Question first, details later: How do I add a character's skin underneath my custom armor? Would you like to know more: So I've been tinkering with Nifskope, and I have a lot of the basics down. I've been learning mostly through trial and error, taking stuff apart, mashing it back together, swapping textures, converting armor and weapons from FO3 to NV (just for personal use, mind you). I'm now at the point where I've got my own armor, but it's got some gaps in it. I'd like the characters skin to show through these gaps. Where does that mesh come from? There doesn't appear to be a totally nude mesh in the game files, so do I just need to build around an existing one, like one of the shirtless raider armors? That'd be kindof unfortunate, because they all seem to be missing bits where I need skin showing, and they have skin where I need there to be none. I suppose the easy solution (or at least the one that I know how to do) would be to build my armor on one of the body replacers on the Nexus, but I'd rather have something that works with the vanilla skins. And that solution would still leave me with bits of unneeded skin under the armor, or perhaps even clipping through it. I haven't found any tutorials that cover this specific issue. Anyone care to point me in the right direction?