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hi i have some bad news my end (thought its probaly not that inportant) i was unable to create the fort top section (well it wasnt realy my fault the damm program wouldnt load the nif plugin) this means thought that our forts may look a bit funny till i can get that to work , im sorry :( .im not sure weather all the the forts location you sergested have quest related to them but a mod of this scale is never realy going to be 100% freindly and we are going to clash with something somewere altho we could use the bandit camps idear that i surgeted in the segments they may not be the stratigec placed locations but they are saffer seeing as thay have no quest to my knowlage. The roman sheild idear is possible but is not something that should be a priority. i think that the towns are more county based than liagion based so i think that they should be seprate or maby that in one of the town castles there is a legion branch (maby there could be a quest where a fort had been over run by bandits or a army or orcs and is useing the town castle and a tempriy base, this could link to a quest where the player has to retake the fort with some men.) but i would realy like to start creating stuff .it would be good to get some stuff to show and then maby we can recruit more people to help mainly with mesh makeing and re textering.
ok i looked in to the locations a bit and this is wat i found for fort one i think that creating a brand new fort would be a beter idear l,best to be placed at the end of the road from chorral i know that there is no mines settlments or ruins there only a few monsters and trees . look at the pic to see what i mean. for fort two both place you sergested looked prity inporant and i know that fort red water has a quest but just above the forrt on the map is Garnet Camp it only has one ramdom bandit and has no quest to my knowlage. placeing it here is far safer than the forts. il check out the other tommow.
(to cyronarxes) ok ive started work on that top part you wanted ive got a texter that suitts it ,its just geting a mesh ive looked at the ruined castle peices and they were all to big or had bit blown off, so ive stated to download maya and i might be able to do something about that (most likely il fail :smile: )but if you allready have a decent fort top section mesh let me know. (to sanada_yukimora) 1. the lords mail and sowrd thingy are not that inprotant at the moment we kinda need to get suff in cs first i know you will say you want to work things out first but you can't work out every thing with out something in game too refer to espcial quest starters and places to go to but mailnly we need the forts in ,so we can make the forts wile you are comeing up with quests.(that should speed things up even tho you want to go slooooowwwwww :biggrin: ) 2 i was wondering if things like a light legion cuircasse could be used and better a spear or pike of some sort for the fort defenders but for the spear to look right it would need new sheathed carry and attack animations but it would be cool :biggrin:
ok il have ago at that for you but il need that image. those places you forund look fine cant wait till we can start putting thing in to the game. did a bit of pondering about you crysmer and lords mail i think we should make something barnd new as it seems that they are probaly only for the morrowind section of the legion.
its was only a quick mock up a little more forty like srtucher can be built but i was just trying to show what i had got.still needs windows and il try and look for a stright section to see if i can make a wall to go arouned the parimter. but for now thats what i thought would be good. have you worked out where you want the forts yet ??
yes i had some sucsses with trying to retexter the fort ruin was tell me what you think. lol no one said any thing about my propaganda recruitament psosters either but i dont think either are inporant right now but it probaly do able if we can get some artist to help. how much of the story line have you figed out .
final ive found cyronarxes photbucket profile. :biggrin: i saw your fort it look grate and i know how to the roof problem i think youve used the anvil tower set for the roof but i think if you look in the kvach tile set you can find a crowed top tower wich if you set the scale right will fit in the ruin set. the ruin set looks grate and the way you created the fort is the same way as i tryed to this morning when you guys were asleep in the states. the only thing i think it needs is windows but a darker couled stone should be an extra we can probaly find come picters to copy from a free photo site.this should not be hard to change i may attempte it but if cyronarxes you have retextering know how your probaly better off doing it but i have the tools and i can try (lol but i never done it before but there is a fist time for every thing) apart from that it all looks awsome. :biggrin: btw cyronarxes you images look awsome
(Cyronarxes) ok il look foward to it (sanada_yukimora) i think you would be able to use both kinds of fort tops if you look around tamriel there loads of diffret kinds of arutecher. so if the fort was near skingrad the pointy type would be better but if it was near chorral the crowned toped would suit the area best :biggrin: .
yeah i understand thought it dose get annoying haveing to read messages 20 time to understand them lol.i tryed to have a look at your map but when i loaded the page i could not make head or tails of it (the web page i mean ,didnt even get to your map) is there any way you can shrink the file and upload it here ?? :thanks:
ok this is what i ment to say. i feel that making new forts or replacing old ones is the best direction to go in, but i understand if people do not want to mess with what there all ready is . there is another solution to be consider we could make a brand new world space but this would require a mass amount of efffort and turns the hill of a mod into a mountin (like i say all the time only an idear) but solves the lack of space problem. I know in oblivion that you can find out about the gray fox throught staying in the ic jail , black horse courior and poster around the ic city i think we could create propaganda poster to conscript the palyer in to the legion ,or wile your in jail your give the opiton of joining up or serving your sentance. im still not sure what tile sets you are planning to use for the forts if you can send me a link to a pic or name the set i would be gratefull , and i am not sure if you have started to put this in to the cs if you have i would very much like to help with the project by building parts of it and not just handing out idears if so could you send me the esp file if not dont worry im also very sorry if my early post did not make seanse annoyed you or insulted you in any way i just would like to help in anyway i can
sorry il fix that
i thing that repairing old forts is the best idear i think there is a bit of script that will alter the inanity preferences when trigged also you may not need al the forts the central hub of it all should be the imperial city also i think in most mission you should have a companion like a squad. i don’t know if you have start to put any thing in to cs ifso pleas send me the file so i can take a look and start helping in any way i can if not il give you my email if you want it so you can tell me what you want to happen (im more of a builder than a story plotter) also i was wondering some people may not know where to find where to start so i think propaganda posters would be awesome its only an idear
wow you guys been hard at work. i see what you say about the forts and building them from scrtach and all but why dont you just create 4 or brand new ones and whe the play reaches the top of the rank system or neare gets a comition to rebuild one of the forts as his own then it can be as a kind of reward for all the players grubbing also there would be quest tied in to it like defending it and makeing sure supplies were not attacked and ect (btw this is only and idear).also as a quest i thought it would be cool to have to defend a town from an army of some sort you could do this by copying the town world space and placeing enimes all over your copyed one this way you can make the city look on fire / ruined have and you would not lose no one inportant (just an idera tho) btw who is in the team at the moment
:rolleyes: ive gone thorught this thred and read it all it been quite funny but if you want some one whos got good know how of the construction set and is good at building interoirs , towns and working with actor ai im willing to help with that as for quest building im can do it all but my story lines suck lol if i want me im yours :thumbsup: (btw i know it says newbie but i been doing this since oblivion was releced and before so dont juge me on that) :sweat: hope this helps and long live cyrodill :biggrin: