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Posts posted by JP193

  1. I'm not going to stick around and debate (whether philosophically, or the heated way even someone endorsing a variety of hummus can get on the internet) but just my thought, I think humans are just neutral with some people a little more altruistic and some people a little more selfish. Some people are damaged and behave erratically. At least the thread title said 'bad' not 'evil' so that sidestepped one whole debate.

    Generally any ideology is justified by the person who holds it, very few people (who aren't 14 and on 4chan, Steam or the YouTube comment section) unironically say they're evil, as opposed to "flawed", "defensive", "afraid" e.t.c.


    The internet; where we are and what probably prompts these threads, makes it look worse because of the vocal minority effect. I openly take issue with how some people on the internet today embellish being edgy and dark, and noticeably clog up internet comment sections. Don't have to look beyond NexusMods being in yet another bait and forced controversy debacle. But, I do believe none of this can effect the course of human history. Vocal minorities as I say.



    Anyhow. Your common person doesn't click on articles of minor acts of goodness, but they are still absolutely everywhere. Overall if humans were rounded to the most suitable D&D alignment I personally believe it would be True Neutral.

  2. I find it so hard to choose trees for Skyrim, it feels like almost too much choice. I actually use Myrkvior myself currently, it's definitely a lovely mod, very thick and lush trees. Hard to say what mod is "best" but when multiple people in a row commend a mod it's gotta be up there.

    But again wow there's so many. Even since using Myrkvior I'm always seeing more like Enhanced Vanilla Trees, Happy Little Trees, Nature of the Wild Lands, and those are just off my tracked mods list, there's probably more that slipped by me, and I didn't mention the half dozen older mods just ones I found since settling on Myrkvior.


    By the way there's this little mod that changes Myrkvior's LODs, I haven't had the sort of free time to do a performance check or compare all the mods available already but that mod claims to offer more FPS while using Myrkvior's gorgeous models.

  3. In response to post #92288163. #92289693 is also a reply to the same post.

    RolfSteiner wrote: Hey there! I followed this discussion from the beginning!

    Fact is ... some of us still feared! Another Fact is ... there are questions ... in the back of our secret mind storage ... that should be asked!
    As i always say´n ... answers needs questions ...
    I'm scared, too! Sure ... i know Microsoft is a kraken in specific things!
    The main thing of them, is to gain control of the money flow ... in their wallet!!! Keep this in mind!
    So let´s figure out ... what´s their (master) plan on that!

    And keep in mind never ever do purchases their platforms ... if you want to stay in freedom!!!

    THX for YOUR GREAT WORK to make the games ALIVE!!!
    showler wrote: Y'know what?  Five minutes before this purchase was announced people were declaring that Bethesda was so greedy that they were going to block all modding in order to make people buy Creation Club content.  Or that they were going to shut down the Nexus so everyone had to use Bethesda.net.  Or that everything was going to have to be bought through microtransactions and the game would have very little actual content.

    So, really nothing has changed.  If all corporations are evil and out to destroy modding then it will get destroyed.  If not, then Microsoft is just as likely to work with the community to keep modding going as Bethesda was.

    Just buy as you want, play as you want and mod as you want.  Stop complaining about things that haven't actually happened.

    Just buy as you want, play as you want and mod as you want.
    Amen. There's zero word that Steam copies/one time purchase games are off the table, so I remain entirely unphased by the whole situation. If anything it's nice that Game Pass users can mod a little bit, considering you are sort of just renting the game in a sense. If someone is truly passionate about modding Bethesda games you probably own a permnanent copy and probably went to PC to use NexusMods if you could afford it.

    (Oh, and I second the thanks to Nexus for intending to keep us informed and all that)
  4. I'll try and get right to it, to save you reading time or whatever.


    There are so many mods which add new meshes, from standalone, high quality guns to cuboid walls done from scratch. How?

    NifSkope has a few problems with both import and export for Fo4's .nif files, Skyrim's files need converting because a simple port makes them break, there is no specialised Blender plugin and nobody's really touched other softwares aside one or two Maya tweaks I think. Yet despite all that, there has been people who make fully functional, high quality models for Fallout 4.


    I managed to export one body file, which opened in Blender as .obj (no nif import scripts and plugins are doing anything) yet there's that mod where the creator made a higher poly outfit than Bethesda even put in the game, and said they even textured it in Blender.

    Any tips? Tutorials? Speculation into how the witchcraft works?

    Thanks in advance, hopefully someone else gets some help here too.

  5. I had multiple islands beyond the dropoff. I did manage to fix the game world dropoff in-game, though the LOD is a missing texture and I never got my old terrain back. Thankfully I actually have a more experience design now, and within the space of a few hours brought the ground up under the floating objects.

    There are still problems, but the original one is totally gone so I'm happy. Couldn't find where to delete this thread last night, but thanks for coming anyway.

  6. Hey, really hope this is the right place, I only come to the forums once every few months at most, and Google has given me nothing over 2 days so here I am.


    I'm having a very strange... Thing happening to me.

    I have my own external worldspace, and it's fine in the Creation Kit, but when I go to it in-game only 5 grids will load. [*then other text I deleted for space*]

    TL;DR: The world is constructed upon a great sky-cube, wat do


    Edit: Okay I have a very new problem, though the same title applies... After that grid, the terrain just becomes extremely low. I fall into water, and at the bottom is my old terrain as a nonphysical layer, and an insta-crash-on-contact dirt layer under that. What even.

  7. OK, so LOTS of people moan that NMM isn't working, but I have tried EVERYTHING. [back then]

    The manager won't open. I can log in, but it won't actually give the dialogue.



    • Waiting (Over an hour) - Still over 'X'
    • Uninstalled and reinstalled - No change
    • Total deletion and redownload - Same
    • Deleting all mods known for problems - Same
    • Disabling every last mod - Same
    • Checked for that trace log - Just empty folder, deleted in one attempt, no change.



    I fixed it myself, and if anyone is here looking for a solution, what I did was set security on the SteamApps folder, then Common and finally Skyrim (and F:NV) to Deny All, then to Allow All again, so I imagine the problem was not reading permissions correctly?

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