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About seaton331

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    United States

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  1. One of the Preset face mods i downloaded (One of the biggest on the site, their are 2 if i remember) has a readme with well over 30+ mods needed for the faces to show up, so im sure while downloading/installing all those i screwed up some where as stubborn as i was this was the first mod I decided to ever install on this game and as you can tell by my opening Post i was highly confused :/
  2. So I either installed a mod wrong or when i compiled the xml file something went wrong? Or both?
  3. Ok ok cool I got most of my mods working, but in the CC how come some presets, or skin tones etc are metallic?
  4. I tried to drag and drop into the DAM menu yet.. it says its not an override or dazip :/
  5. As the topic says, I just cant do it... Ive tried 1.http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1930 2.http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1917 Both have required mods, but.. I have no idea where to put them? in the "My documents" Override folder? or the "Program Files" one? Ive tried both, yet nothing happens.. Please help :/
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