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Everything posted by gvman3670

  1. So modding it on an XBox console is illegal and immoral, yet it's just fine on PC? I'd have to question one's reasoning there. As far as I can tell it's not illegal as they only don't allow modded hardware (and this is only game saves) and XBL only cares about cheating others in multiplayer games. Immoral? Really? A game save?
  2. No? Really? :confused: Modding is modding, isn't it? And you can't get banned from XBL for a modded Skyrim game (or any other one player games since that's reserved for multiplayer games).
  3. Feminine Females is the mod I use for this "problem". Add the Dragonfly butt bounce TBBP animations and you get some sexy strutting guards and Lydias. :D Jenassa (in the Drunken Huntsman) is harder to get to walk like a girl to be honest. Jeesh, she's a P.I.T.A.!!!! LOL If you're worrying about load order with these types of mods you shouldn't. I don't believe they have any dependencies besides the Skyrim and Update masters (I'd have to check to be totally sure, though). This means they can go almost anywhere after those unless you have other mods that may effect them (and something like Dragonfly should go after FF). Load order sorting is easiest with BOSS. It's not 100% guaranteed, but it does get the LO right most times (I've never had it not get it right). While you're at it go ahead and get TES5Edit to clean up some dirty edits in Bethesda's stuff so you have fewer potential mod issues in the future.
  4. Go into your Skyrim folder and in Data/tools you'll find two .exe files (one is FNIS for modders and one for users). You have to run the generator tool for users to set up the animations or nothing will happen. In fact, if your characters aren't standing in a rigid T-shape you're lucky. :cool:
  5. Load order and dependencies are easily sorted with BOSS and I'd suggest getting TES5Edit as well. If you start with those two apps you'll find your modded games will run more smoothly and have far fewer hiccups...errr....crashes! :D Both are free downloads, easy to find and if you go to YouTube "Gopher" has some very easy to understand video tutorials on how to use those apps. If you plan on using mods with new animation scripts you'll need FORE's New Idles in Skyrim (FNIS) and you'll need to run the included generator tool with each addition or removal of animation mods. I don't use super pretty graphic mods because my rig can't handle them and still leave me with a playable game. I use performance enhancing graphic mods (like Vanilla Reduced Textures, for example). But there are lots of texture packs out there and ENBs tend to give better looks even without adding high-res textures (the ENBs even make vanilla textures look much better).
  6. Recently I've added modded game saves to a friend's XBox 360 <snipped> an app called <snipped>. <snipped> If anyone is interested in more details just let me know and I'll fill you in with what I can. I am going to go experiment with this some more.
  7. When it comes to cleaning mods it's best for the mod makers. But the Skryim, Update, and DLC .esm files are full of dirty edits that don't need to be there and can cause some issues with certain mods. Removing them is even suggested by BOSS.
  8. Yup, it was fine before. Most often crashes at startup are because the load order is bad (something with a dependency is loading before what it depends on) or there are missing files that something needs.
  9. You did a clean install and still issues? Are there any old files still residing somewhere on your machine? I've found that clean installs really aren't clean unless you do a very, very thorough removal of all things Skyrim from your computer. Even a file left in Docs/my games/Skyrim can make your fresh install run like a not-so-fresh install.....and that lesson sucked to learn. LOL Granted, I'm no master at this sort of thing and have my own issues to contend with. But I can try to pass on how I fixed them I guess. :D
  10. It sounds like you did them right. Does BOSS no longer tell you they contain dirty edits?
  11. Your BOSS log shows a lot of files are containing dirty edits. I'd strongly suggest downloading TES5Edit and using it. Start there. I didn't even look at your papy log or anything yet, but the number of dirty edits BOSS is showing is enough to wreck a game. If you look up "TES5Edit Gopher" on YouTube you'll find a few videos that show you how easy the cleaning tool really is to use.
  12. TES5Edit. Get it and run it. I was getting CTDs recently and saw those same things in my papyrus log (and others, too). After cleaning the update.esm and the DLC masters I don't see those anymore. When you run BOSS it tells you to clean those master files anyway. So it's a good idea to do it since it can only help at this point. Right?
  13. I bought Skyrim for the XB360 the day it was released, and downloaded/bought each DLC the day it was released. I also bought it for PC on disc (and didn't activate a Steam account). I lost a lot in a house fire a while back (including my desktop and games) and got another copy of Skyrim on disc. Now I can't do anything with Steam at all without those jackwagons expecting me to actually BUY the game yet AGAIN! This is worse than piracy, it's corporate highway robbery in broad daylight. :mad: It's a shame. I've supported Bethesda for years by buying ALL their games, generally on their release dates. And even buying them for more than one platform in most cases. I won't be doing that anymore unless they break their ties with Steam. Steam can lick my sweaty balls and eat dog feces for all I care. :ohmy:
  14. I fixed my issues (so far anyway LOL). I got rid of populated cities and towns and added When Vampires Attack. Now I can actually enter Whiterun again.
  15. I think I figured out my Whiterun issue. It was vampire attacks coupled with "Populated Cities and Towns" added. Just too much I guess. I uninstalled PC&Ts and added "When Vampires Attack" and that got rid of my issues.
  16. I'm having issues with getting into Whiterun right now. In the last couple days it's been a P.I.T.A.! I've tried deleting mods, changing load orders, just about everything I can think of. There seems to be an issue for me with vampires. Their presence in Whiterun seems to be source of my problems (it's been a recurring theme at least). I can't figure out a way around it at this point with this game. It really sucks.
  17. My laptop's specs are close to yours (2.2ghz [oc'd to 2.53ghz], 4gb RAM, 1.5gb onboard video, using 8gb Readyboost and a few other tweaks). I'd never be able to run that many mods. If I hit 100 it gets all nuts and the load screens take too long. But if I keep it down to around 50 or 60 it generally gives me no issues. That said, I've recently been getting some random CTDs myself and can't find a pattern to the madness. It could be from fast travelling, opening a door or even opening a damned chest! I'm looking around the forums here for a possible line on the issue myself. :D
  18. You'd need to show a list of mods and load order (at the very least) to get any amount of help.
  19. You must have some kind of animation installed and it's not working properly. In skyrim/data/tools you should find FORE's FNIS generator tool for users. You need to have FORE's FNIS mods (for most animation mods to function) and you need to run the generator tool every time you add or remove a mod that has animations. My guess is that since you haven't played it in some time you no longer have an animation mod you were using before and since you didn't run the FNIS generator your character is standing in the well known T formation.
  20. I've been a fiscally conservative Libertarian for a long time. Anything else is just nonsense! :O
  21. I am a whopping 43 years old, sometimes I feel like I'm 60+! LOL But don't fault me for gaming and being old. I was RIGHT THERE when video games were invented and the perfect age to get addicted to them. :D You don't stop playing because you get old, you get old because you stop playing. :)
  22. I've made my character look way better than the vanilla characters I've had, but not even close to as nice looking as what you can make with modded Skyrim. I doubt it would even be possible anyway.
  23. For bouncing breasts do you just use armor/clothing that supports or, like Skyrim, does it require a specific skeleton/body type? I can't find the answer anywhere.
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