For me it started with the Nuka world crash, you would approach the zone and get CTD every time, after hunting all over for a Fix i found 2 things that seam to crash a lot of folks (not counting mod conflicts) #1. is UI-keybinds, #2. Is water enhancements , # 1. UI, a lot like my self will change the key-map, like i use ENTER on my laptop instead of (E) for use key anyhow seams this BUGS a lot of things out, this MOD/PATCH FIXED it for me, may fix any entering, using, and opening, CTD and don't really even have to use the custom HUD changes, seams to MASK custom key-binds, meaning you will see "hit (E) to open" how ever your key-bind for USE (enter) will still work, for some they had to clean save load,save,reload but just the mod it self fixed it for me. #2. Water Texture Enhancements, if your getting a CTD wile loading from one zone to the next, this might be why haven't run into my self , but seams quite a few have and well simple fix "Turn off your enhanced water or Texture Enhancements "