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  1. Hey guys, I was looking to pick the game back up and wanted to run a pure mage character. I was looking for a home for the character and after sifting through a lot of the house mods out there, there was none that caught my eye. I was hoping for any input you guys might have about what homes you like to use for you characters of this type. I'm looking for a house/tower/castle/estate (what ever) with: 1) Enchanting & Alchemy, and a library/study with appropriate storage. 2) Location doesn't matter though I prefer to avoid Riverwood. 3) Preferably Medium in size. I'm trying to avoid: 1) A large/huge home. 2) One with every thing in existence. (standing stones, shrines etc.) 3) One with a display room the size of a wholesale club or a museum. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  2. Thanks Fiewiel. I was able to get it working this working with a combination of toggling and setstage commands for the quest. All taken care of. Thank you though for suggesting that it was indeed part of the solution.
  3. While the title is not totally true its close enough. I'm using Apocolypse and cast Stone Curse on J'Zargo, Onmund and Arcano they turned to stone as they should. I left to go do another quest when I came back the characters were not stoned anymore but were frozen in place with no animation, as they would appear if dropped into the screen from the creation kit. I managed to unfreeze the two novices by re casting the spell and when it wore off they were fine, but Archano won't revert to normal and I'm trying to finish the eye of magus story line. A console command or what ever else would be helpful in anyone else has had this problem. Dwarf
  4. Thought, did you need 8 with Midas, I only have 8a in right now? Did you need both and 8A just patches? I know Xilver doesn't list 8 as a needed new file but just a thought. I'm really not as worried about the Apocalypse pack as for the most part I can buy the spells and find them around pretty easily. The special vendors add flavor but aren't necessary.
  5. So I picked up playing Skyrim a few weeks ago. Perhaps two or three ago now. I knew some new DLC was coming out and wanted play again. The game worked just as I had left it when I started it back up. However after coming over here to Nexus and seeing some hot new files since the last time I played I naturally decided to put them into my game. Everything seemed find. Except now both the spell mods I use, and only those two mods seemed to stop functioning properly. Not not functioning at all, just not as they should. I use Midas Magic and Apocalypse spell package. The Apocalypse Spell pack vendors aren't hanging around anymore. However various vendors and loot lists still have them. I can get them at the mages college and court wizards and such but the four or five custom vendors that wander the world selling them disappeared. Not a huge deal but I'm sure the cause of the problem might be linked. The Aurum reactors still work for Midas too. Though I made a spell book and the game allowed me to learn it even though I already knew it and I had two of the same spells in my list. However the Riverwood Trader and The Mages College stopped selling them. If anyone has any idea what could have happened please let me know, I'm posting my mods below so anyone can have a peak they are all the mods I'm running and in load order. All my mods are up to date. I'm also running the newest mod manager (4.2 as of this morning). The newest SKSE, and the newest Sky UI. (Since I put SkyUI in was roughly the same time the problems started I hope thats not the issues somehow since they other mods that use it's mod config menu are sweet). All Mods were installed via Skyrim Mod Manager, I believe three of them are unique to Skyrim Workshop on Steam so they went in that way but are recognized by SMM: Skyrim.esm Update.esm Hearthfire.esm Dawngaurd.esm Jswords.esm (Jaysus Swords) ClimatesofTamriel.esm SPIKE.esm EagleEyePerk.esm (Better Eagle Eye) Hi Res Texture Pack 1.esp Hi Res Texture Pack 2.esp Hi Res Texture Pack 3.esp SkyUI.esp Hothtrooper44_Armorcompilation (Immersive Armors) JSwordsDistributionPlugin.esp (Jaysus) Deadly Dragons.esp Deadly Monsters.esp ClimatesofTamriel-Dungeonshazzerdous.esp ClimatesofTamriel-Interiors-warm.esp TheDanceofDead-Dawngard Edition.esp AlternateStart- Live Another Life.esp Dr_Bandolieer.esp (Bandolieers and Bags) Immersive Weapons.esp Chesko_Frostfall.esp (Frostfall Survival Mod) dD_RealisticRagDollForce-Realistic.esp (Realistic Force) Crismson Tide Blood.esp Tytanis.esp (Tytanis Overhaul) Chesko_WearableLanterns.esp (Wearable Lanters) DeadlySpellimpact.esp Better Vampires.esp Economics of Skyrim.esp TheEyesofBeauty.esp babette.esp (I have no idea which in game mod this is) Racemenu.esp Racemenuplugin.esp Hoodsandcirclets.esp Ringsofpower.esp Betterarchmagerobes.esp Almostunlimitedweaponenchantments.esp Achievethat.esp (Achieve That!) Lostartofblacksmith.esp lockpickingoverhaul.esp Realisticneedsanddiseases.esp RND Hearthfire.esp RND Dawngard.esp TBBOAv2.esp (again, IDK off the top of my head which mod this is) Enhanced Gauldur Amulet.esp BooksBooksBooks.esp EBM.esp (Extended Book Mod) SkyrimCoinreplacer.esp humansdrophumanparts.esp Lefthandrings.esp UniqueBoozebottles.esp RayeksEnd.esp Furbags.esp Harvestmorefoodandingredients.esp minemapmarkers.esp RadiantUniquePotions.esp CrossbowBasicEdition_LL.esp (Crossbows Leveled List Edition) Cloaks.esp (Cloaks of Skyrim, Imperial and Player only not enabled) Hsfstockade.esp (Warchief Fort) Dragonsoulstoperks.esp Apocolypsespellpack.esp Midas.esp
  6. There are two reactors there, sometimes you have to button smash E (use) in order to get the right switch on the reactor to go. It'll work with some practice.
  7. Also don't forget that in Skyrim lore (and possibly the rest of Tamriel) vampirism is a disease not a mythical state of unliving. The vampires of Twilight, True Blood, Ann Rice's tales, World of Darkness etc etc can't take a cure disease potion and have it go away. So perhaps think of it as a magical form of rabies.
  8. Hey Thanks Brkn. I'm familiar with the Gods and Deadra. What I mean is they didn't include any books like the commandments of the divines, the homilies etc. I know the stories well I was just saying that there should be some more books in game about the gods it seems to me anyway.
  9. I always wanted to run a priest character. But found it difficult to comprehend exactly what the different gods are about. Mainly because there isn't a ton of liturgical texts in the game. There were some in Oblivion. A bunch more in Morrowind concerning the Dunmer's religion. But for Skyrim they've seemed to not include them. You'd think they'd have at least a few more books about Tiber Septim/Talos of Atmora since the religious strife is part of the civil war. Anyone else running a priest character who finds certain books useful for decoding the religions of Skyrim?
  10. Well after a complete reboot of the computer it's crashing less. But still significantly more then it use to. Hopefully someone knows what to do for this, I'd hate to loose another character.
  11. Hey guys we'll I've had a rough go of this game so far. 5 characters that have all had in game problems that have ruined the saves. My latest issue comes out of trying to solve crash issues after attempting to add in some graphic mods. For some reason my game CTDs after about 30 seconds if I try to add in an environmental graphic upgrade. I just does not seem to want to handle graphical upgrades to the environment. It'll handle ones to other items/characters etc. But if you upgrade a single blade of grass, or stone brick the game explodes. I've also been getting an increasing amount of CTD's from fast travel which has always been a problem I've had. So I removed them using mod manager which is how I added them. Now I get a lot of CTD's. I only have two mods left. One that upgrades books the other is for faces. Neither are large but I'm still having tons of crashing issues, it's really frustrating. My computer should eat Skyrim for breakfast, I just built it in July. 8gb RAM, spanking new graphics card, i7 quad, heat sink cooling, p67 extreme mobo, 1.5Tb hard drive, tons of case fans, windows 7 64bit. Computer performance should not be an issue and yet I'm crashing like a toddler flying a 747. Any help would be appreciated. Dwarf
  12. Yea I'm attempting to revert back to 1.1 now. Hopefully all goes well.
  13. Has anyone else had a problem with quests started after 1.2? I've had several. SPOILERS POSSIBLE! My assassin character is having problems with the Bard College missions. I retrieve the missing drum artifact and "gave" it back to the college. But it's still in my inventory. My mage started the Windhelm murder quests and is stuck because after I talk to the curiosities shop owner the quest won't advance and let me talk to the steward and accuse the court mage. Also I can't seem to be made thane of Markarth. I've complete the two jarl quests, helped the people, and cleared out almost every forsworn redoubt. But the option of buying still doesn't come up. All of this is new since the patch yesterday. I've completed a few of these quests before with other characters. I'm also still having issues with the guards of Markarth still trying to kill me over a 5gp bounty. Anyone else having problems like this or know of a solution? I'm not using any mods except two graphics mods which shouldn't be an issue.
  14. In my case neither does the take me to jail option. They just keep repeating themselves and attack me.
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