for just one person to come up with. So quest ideas, zones, random encounters, places of interest, you name it you share it. That should be about all unless anyone else has any rules to add on here. Now for the good stuff. Character sheet Name:Character name:Age: (Must be 18 years or older to register)Appearance: (Unlike most games, looks are based entirely around the real world character, appearance modifications are unlocked as the game progresses however)Role: (DPS, TANK, SUPPORT)Bio: (Who you were and your life before you logged in) A max of two characters per person please and thank you. Might allow more as things progress. -
As the ceremony began and ended, Leif had finally entered the estate and helped himself to a healthy portion of food, his plate stacked with more beef and steak than any veggies of the sort. Not long after he took a seat, a highly unusual figure approached him, not quite a figure to be exact, instead an animate skull, it's surface covered in runic markings and many onlookers hoped that it's large brown eyes were glass instead of flesh, though it as entirely possible that they were simply illusions. It appeared to be having a rather friendly chat with the half-elf, bobbing up and down as it chattered away, seemingly oblivious to the gawking stares it was receiving. ------------- Feeling like a complete moron, Lucas sat himself in the far corner of the room, alone and away from everyone else, kicking himself for the wave of stupidity that had washed over him. Maydiira probably already felt out of place, and both he and We'tak had certainly made it worse. He would have to profusely apologize to her when he saw her again, provided he could summon the courage to even face her after the embarrassment.
Gante studied Rhaine for a moment before nodding. "Aye there's nothing further. You're dismissed." He said as he waved her away so that he could conclude his business there. ---------- Lucas felt a great relief wash over him, he was saved from embarrassing himself in front of everyone with his lack of dancing abilities. "Well then I suppose there we go, Sorry We'tak but there'll be no dancing then." He said hastily, desperately wanting to get away from the situation. Unfortunately for him, an observer had other ideas. Like a ballista bolt to a ripe melon, a foreign thought tore through his mind and exited his mouth before the young squire was even aware of its presence. "Unless you know of any other dances that might go well with the music."
And to add onto what Auri said about Markas, he worked the best because you kept him engaged with the group, he didn't go off starting fights or having his own solo adventures. He stayed and interacted with the group, avoiding the thing that has always gotten you in trouble. D&D 101, never split the party and all that. And that's really all there is to it, interact with the party, share your plans with us, and if you can't think of something to post just say so and you'll get a bunch of ideas thrown your way without any trouble. Trust me, we'd all rather toss ideas and the like your way than anything else. nobody likes the drama llama visiting and we'll do all that we can to keep it at bay. That's what this thread is meant for, sharing ideas for the RP and discussing how to make it better for everyone involved.
Doesn't matter what the intent was. In character there was no way that was going to work out for him, and no way Rhaine would continue to allow him in the group. Sparrow's not being removed from the group because of any OOC reason, it's all entirely in character. And as far as communication goes, we've been telling you the same thing for three years now. I would be amazed if there's a single RP you've been in with us where we haven't had to tell you to stop having your characters go off on their little adventures without tell us first. this is a constant thing with you and we're all just tired of having the same conversations over and over, so we're done and this is how things are going to be from now on. So if you want to make sure we're all okay with something, you either check with us here, PM one of us, or it gets played out to it's logical conclusion. We're not going to hover over you and ask what you're doing every single post. It's your responsibility to tell us what you're doing. Think of it like a pen and paper game, you run what you've got planned by a DM first or bad things happen and you find yourself rolling up a new character.
Aaand now to intro what will be the first of a couple of NPCs that I'll have. Name: Gante Demelin. Race: Half-Elf Age: Mid 80s Class: Fighter Alignment: Lawful Good. Deity: Helm. Place of Origin: Aglarond. Appearance: Gante's appearance more closly resembles that of a human more than his elvish half. Tall, broad shouldered, and squared face, one would hardly be able to notice his elven heritage if they couldn't see his slightly pointed ears. His salt and pepper hair is kept short as per military regulations, but he keeps barest hint of facial hair, never completely clean shaven as his rank allows. Armor/Clothing: For day wear he keeps to simple and common Aglarond fashions. His armor is full plate and very well kept. The finest armor that the army can spare. Weapon: An enchanted hammer and shield combo that he uses with frightening skill. Personality: Grim and to the point. Gante is ever a servant of Aglarond, and a commander of a third of it's military forces. The law and country are everything to him, and he will neither bend, nor break on any matter which he deems important to both. History: Born a common man, Gante joined the military at a young age and quickly proved his worth. Thirty years into his service he achieved the highest rank possible and was awarded command of the Army of the Lion, a subsection of the Aglarondan army stationed at the fortress Emmech. Tasked with defending against the threat from Thay through the Tannath Gap.
Time to roll a new character Mac, Sparrow's done. We've been over this time and time again but you just don't seem to understand, so we decided that we are just going to let your characters solo adventures play out to their logical conclusions. We're not going to argue with you and try and explain why the actions are a stupid idea, we're just gonna go with it and have it cause you to have to make a new character since you haven't really done anything against the rules. This is a group decision by the way, not just mine.
Gante could scarcely believe the vast amount of utter stupidity that was spewing from Sparrow's mouth. "That drop you suffered as a child surely kept I see." He scoffed before removing his overly decorated helmet and scratched behind his pointed ears. "Chances are you haven't been here long so I'm going to let you in on some important information. I have served this country for more likely longer than you've been alive, so do not ever assume that you know even a fraction of what I know about it. You're an outsider, you don't know this place, you don't know these people. You don't know what they know, what they feel, what they think, or who they're loyal to. The only thing you know, is how to run your mouth. You see, there is no corruption in our guards ranks, because we deal with that very quickly. The penalty for any member of the military, regardless of station abusing a civilian, is death by hanging. And we take every accusation very seriously. The last thing we need is a Thayan agent making their way into our ranks and spreading contempt among the local populations. But then, you'd know that if you walked the streets like I do." The Marshal finished with a sneer. Every assumption that Sparrow had made was fully incorrect and had mountains of paperwork and documentations to prove it. Gante would have loved to disassemble each and everyone of Sparrow's naive assumptions about the local populous's political opinions, but Rhaine's arrival put Gante back on track. "Yes I did, you arrived at the estate in the presence of this man, did you not?" He began to speak again without waiting for Rhaine to answer, he already knew what it would be after all. "He was found, a few minutes ago, breaking into the estate in an attempt to steal the guard's payroll. His justification for this act, was that his actions were altruistic in nature, and that he was trying to get back at the city guards for allegedly stealing from civilians." He explained, letting the information sink in before speaking again. "To reiterate. He wanted to steal from the city guard, so he snuck into a private residence, in an attempt to steal the payroll, from the private security force that do not take a step out into the streets while they are on duty, nor do they have any jurisdiction outside these walls. But that's alright though, you see, even though he's admitted to his intent, he wasn't successful so according to him, I can only charge him with trespassing." He laughed before looking back at Sparrow. "When a man under my command breaks the law, you know what I do? I give him a chance to explain his actions and if I don't find the reason just, I hang him, regardless of the crime I hang him like all the scum of the Realms. I wouldn't hang you." He shook his head. "I'd slit your throat and leave you convulsing on the floor and filling your trousers while I stepped over you. But lucky for you, you're not one of my men. So I'm sentencing you to fifteen years in the dungeons of Veltalar, maybe taking away a chunk of your worthless life might teach you a thing or two. Unless of course," He turned to Rhaine, "you have any objections, and would like to be viewed as an associate to his crimes." He threatened. --------------- --------------- Hearing Maydiira's own uncertainty didn't exactly make Lucas feel any better about the situation, but at the very least it didn't make thing worse. We'tak's immediate arrival and obvious attempt to get him and May to dance together on the other hand, certainly made things more awkward. "Wait, dance? No no We'tak no that'd... That's not." But before he could even begin to go into why that would be a horrible idea, the Thri'kreen had begun to play. He turned to Maydiira with an apologetic look, knowing that We'tak's actions had more than likely brought the Drow elf unwanted attention for all the wrong reasons. "I can't... I, I don't know how to dance." He admitted. Of course the lack of courage wasn't helping him either, but he wasn't about to admit that.
Dressed head to toe in the ceremonial armor that had been forced upon him, Gante sat behind a desk, impatiently waiting on the culprit's arrival. He was thankful that he didn't have to wait too long, as the golems were quick about bringing in Sparrow. Gante studied the Half-elf for a moment before speaking in his usual authoritative tone. "My name is Gante Demelin, acting Marshall of Furthinghome for the time being. I will be presiding over your judgment and shall sentence you as I see fit. Consider yourself to be in a court of law, anything you say during your time in this room will be placed under the highest of scrutiny, if you are found to be lying about the events which brought you before me, your punishment will grow in severity, am I understood?" Without waiting for a reply Gante began to speak again. "You have been brought here for judgment due to your crimes of trespassing, and attempted thievery. Now I'm not in the mood to go back out there as quickly as I can so I'm gonna give you a chance to explain yourself. Not because it'll help you in any way, you were caught and admitted to your intent, but I could use a laugh so, start talking." ---------- Azuris surveyed the ball room with a look of annoyance in his eyes, too many fancy people with too much alcohol. "Yeah I'm gonna go find a corner and hide in it." He grumbled half to himself as he moved away from the entrance, a small smile growing on him as the thought of what trouble Hexol could have caused these people if he were around. -------- Lucas watched as Rhaine and Rameses walked off after the servant. For a minute he thought of following but suddenly decided not to, the hushed whispers and wearing looks in Maydiira's direction somewhat put him on guard. Clearing his throat he eventually spoke up. "So umm.. sh.. should we find ourselves a place to sit? Or stand ooorr... yeah?" --------- The servant silently led Rhaine and Rameses through the winding corridors of the estate, though did so at a slow pace, the manor's consciousness dictating it to give Gante time to evaluate the burglar without too many distractions.
"Well that's certainly a disappointment." The face sighed upon receiving Sparrow's answer. "I shall inform the lords of the manor, I'm sure they won't be too enraged at this interruption of the good lady's wedding." Said the face before sinking back into the wall. The iron golems then formed a line, a golem to the front, Sparrow in the middle, and the other in the rear. They began their march into the manor, Pushing Sparrow along if he did not comply, ready to do far worse if he attempted to escape. -------- Gante Demelin was already growing tired of all of this. Risen from the battlefield, the ball halls and idiotic fashions were getting on his last nerves. Miles to the north, the armies of Thay had taken Emmech out from under him, and yet even with the Reds so close he could feel their breath down his back, here the people were, celebrating as if all was fine with the world. The head of the Elandril house was giving away a daughter or grand-daughter in marriage and appeared to think that this union was the most important piece of business of the year. He ran a hand through his salt and pepper hair and softly growled at it all. He was begging for any kind of distraction and jumped as soon as one appeared. "Lord Elandril." The face in the wall appeared nearby, hoping to speak to the lord of the manor. "I wouldn't if I were you." Gante warned as he watched the nearby lord fuss over the improper placement of a vase or some such stupidity. "He might just disenchant you for the interruption." "Oh dear. Well thank you for the warning Marshel Demelin." The face bowed. A lord himself, Gante much preferred to be out in the thick of things than stuffed up in a manor, and though this wasn't his jurisdiction, he was more than happy to lend a hand if he was able in his never ending war to keep Aglarond safe. "Perhaps, if I may be so bold sir, perhaps you would be able to see to this matter?" The face inquired, already knowing the answer once he explained the situation. Gante was out of his seat and was marching down the halls with a purpose. "Have the golems bring him to me, tell them to take a roundabout way, rather not have anyone see them, last thing we need is any more noise over something stupid. And who was he last saw with again?" He asked the face as it tried it's best to keep up with him "The company of Lady Rhaine Alcinea, they are special guest of..." "I don't care, have her brought in as well. She wants to travel with rogues and thieves then she can sit in judgment with them." ---------- A simple servant, handing out an assortment of wines, mindlessly indulging in it's task. It might have appeared as a well kept young man, but that would have cost coin that wouldn't have been able to go into other indulgences. And so most of the servants had been conjured up as had much of the food. This brought on a very useful advantage as each servant was connected to the magical mind of the estate itself, information spread out across the entire width of the manor in an instant, leaving no task left to a forgetful individual. And as soon as Gante's demand for Rhaine's presence left his mouth, the servant heard it and moved across the room to approach the Chosen. "Lady Chosen." The servant greeted her with a bow and spoke in a pleasant, if vacant manner. "You're presence has been requested by Marshall Gante Demelin concerning a matter involving a member of your company, if you would please folly me, this matter demands your immediate attention. --------- It was a small study that Gante waited in. A transcription of the events leading up to Sparrows detainment was etched into the wall, slowly scrolling down as the Marshall read. A simple case of failed burglary, this would be easy enough. Though still technically outside his jurisdiction, him and the local Marshall saw eye to eye on most everything, whatever sentence Gante suggested, would be the one they received.
"A way to walk to the ball?" Leif asked the curious Thri'kreen, his questions raising a humorous idea in the mischievous half-elf's mind. "No, buuut there is a way one should enter it. Lets stop by the Inn, we need a keg of ale, a few of those over priced chocolate bars, a coat rack, and a bar of soap. What exactly for I dunno, but I bet we could come up with something with all that nonsense!" He said with a little too much enthusiasm, though he quickly realized that he was no doubt confusing We'tak even further than what he already was. "Or we could just... go there like regular boring people.. and not have any fun and be miserable around all the stuffy nobles. Don't ever deal with those people if you can help it kiddo, they'll suck the life right out of ya." He said in a grim tone as he began the walk to the estate ------------- For the past five generations the Elandril family had been among both the wealthiest and most powerful families in Furthinghome, and like all nobles in the magocracy this wealth and power came from their inherent magical talents. And so in celebration of the marriage of one of their members, the Elandril family threw everything they had into making the ball as memorable as possible, putting forth a considerable amount of time and their wealth into turning their estate into the hub of the city's festival. What might have come as a shock to some people was the fact that not a single extra copper went into the security for the place for a very good reason, they didn't need to. The paranoia of Wizards outmatched greed nine times out of ten. The locals all knew that the guards were merely for show, rumor had it that they were just illusions, and that the true guards of the estate were all hidden in plain sight. The leaves on a tree in the courtyard, a finch on the roof tops, the local calico that always seemed to be watching anyone that didn't live there. These were all said to be the true guardians of the Elandril fortune, and those rumors were half right. The first of the golems seemed to appear out of thin air before it rushed the half-elf intruder. The second appeared in the place of a small tree that had been planted near the outer wall. The third guardian was certainly no golem, but a humanoid face which stretched out from the outer wall near where Sparrow had been creeping. "You are aware of course that they are handing out invitations back at the main gate yes?" The face said in a bored and somewhat annoyed tone and the two golems stood within arms reach of the thief. "No matter, you made your choice, now you have two options here, either you allow the golems to take you to the masters of the house so that they may decide your punishment... or you're dragged out through the sewers beneath the city, and thrown out into the runoff like the garbage you are. Do pick the second option. It's been decades since Potosa got any fun. These two simpletons just don't have the flair that the she beast has." Said the face, mentioning by name, a guard that had long ago been considered nothing more than a myth to the short lived inhabitants of the city. However among the long lived population, the screams of those dragged underground and through the city sewers still lingered in the ears of those unfortunate enough to have been using a toilet at the wrong time of night.
"Oh I was wearing this under the dress." Leif said to We'tak in a casual manner before bending down so that he was eye level with the thri'kreen. "And look, don't worry about what Conall said alright? There's nothing wrong in not knowing something, just so long as you don't keep making the same mistakes over and over again. So don't worry about what Conall was saying. You learn as best you can, however you can, and don't worry if it's not fast enough for someone else alright? Anyone starts fussing at you for it, you let me know and I'll have a talk with them and get things sorted out." He said, giving We'tak's head a playful tousle as he straightened back up. Lucas kept a short distance away from the group, once again finding himself in the familiar position of being hopelessly tongue-tied due to a female companion. Noticing this, Azuris hung back between the group and the squire in an attempt to keep the poor boy's nervousness from being too obvious. From this distance he was able to listen and chime into Rhaine's conversation with the half elf that had approached earlier. "Well we wouldn't mind finding a bit of your cause ourselves, might not look it but we haven't exactly been earning a livable wage lately."
Watching the scene unfold Leif's smile slowly turned to a scowl at Conall's treatment of We'tak's harmless curiosity. "I'm guessing you don't have kids then." He said with a sigh before snapping his fingers, causing the dress he was wearing to instantly transform into a dark green doublet with black pants. "I'll go check on him, we'll met up with guys at the party." He said as he walked out of the tavern, intent on catching up to the saddened Thri-kreen. That was the easy part, if he heard people talking about a giant bug wearing a dress he knew he was on the right track. When he finally caught up he let out a loud whistle before speaking in a joking manner. "So what's a purty bug like you doing out in a place like this all by your lonesome?" As the party moved out into the city, a presence followed closely behind, remaining unseen in the crowd, waiting for the right moment to reveal itself.