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Posts posted by HajyMurat

  1. Yes, NVR has some...questionable "Features", and the Creator has a weird hangup about providing information about settings.


    In the NVR Ini is a 'Savesettings' function. Set it to 0 and you can save your options again. (Why that's a "feature" to begin with, I have no idea.)

    I actually had to set it to 1 to make it work. Just in case someone runs at this problem when installing 3rd person dialogue camera like I did

  2. sorry for necromancing this post but i also found another solution for stuff not scaling. Get the coresponding x-edit thing, sse-edit for special edition or tesv-edit or whatever its named for regular skyrim. load the outfit into it, and check the armor-addon section for the part which does not scale. there is an entry "weight slider". there has to be "enabled", not empty, not unknown. then scaling worked for me on some custom outfits which were stuck at size _1


    hope this helps, its much more convenient than this clumsy creation kit. :smile:


    Another lost soul thanks you. I thought I messed up something in Outfit Studio. Thank God the answer was that simple

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