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Posts posted by zlobnez

  1. Hello all of you fantastic people out there, just a quick question.


    When I download a mod from The Nexus with VORTEX, the .rar file is saved in my VORTEX Downloads(VD) folder. If I then install the mod, can I delete the .rar file appertaining to that mod from the VD folder, or will it mess with the mod?


    I'm asking because the .rar files take up a lot of my disc space, and it would be quite neat if I could delete them.


    Thank you all

  2. Hello!



    Is there any quest mod, where you have to do medieval stuff, something that might go along with the Oblivion medieval theme(like siegeing a castle or something), and doesn't involve daedra or any other magic creatures? No fantasy, just plain medieval everyday life? Or something..

  3. Hello everyone!


    So, as the tittle says, jousting. What do you think? Can it be done? I mean with lances that you control(from horseback 1stperson view), lances breaking, unhorsing and all that comes with it?

    I would have tryed, but as I don't have absolutely any modding, moddeling and whatever-other-skill-you-would-need knowledge, I'm asking you guys again, can it be done?

    I searched tesnexus for anything like it, and someone already tryed it, but he only made the arena, and the file was uploaded in 2006, so I guess he's not working on it anymore.


    Is anyone interested in making something? I could provide the lore, any sketches or concept arts, I'm fairly good at that, but I would need someone who's fairly good at those other thing needed =) So, anyone?

  4. Hi!



    So, as the title says, I want my face in Oblivion, more precisely on one of my existing characters. As I'm not the best at moding(read: completely no skills), I'm wondering if thats even possible. Adding a new face to an existing character I mean. And if it is, how?


    Thank you for your help!

  5. Hi!



    Is there a mod that adds some more real feudalism to the game? I mean mostly knights stuff, like more sworn swords and landed knights to the castles, different armors with coats of arms, stuff like that. I tryed to search, but I found nothing.

  6. Thanx a lot Sarya! Great mods!


    However... :rolleyes: I was searching for something like Mummad al Fais wore in Kingdom of Heaven. You know that guy who attacked Baelian for a horse as he came in the Holy Land..

  7. Thanx philatrophy!

    I downloaded Wavepad, recorded the voice one more time and now it works! :thanks: :thanks:


    Only one thing..now all the nord companions greet with my voice :rolleyes:

    Does anyone know how to put these voices just to my char? Do I have to create a new race(which would be just a copy of the Nord) and put those voicefiles as default?

  8. Hi!


    I tried to add custom voice to a companion I made with CM Partners, but I found out that it's impossible. I made all the recordings, and then found und out that CS 1.2 doesn't support .lip file creating, and I had to install the previous version of the CS. When I tried in that one, a messege poped up, saying that the CM .esm and .esp files are a to high EXE format(or smth like this) for this CS to load. So, custom voices-finito.


    Well I got another idea:


    Is it possible to record the same greetings as in the CM mod, and then just replace the sound files? In the sound folder(oblivion/data...) there are six or seven .lip files, and as many mp3 files. Would just replacing the mp3 files, and naming them as the old ones do the trick?

  9. Hi!



    First, I have to tell you, that I'm new into all this modding stuf, so be gentle please :whistling: .


    So heres the thing:

    I created a companion based on the CM Partners mod (I made Jon Snow, if anyone knows him), and I want to know something about voice acting. He is a Nord, since the Starks are originaly from the North (if anyone doesn't know what I'm takling about, rea A Song of Ice and Fire, by George R.R. Martin. Thank you :thumbsup: ), but I don't like that deep Nord voice that he uses in the greetings. Jon is a sixteen year old guy, not some fourty-year old barbarian from a Gods-know-where hidden Skyrim village. and here's the question, I want to know, if there is a way to replace the default nord greetings from CM Partners with the same greetings, just with a different voice. Could someone help me, which is the best way to record these greetings, and how to apply them just to him? If thats even possible of course.


    Thank you for your time :thanks:

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